The Masters of Wisdom Speak



The natural, spiritual cycle required for an individual to gain the necessary experience to attain self-conscious mastery in this physical appearance world is 14,000 years. During this 14,000 year cycle, the individual spends two thousand years living in the radiation of each of the Seven Rays… in physical embodiment as well as between such embodiments when he abides at Inner Levels of Consciousness. At the head of each of the Seven Rays is a Great Ascended Being whose responsibility and service it is to direct the qualified powers of his particular Ray to the evolutions evolving in the Earth, upon its surface and in its atmosphere. The last 2,000 years of this spiritual cycle is under the direction of the Seventh Ray and its Chohan. At the present time, we are again entering the 2,000 year cycle of the Seventh Ray and its Chohan, the Ascended Master Saint Germain is endeavoring to provide the spiritual impetus to the Christ self in man. As the lifestreams belonging to this Earth have not completed their spiritual journey in 14,000 years and have had to repeat again and again the same lessons in the schoolroom of life as each 14,000 year cycle was completed, it is most important that all take advantage of the 2,000 year cycle in which we, as well as unascended mankind, are now entering. 


Each individual who chose to take embodiment is required to develop and externalize from within himself the seven attributes of Divinity, as exemplified by the Virtues of the Chohans of the Seven Rays. Thus, for the first 2,000 years of embodiment, the individual develops the will to perform God's services upon the Earth where the substance and energy is less malleable than at Inner Levels. It requires considerable constancy and determination to pass through this period of training of mind-force and feeling without allowing the resistance of so-called "matter" to discourage the aspirant to spiritual mastery. Many have not even yet learned the lesson of the First Ray (Will to do; decision); whereas all mankind should be ready for the final inculcation of the doctrine of the Seventh Ray. For this reason, the Cosmic Law allows the Chohans of the Seven Rays to serve together, bringing up the recalcitrant souls of men to a workable understanding of the entire plan of conscious creation and thus preparing them for the Teacher of the present 2,000 year cycle - our Brother, Saint Germain. 


The cycle of 14,000 years referred to above by our Lord Maha Chohan, might be likened to a great wheel, the spokes of that wheel in the colors of the Seven Rays (blue, yellow, pink, white, green, ruby and violet). Seen with the inner eye, that wheel turns slowly (it takes 2,000 years for each successive "spoke" to focus its radiation upon the Earth and its attendant evolutions). When the wheel has made one complete revolution, the Earth and its evolutions are under and encompassed by the radiation of the Seventh (Violet) Ray. 

Because of certain gathered momentums of discord which have been drawn about the Earth and her people, created by their destructive use of free-will, the spiritual progress of the entire race has been greatly retarded and mankind has not advanced as he should with the turning of the Cosmic Wheel to which we referred. Many, many times, the Seventh Ray and its attendant Chohan have endeavored in vain to complete the Divine Plan for the Earth and her evolutions. Now, we are again in the perfect place, spiritually speaking, wherein, by the use of his God-given gift of freewill, mankind can cooperate with the present Chohan of the Seventh Ray and complete the Divine Plan for themselves individually and for the Planet as a whole. It is our desire to see this two thousand year cycle manifest the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth and to this service we all pledge our love and assistance to the great Chohan, the Ascended Master Saint Germain, Lord of the Seventh Ray! 


As the wise navigator utilizes the ebb and flow of the tides of the sea to more easily bring his ship to harbor or set it forth upon a new voyage, so does the wise soul utilize the Cosmic currents available to him in order to accelerate his spiritual progress. As the Seventh Ray releases the Cosmic Currents which complete each fourteen thousand year cycle of activity in the physical appearance world, wise is he who avails himself of the opportunity of utilizing these currents provided at this moment to complete his life course. From time to time, a few have completed their course as the Seventh Ray played upon the Earth in previous cycles. A few have completed their course during the ensuing cycle but the masses still remain awaiting liberation of their God faculties at this time. Allow the purifying, liberating, transmuting currents of the Violet Fire now provided so freely for your use by the Ascended Master Saint Germain and the Seventh Ray to help you to so complete your course in the schoolroom of life during this period when, once again, through the patience and mercy of the Cosmic Law, the Cosmic Wheel allows the gifts and assistance of the Seventh Ray to pour its beneficent radiation upon the Earth and into the souls of men! 


The conscious Ascension into Light of all the energies of every lifestream which has taken embodiment here is the goal of all mankind. This Ascension is the full control and mastery of all energies drawn forth by any individual as well as those released by and through that individual in all Spheres of activity. This Ascension can be most easily and efficaciously accomplished during the 2,000 year cycle when the merciful, purifying activities of the radiations of the Seventh Ray are playing upon the Earth. This is because of the greater availability at such times of the conscious use of the Violet Transmuting Flame of Divine Compassion, Mercy and Forgiveness, which helps the aspiring soul to "make all things right". As there have been too few Ascensions from limitation and human consciousness in previous eras, we cannot urge mankind too strongly to avail themselves NOW of the impetus of ascending energies which are provided by the Seventh Ray and its mighty Chohan, Saint Germain. As the Brotherhood at Luxor are primarily concerned with assisting in these Ascensions, we are lovingly and devotedly cooperating with Saint Germain in his endeavors to make mankind aware of the opportunity of this Cosmic Hour, as well as of the applications by which they may prepare for the conscious Ascension of themselves, all their fellowmen and the Earth itself. 


In early ages, before discordant human creation entered the atmosphere of Earth, many races here did complete their course of spiritual education in the 14,000 year cycle provided for them. After the creation of human shadows imposed upon the electrons began to slow down the vibratory action of the Earth and its evolutions, lifestreams then had to repeat the same "courses" again and again. Even to us, the patience of the Cosmic Law is a marvel, as it continues to provide the same loving spiritual impetus over and over, turning the Cosmic Wheel again and again; always hoping for the attainment of the Divine Mastery of each individual and the Divine redemption of the Earth itself. We are told, however, that this revolution, releasing the merciful benefits of the Seventh Ray, is the last one to be permitted our Earth! This is why it is so very important for mankind to quickly awaken at this time to the requirements, as well as the opportunities provided so freely for them as the Beloved Saint Germain and his Messengers (Divine and human) direct the currents of the Violet Flame and Ray through the substance of the planet itself, as well as through all who live upon it and its atmosphere. 


For the edification of the sincere students, I would like to point out that the Chohan (Lord) of each of the Seven Rays is not always the same Being. In each 14,000 year cycle, different Beings qualify to hold this Office. Also the full, gathered momentum of the past cycle is added to the amount of qualified energy which the succeeding Chohan has available for use. Thus, although the recalcitrance of the race is deplorable, the sustained and repeated outpouring of each Ray has made a much stronger power available for use in the next cycle. The Beloved Ascended Master Saint Germain has available for use all the momentums of every Being who has acted as Chohan of the Seventh Ray in previous cycles. This is a mighty storehouse of energy, knowledge, power and efficacious God service. Through this momentum, together with an awakening of the outer minds of as yet unascended mankind to the orderly procession of the Earth and its evolutions through the seven cycles, the Kingdom of Heaven SHALL be manifest on Earth to the glory of God and to the eternal perfection of man! 


I would like to publicly express my gratitude to all my Predecessors who have left the heritage of their Light at my disposal for use in this Cosmic Hour. I am also very grateful to those of the mankind of Earth who have accepted the knowledge of the Violet Fire and have used it (even though timidly). To my Beloved Portia (The Goddess of OPPORTUNITY and Justice) I Am also very grateful; for her consciousness embodies the very attribute which makes the Seventh Ray so IMPORTANT to all who desire to fulfill their Earth missions, redeem their miscreations and serve impersonally to set the entire planet and its evolutions free from distress and limitation of every kind. We have the OPPORTUNITY to establish the Kingdom of God on Earth! I am depending upon you, each gentle reader, to help me so to do!






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