An Address by

Beloved Ascended Master Jesus

May, 1956 

Dearly beloved of Earth, I bring you the benediction of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. 

Today we come into the activity of the forming of that magnificent "Star of David". The upper part of that Star (the upper triangle pointed downward) exists long before the lower triangle pointing upward, the lower triangle aspiring toward connection and merging with the upper one. In other words, there must be a focus of some God-intelligence already established and releasing from above, God inspiration and the electronic pull of light and love to be able to stir within the hearts of men an impetus toward the desire for God-perfection once again. 

For instance, on this Holy Day (Ascension Day) centuries ago, my Ascension from the Hill of Bethany formed first the pattern of light, which is the upper triangle of that Star. Throughout the centuries which have since passed, the aspirations and devotions; the meditations and contemplations of countless millions of people upon what they choose to call "the Mysteries", have formed a triangle pointing upward, in an endeavor to contact and even reach that Ascended Jesus Christ mastery and make it their own! 

In this New Activity, which has been established and brought forth by the Ascended Master El Morya to assist the Ascended Master Saint Germain, we have now the merging of the two triangles through grace. The merging of those triangles takes place when that which is the Ascended Masters' gift (the radiation of their consciousness) which is their feeling of victorious accomplishment, is lowered into and through the emotional, mental, etheric and physical consciousness of one or more sincere lifestreams gathered together, who can accept not only our Presence but the possibility and actuality of the communion between Perfected Beings of Light from our Realm and unascended beings in this Octave. Today this "gift" to you is the radiation of my consciousness of Ascended Jesus Christ victory, but it could just as well be any other Ascended Masters' gift to you. 

You have the forming of the perfect "double triangle" ("Star of David") when the Ascended Masters' radiation is directed down into the consciousness of earnest, unascended lifestreams. The lower triangle pointing upward is formed by the consciousness of the up-reaching lifestreams whose physical bodies form an actual Grail through which that grace and benediction is allowed to flow into and through the brain consciousness; then you have the perfect "double triangle" which is the full connection between the Cosmic Ascended Master and Angelic Realms and the Realm of humankind, in which you abide at present. 

All over the world this morning, from the dawn of this Ascension Day, as the Beloved Helios and Vesta (God and Goddess of our physical Sun) began to pour their glorious light rays from the Sun to our Earth, there have been public services and individual communions with the Ascended Jesus Christ consciousness which I represent. The energies in the uprising devotions have been incorporated by the Builders of Form (in cooperation with the Angel Devas of Ceremony) into the "double triangle of the "Star of David" of which I speak. The radiation of my victorious accomplishment will steadily intensify all through this day and, finally be world engulfing in its uplifting service to mankind. So, consciously accept the gifts which I bring to you today from the upper portion of this "double triangle" which also represents the outpouring of the gifts from the Great Central Source of all life. 

Beloved ones, this great radiation which it is my privilege to bring into the world of form today, brings to mind my own experiences with that beautiful, Immortal Three-fold Flame of Eternal Truth within my heart which abides also within your hearts! At that time, we called that Three-fold Flame "The Christ". In as simple terms as possible, let me now endeavor to explain to you the Holy Trinity and the activity of the Christ for you. (Today, we shall not go up beyond Helios and Vesta of our physical Sun, but we could go up and up indefinitely). 

Explaining "The Holy Trinity"

First, you have Beloved Helios and Vesta, representing the Father-Mother God to this System of worlds. Then you have the creation by them of the individualized "I AM" Presence of each lifestream and their projection of the Immortal Three-fold Flame of Eternal Truth into its heart. In turn, the beautiful Electronic Presence ("I Am") externalizes through itself the Divine Nature, the Spirit of the Father, Mother God, representing the activity of the Holy Spirit in Celestial Realms.

On your Chart, around the upper figure, you see there depicted the circles of color which form the Causal Body (the accumulation of all the good of the lifestream). This might be likened unto the Holy Spirit of Helios and Vesta, the Father-Mother God (if the figure within the center of the Causal Body were to be considered as representing Helios and Vesta). 

Of course, this is in Celestial Realms! First you have the God-parents of the System and then you have the millions of electronic "I AM" Presences which, in turn, have around them their Causal Bodies which they have created by the release of their God Nature, following the Divine Plan of the God-parents. Now, we come to a consideration of the lower activity, insofar as it affects you, unascended. 

For our instruction now, let us consider thus: your own "I AM" Presence (the upper figure in the Chart) becomes for you the Father-Mother God; the Christ abiding within your physical heart is the Son which, when allowed to consciously direct and completely control the four lower bodies (emotional, mental, etheric and physical) creates around your physical form the same glory as your own Causal Body and a Holy Spirit in the atmosphere around you, as well. 

So, as we have explained to you, there is the Holy Trinity of God-expression so far as the Celestial Realms are concerned. Then, too, in a perfectly developed individual still unascended, the "I AM" Presence of that one represents the Father to him; the Christ Presence within his heart represents the Son (which Son is made in the image and likeness of that Presence) ; then there is also the Holy Spirit present the created aura of harmoniously qualified energy, filled with FAITH in the perfection of the Will of God; of ILLUMINATION as to the fulfillment of the Divine Plan; the LOVE of the God-parents expressing to all creation; the PURITY of the God-nature holding to the perfection of the fulfillment of the Divine Plan; the ability to CONCENTRATE upon and follow through the producing of the Divine Ideas and Designs; the RHYTHM OF INVOCATION needed to produce a symmetrical pattern and the feeling of God-PEACE which protects, sustains and expands the perfection drawn forth. 

In all religions and occult studies, you will find that that which cannot be explained clearly to the people is carefully placed in the category of "mysteries" by its priesthood. There it remains and the sincere aspirant is left without a full cognizance of the simplicity of the Truth. Therefore, the Holy Trinity has been referred to as "a mystery" for many ages. 

Let Your Christ Control - As Jesus Did!

I came into embodiment in this world of form to represent the Nature of the God-parents at the heart of this Universe. All through the ages, I spent much time studying the Presence, activities and nature of Helios and Vesta. I considered very carefully what they had done with the Immortal Three-fold Flame of Truth within their beating hearts. Now, unascended lifestreams, looking upon the physical Sun, might feel that it is "The Ultimate", but, as a matter of fact, your physical Sun is a very small Sun in comparison to the galaxies which swing around the Great Central Sun. 

Helios and Vesta drew primal life from the Source of their beings. Then, they consecrated themselves (according to their capacities) to use that Flame of life to magnetize from that Infinite Source of their own life, as much as they could assimilate and radiate; according to their abilities to utilize that radiation as a benediction and a blessing to the Universe which they had drawn forth. They had learned the use of the two activities of the Flame within the heart magnetization (cohesion) and radiation (centripetal and centrifugal force). They knew that by radiation they could keep the planets of their System in a certain order; each planet a certain designated distance from its sister planet and so create a harmony and unity of pattern and purpose in their Universe. They knew, too, that by magnetization (cohesion) they could hold the planets in the perfect place in their orbits keeping them from flying off into interstellar space. 

Helios and Vesta used the same two activities of Light and Life which we are endeavoring to use now to develop among the earnest and sincere chelas, the power of magnetizing good, the God-qualities of perfection, then radiating them forth. 

While I was studying the nature and activities of the Beloved Helios and Vesta and saw the precision of their use of the powers of magnetization and radiation; as I looked upon the glories of their Causal Bodies from the consciousness of my own Electronic Presence, I was able to absorb much of their nature of Deity which nature I brought with me through the "veil" of birth and embodied It through a physical form here on this Earth. I began at my mother's knee to learn how to externalize what we called, in that day, the Christ Presence. As I grew a little older, I voluntarily submitted to and victoriously passed through the initiations of the Temple of Luxor in Egypt (the Ascension Temple). When we finally returned to Jerusalem, I began that activity of conscious magnetization and radiation of the nature of the Father in daily life, which was a practical blessing to our fellowman. Of this radiating activity we never spoke. We kept it in our hearts and others only knew of it by the manifesting about us of a certain peace; of healing, faith, illumination and of the various God-virtues and qualities which mankind required; of which they desired possession and came to receive. However, the consciousness of unascended mankind has accepted my personality as the Author and Giver of the gift, rather than the Christus, the Immortal Threefold Flame of Eternal Truth which had expanded from within me, releasing its God-gifts to all. THIS SAME FLAME IS WITHIN THE HEART OF EVERY ONE! That is why I said: "the things which I have done shall ye do also...."

As this erroneous consciousness increased in the worlds of those I contacted at that time and those I had come to teach, it became quite clear to me and to my own Beloved Guru (Lord Maitreya) as well as to others who were watching the progress of my ministry from the Ascended Master Realms, that even the most sincere devotees of my teaching were losing the perception that it was the Christ Flame and not my personality which was doing the so-called "miracles". For this reason, I was called upon to close my ministry at the time I did for, through the devotion to my physical Presence, those I was teaching were not expanding the powers and activities of the Christ within their own hearts. 

In the recession of my physical form (through the victory of the Ascension) the disciples who gathered in the "upper chamber" and those sincere men and women who chose to join together with my mother and form the Holy Colony at Bethany, began to externalize from within themselves the powers and controlled activities of this magnificent Christ Presence. They began to know beyond the shadow of a doubt that, at their call, it could and would act through them to bring peace, instantaneous healing, the capacity to teach, or whatever God-blessing was required to bring Divine Order everywhere it was needed. 

You Can Do What Jesus Did!

Now, beloved, it is this same expansion of your own Christ Flame which we are so desirous of bringing forth at this time. Develop a feeling of absolute confidence in the Presence and power of that Christ within you; let that Flame expand in, through and around you until it becomes the absolute Master and God-control in and of your life. 

Daily practice the realization that the Presence of God is within you, the Christus, "The Jewel in the Heart of the Lotus" (whatever name you may choose to give it). Even in its smallest and unexpanded state that Flame is more powerful than all manifest form! As you keep placing your attention upon it in Divine Love, giving it full authority to direct and control the energy of your world, you will begin to let go of the efforts of the human ego to accomplish and, instead, allow the dignity of the Christ to take command. Then without struggle it will bring and sustain peace, instantaneous healing and all the blessings of Divine Love wherever you go. 

Thank you and Good morning!










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