The Masters of Wisdom Speak



The beautiful little planet Earth was designed by the God-parents of our Solar System, Helios and Vesta, who are the God and Goddess of our physical Sun. It was created for the express purpose of allowing opportunity to be given to a certain number of lifestreams who voluntarily sought the experience which would be afforded them through physical embodiment here. This Planet was beautifully built through the kind and generous co-operation of the Seven Elohim of Creation who, from time to time, consulted its Divine Idea and Pattern which were held within the bosom of the Silent Watcher of this Earth. Then they molded the Planet from pure electronic light substance into the Pattern which had been designed by Helios and Vesta themselves. 

This electronic light (always instantly obedient to the Will of God and the vibratory action of "The Word" "I AM") joyously entered into the Plan of Creation. The Directors of the Forces of the Elements and their subjects (Sylphs, Gnomes, Undines and Salamanders) joined the Great Builders (the Elohim) and a beautiful Planet was thus created, shining with concentrated light-essence; held in its orbit by the Great Guardians of its axis, the Cosmic Beings Magnus and Polaris and adorned with all the beauty of the Kingdom of Heaven by the beautiful Amaryllis (Goddess of Spring). Then the newly-created Earth was placed before Helios and Vesta for their benediction, blessing and use. 

Approximately three and one-half billion "Spirit sparks" created from the hearts of Helios and Vesta were destined to have opportunity for expression on this new and shining Planet. These "Spirit sparks" who took their first embodiment upon, this Earth were called the "Holy Innocents". 


As expressed through the use of the Earth as a schoolroom for the "Spirit sparks" whose own individualized "I AM" Presences chose voluntarily to embody on our Earth's surface, the Will of God was, is and always shall be, to allow such lifestreams opportunity for expression on a beautiful Planet, where no discord abides! In approximately fourteen thousand years (allowing each such individual opportunity to embody at least once in every two thousand year cycle during which time each of the Seven Rays would express itself in turn) , man should have and could have attained full mastery over the physical appearance world, ascending in grace to the Father-Mother God from whence he came. This would allow such a lifestream to live under the direct radiation of each of the Seven Rays at least once as the Cosmic Wheel turns in its fourteen-thousand year cycle. 

As you know, mankind have lived upon the Planet Earth far longer than was necessary to his complete illumination and perfecting in the Light and thus has delayed not only his own evolution but that of the rest of his fellowmen and has also polluted the beautiful Planet provided for his education, experimentation with the Laws of Energy and Vibration and development of experience in being co-creator with his God in sustaining and expanding the beauty of the Earth. 

This is not the Will of God. The mercy of God is in allowing such men, women and children, as well as all the evolutions in the Earth, on Its surface and in Its atmosphere, OPPORTUNITY NOW; not only to complete their individual expressions HERE, but to leave the Earth at least as beautiful as they found it in the beginning. I suggest that it should be left more beautiful than even its original loveliness, because of the patience, kindness, courtesy and hospitality of the Planet to these evolutions through the ages. If one uses a home, through the courtesy of a friend or loved one, it is not enough to protect and sustain the beauty and comfort afforded such a beneficiary, but it is necessary, aye, essential (at least for spiritually minded individuals) to add to the beauty of that home as a gracious token of gratitude for its use! So do the Ascended Masters always add to the beauty and perfection of any place by their presence. Shall, then, the mankind of Earth who seek to be like us, do less? I think not! 

Then, let us join together man, imprisoned Angels, Elementals and all living things, in this glorious process of RE-CREATION of the beauty provided for the Earth and, expanding that beauty, give to the Earth Its proper place in the Solar System, as a shining, self-luminous Planet "Freedom's Star"! I am ready! Are you? 


Why has the Earth descended in vibratory action so that it is called by all who know "The Dark Star"? Why has it been necessary to place a protective band of light around the Earth so that its dissonance cannot pollute the other Planets of this System? It is because mankind, of his own freewill, chose to experiment with his creative centers of thought, feeling, spoken word and action to create dissonance, in harmony and shadows which, for the most part, makes him feel a separation (which really does not and could not exist!) between him and his own "I AM" Presence, the Ascended Masters, the Angelic Host and the Elemental Kingdom. 

Perhaps you know that I am now and for many centuries past, have been very much interested in music. As Pythagoras, I came into a further understanding that each Planet of our Solar System had a musical tone predominant in its Cosmic Melody, which tone could be duplicated on the limited scales of the musical instruments of that time. I was appalled to find that, although the theme of every other Planet in our System contributed to our Music of the Spheres, the key note of the planet Earth (whose true , tone is F below Middle C) was so much "off-key". This was caused by the radiation from the Earth of the dissonance released from the discordant effluvia of her people. Therefore, the Earth itself was unable to contribute Its natural harmonies to the Music of the Spheres. 

Therefore the Earth itself was unable to contribute its natural harmonies to the Music of the Spheres and the Cosmic Melody of our entire Solar System had mercifully obliterated this dissonance so that the Cosmic Song might not be disrupted by Earth's inharmony. However, the entire Cosmic composition was not complete because of the lack of the contribution of the spiritual song from the Earth, originally designed and maintained in such love and beauty. 

Thus, through carefully trained chelas, I endeavored to raise the vibratory action of the Earth, allowing these chelas to "step up" their own personal harmony in an endeavor to re-create the Cosmic Song of Earth. Unfortunately, my endeavors at that time were not completed by me because of certain base and selfish destructive influences in certain life-streams who did not know or understand my motive. For a time, these destroyed my endeavors, scattering my pupils and chelas and making it practically impossible for me to continue in this training at that time; which training, if it had been allowed to continue, would have done so much to re-create the Music of the Earth as she turns on her axis. 

Now, again, I am afforded the opportunity to experiment with individuals and collective groups of interested lifestreams in re-creating the Cosmic Song of the Earth. Can you not see how very much interested I am in this endeavor? Will you not, please, offer to assist me now and help in this endeavor to return the Earth to its original harmonious estate; allowing the Music of the Spheres (HARMONY) through you? This will enable me to do my part in establishing "Freedom's Star". 

Many of you were with me during the experiments above mentioned when I worked at Crotona and many of you have been with me, as conscious chelas, since that time! You have some knowledge, even though it is very deeply imbedded within the folds of your etheric garments (memory world) , of the beautiful song which Earth originally sent forth when first she was created by the Father-Mother God. To you I appeal for assistance at this time! 


The Music to which my Illustrious Brethren refer is not only that which can be played with perfection and finesse upon the instruments of your present time, but it is also the Music of the Heart. The Brothers and Sisters of the Third Ray are intent upon developing the natural harmonies of every individual who has used the Earth as a schoolroom at any time. This is done through the cultivation and development of the Immortal Victorious Three-fold Flame within the hearts of all people, until the soul-shroud of humanly-created energies is transmuted and the harmony of self-expression (God-expression) creates the feelings of peace and harmony through the individual, the Nation, Continent and Planet to which he belongs, at least for the time being. Like a "chain-reaction", each such redeemed individual whose aura is a radiating center of love, light, peace and harmony, will contribute to the raising of the vibratory action of all. 

True and beautiful music does not stem from the perfection or dexterity in the outward performance of an individual. It comes from the very heart of man. The dissonance that fills the Earth and its atmosphere, likewise stems from the shadowed and discolored auras, the uncontrolled thoughts, feelings, spoken words and actions of Earth's people (as well as from the auras of those lifestreams which came to assist Earth's people). Therefore, when we can find even one individual whose Holy Christ Flame is desirous of re-establishing that harmony, we are grateful indeed. Are you such a one? If so, I am at your service, as are all the Brotherhood of the Chateau de Liberte! 


The Planet Earth, like all individuals who have used it as a field of experimentation, has a Divine Plan. We who work on the Fourth Ray devote ourselves to helping those individuals who desire to know and express their Divine Plan in the process of personal redemption. However, if the motive of such a one is only personal redemption for the sake of his own freedom from distress and limitation, he will not proceed as quickly as the individual who is desirous of helping to re-create the Divine Plan for the entire Planet. 

Holding the Immaculate Concept for the Earth and its people is one of the services of the Archangel Gabriel. Sustaining the enthusiasm of such people in their endeavors is the service of his Divine Complement - "Hope" (feminine counterpart of his lifestream). The training of individuals in the control of energy and vibration is the service of the Brotherhood at Luxor. Purification of the very atmosphere of Earth, as well as its inhabitants, is the service of the Elohim of Purity and his beautiful Complement, the Mighty Astraea. (The Elohim of Purity and Mighty Astraea, as you know, are two of the Sponsors for the year of 1957.) 

All of us are serving toward the stimulation of the desire in the souls of men to re-establish the Kingdom of Heaven (Harmony) on Earth. To do this, man must be very honest with himself. In introspection and retrospection, he can learn much as to his present contribution to the harmony of the Earth and its inhabitants. When he desires further assistance, we willingly oblige by "forcing to the surface" of his conscious mind, the impurities gathered there through the ages, so that he may view them as impersonally as possible and then, acting upon the directions of his Guru, endeavor to transmute those discordant creations and put his own house (world) in order. 

However, many individuals refuse to accept the responsibility for or the accuracy of the externalization of their own auras, preferring (like the ostrich with his head in the sand) to blame persons, places, conditions and things, rather than themselves, for their own as well as world turmoil and chaos. Such a one usually leaves Luxor in a "huff" and is quickly swallowed up in the complacency of the mass mind. The few who are willing to face the "Dweller on the Threshold" (the human creation of the outer self) and use the purifying activities of the Violet Flame (and other activities of the Sacred Fire) to re-create peace and harmony through the energies of their own thought, feeling, spoken word and action, are given every assistance in this task by our Brotherhood. To them we come, upon invitation and thus, one by one, such individuals ascend out of their distressing creations and leave the Music of their own redemption and freedom as their heritage to the race. World conditions, yes even planetary conditions, depend upon the individual's acceptance of his own contribution to the general discord and his willingness to "make things right". Are there such among you? If so, welcome to Luxor! 


The law controlling the vibratory action of energy is a SCIENCE... not an ephemeral fantasy! The speed with which energy moves and the quality with which such energy is charged by self-conscious intelligences, is determined by the free-will use of all self-conscious beings. Elemental life (energy) is obedient to the commands (conscious or unconscious) of every intelligence which can think, feel, or use the "Word of Creation "I Am". "And God said: 'Let there be light' (energy) and there was light…" (Genesis 1:3) and "God said... and let them have dominion over all the Earth and all upon it..." (Genesis 1:26). In the mercy of God, he directed this energy (light, life) to obey the self-conscious intelligences who were his children. Thus has energy (light, life) always been the servant of man, quickly molding itself into the patterns and forms created in the mind, energized by the feelings and expressed in spoken word and action. 

Because of this obedience upon the part of the malleable nature of life, man has created "hell on Earth", as well as in the invisible spheres beyond the veil called "death", often referred to as the Psychic or Astral Plane. It is also within man's compass and ability to raise the vibratory action of primal life to its natural harmony of expression through this very dominion over energy. This raising of the vibratory action of every cell and atom of the Earth and Its attendant evolutions through self-control of their creative centers, will result in the redemption of the Earth and the establishment of our august Brother Saint Germain's Permanent Golden Age upon this Planet. 

Start where you are! Know that life is absolutely obedient to your thoughts, feelings, spoken words and actions. Give thanks to the Father-Mother God who made you and who has sustained you, for this opportunity of being an active part of such redemption of the Earth; so lovingly prepared in the beginning and so beautifully given to the "Spirit sparks" who, under the supervision of their Manu, chose to embody upon Earth's surface. Even one harmonious, controlled lifestream can do so much to assist in this redemption. Remember, not will but love will help you to raise the vibrations of your own inner and physical vehicles, as well the worlds of those with whom you are associated. This raising of the vibrations of the "few" will act as the "leaven in the loaf" and, through contagion, enter into the outer consciousness of the many. 

Spiritual endeavors are so often relegated to the visionaries and the impractical men of the times. This is wholly wrong! The practical man, knowing that the redemption of the Earth will be accomplished by a scientific working knowledge of the action and re-action of energy directed by self-conscious intelligences, will be the true Redeemer of the Planet and its attendant evolutions! The Cosmic Law has issued the fiat "The Earth shall give forth more Light". Where shall that light come from? The auras of mankind! Think on it! 


In the short prayer which has been repeated by my devoted followers through the Ages, I spoke the words: "THY KINGDOM COME! THY WILL BE DONE ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN!" This is the Divine Plan that the Kingdom of God be established again right here on Earth, in the physical appearance world. The "Kingdom of Heaven which is within you" of which I spoke is the Holy Christ Flame within your hearts, by which you can, as I did, and as others did before me, help to externalize that Kingdom here and now! 

It is not sufficient to live a "harmless life", allowing your Planet and its evolutions to suffer discord, limitation, decay and ignominious death. It is essential for you to use your powers while yet in a physical body (as I did); not only to establish the manifest example of the Christ man through yourself, but to help all men to achieve a like accomplishment. I said also: "Hitherto the Father worketh, now the Father and I work". While there is a soul in bondage, an Angel imprisoned, an Elemental confined to a distorted form, that work is not completely done. While the Earth Browns as she turns on her bended axis, and cries of misery and pain rise to the Throne of the Eternal for help, that Kingdom of Heaven is not established on this Earth and my disciples would do well to consider this; rather than desiring only a personal "redemption" which, while commendable and wholly desirable from the personal standpoint, is NOT THE FULFILLMENT OF THE FATHER'S WILL FOR ALL HIS CREATIONS! A redemption of the Sweet Earth, a purification of its atmosphere; a freedom for all the lifestreams belonging to Its evolutions is the establishment of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth which will not pass away. This can come about only through the cooperation of unascended lifestreams with the Divine Beings who SEE the Divine Plan for the Earth and who serve unceasingly to re-establish the beauty and perfection for the Earth as well as its present and future inhabitants. 

My beloved Brothers have explained the many ways you can assist in establishing this Kingdom NOW! Grace, humility, selflessness and, most of all, pure Divine Love, all of these can be cultivated by the people of Earth. These Virtues are redemptive in nature. If you are not seemingly is possession of these Virtues, I can assure you that the Holy Christ Flame within your heart holds them all, awaiting your invitation to allow them to externalize through you for the benefaction of all life. 

I can further assure you that those of us who are in possession of these Virtues can and will give you the full gathered momentum of our feelings, until you can develop them yourselves. Whenever you hear or recite "The Lord's Prayer", remember my statement: "THY KINGDOM COME! THY WILL BE DONE ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN!" This is a Fiat issued by my humble self centuries ago. Now it is issued by the Cosmic Law to all recalcitrant members of the race who have used the Earth as a "playground", rather than a "schoolroom", as the Father intended it to be used. Oh! Sweet Earth! We who have seen you as you were before the contamination of your substance and atmosphere, have not forgotten you. We have forsworn Nirvana to re-create Your perfection in the Solar System! To do this, we must have the cooperation of the people presently using your gifts so lavishly and so unconcernedly, accepting your blessings! To this end, we work! Pray God that mankind soon awaken to their own responsibility and work with us! Amen! 


Making of the planet Earth "Freedom's Star" is the privilege accorded me by Helios and Vesta. Angels, men and Elementals shall again walk hand in hand, serving in the redemption of the Earth. To those who are interested in helping me, I Am so very grateful! I have offered the conscious use of the Violet Fire of Mercy and Compassion to such lifestreams, to help them in their voluntary and self-appointed task! I URGE EACH AND EVERY ONE OF THEM TO USE IT! The veil of maya grows thinner by the hour. PERSEVERE for the sake of the Earth itself; for my sake; for the sake of your fellow-travelers upon life's path; as well as for the sake of those who are yet to embody and enjoy the fruits of your labors. You shall not be sorry for the energies thus expended and you shall not say with remorse "it might have been"! You have offered to help me! I have accepted your offer! One day this Earth shall be a shining Planet, the "Ring-pass-not" of Flame around the Earth which has mercifully confined the dissonance of this Planet with certain bounds, shall be no more for it shall not be needed. The Music of the Spheres shall be enriched by the Song of "Freedom's Star". Then the Sons and Daughters of Freedom will enjoy the Kingdom of Heaven upon this Earth! I decree it!





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