An Address by


 (Note: Since the first part of this address appeared in the January 1957, issue, may we suggest that our gentle reader review the preceding pages, therein before beginning the following. This will permit a better and more complete understanding of the entire address. Thank you.)

Naturally, the Source of every Ray, Flame and virtue is the Heart of God! In the case of this Universe, the Beloved Elohim Arcturus and his Twin-Flame Diana drew that Violet Ray and Flame from the Sun of this System in the very beginning of the creation of this Earth, making it available for use on our Earth to Beings at Inner Levels Who were serving the Planet and her evolutions. Then, through the process of "stepping down" its, vibratory action and power, that Violet Ray and Flame were made available for us to use in any Sphere where they would be consciously called forth by any and all who sincerely desire their beneficent assistance. 

However, here is the point we would like to make: the Ray strikes downward to the point where the call has gone up, where the magnetic pull of energy consciously invokes it; then, beginning the return to its Source, that Ray becomes a Flame which rises upward because, as has been said so often, IT IS THE NATURE OF THE FLAME ALWAYS TO ASCEND! Inasmuch as LIGHT IS LIFE - God's Own life - the substance of the Ray and Flame which have come forth as the result of someone's conscious invocation - that light is the very life-essence animating any Project or Activity. That is why so many good "Movements"' of a spiritual as well as of a secular nature cease to have life when the magnetizing lifestream in physical form takes his or her departure to Inner Levels in so-called "death". As a rule, the followers of the doctrine which that one had magnetized do not fully understand this power of invocation and its use and so they accept and use the harvest which was the result of the magnetization of the Ray by the Founder of the "Movement" and the establishment and sustenance of the Flame by that one. Usually, such followers do not understand that that Flame must be rhythmically called forth and nourished by daily application. Otherwise, the Flame will ascend right back to the Father from whom it came and the sustaining power of the Activity, therefore, ceases to be in this octave. 

When you want the Violet Fire of Freedom's Love, Mercy and Compassion to act in the physical appearance world, you invoke it in the Name and Authority of your own God-self - your own individualized "I AM" Presence. The Violet Ray and Flame have become more and more powerful as they have been called forth all through the ages in every Sphere, by every Divine Being; as well as by the nourishment of those great Beings who have served and drawn forth this Ray and Flame right here on Earth (including the great Sanat Kumara himself) . At your call that Ray and Flame will answer you instantly because the Immortal Three-fold Flame of Eternal Truth which lives right within your own beating heart is the Divine Magnet which the Violet Flame lovingly desires to obey! Then that Ray immediately becomes a living Flame and begins the process of ascending. This again represents the dual activity of centripetal and centrifugal force. 

Now, to sustain the Violet Flame in this physical appearance world, there must be self-conscious lifestreams to act as magnets for this Flame, with willing minds and hearts and an understanding of the efficacy of this application. These lifestreams should continue joyously to draw that Flame and rhythmically bathe the physical, etheric, mental and emotional vehicles of themselves and the entire race in that Violet Fire. Thus they sustain its action here in Earth's atmosphere. 

Great Opportunity Now for Use of Violet Fire 

In these days when the activities of the Seventh Ray are so much in evidence and the reign of our Beloved Saint Germain as Chohan of the Seventh Ray has already begun, you have great opportunity to call forth this Violet Fire into this physical world around persons, places, conditions and things where it is most surely needed! To have the most efficacious use of this purifying activity of the Violet Fire, I am going to try to bring to you today a realization of the importance of RHYTHM in your use of it. It is better to use the Flame for shorter periods at a time and not to stay at it too long. It is much better to call it forth more often, for shorter periods at a time, in a RHYTHMIC activity as we have suggested to you time after time. Set aside some uninterrupted time each day, if only five full minutes at a time (say three times a day - morning, noon and night) to invoke that Violet Flame calling for it to blaze up, in, through and around you; at that time giving conscious recognition to the Great Beings who serve it and who have sustained it all through the ages by the gift of their own life. FEEL ITS ACTIVITY in, through and around you, then expanding out into the world about you which requires it so much. If you will do this, not tiring of the exercise or considering it a chore, but with a consciousness of joyous gratitude for the use of this merciful transmuting power which is yours as a glad free gift of love from your Heavenly Father (your own Individualized "I AM" Presence), there is no reason why this Violet Flame cannot be externalized in this physical appearance world, visible and tangible to the physical sight of all that sees. 

On Atlantis, long ago, we did externalize a gigantic focus of this Violet Fire and its radiating Flame was seen by the physical sight of all for a distance of a thousand miles in all directions! Of course, this was done before the radiation and followers of the "Black Order" descended upon the disciples of the True Way and destroyed the Priesthood through the imposition upon the consciousnesses of the people of skepticism, fear and various negative qualities. While this Flame was visible there, Beloved Amethyst (my own Divine Complement) and myself, or some Priest and Priestess of the Violet Fire from the Divine Realms, stood with arms raised and invoked that Violet Ray until it appeared right here on the physical surface of Earth as a gigantic pillar of Flame. 

In order to keep that purifying activity of the Violet Flame in Earth's atmosphere, it had to be consciously called forth once every hour during each twenty-four hour period. If this had not been done, there would not have remained enough Priests and Priestesses true to the "White Order" to have made it possible to transport to safe locations on the Planet the other concentrated Flames of various God-virtues from the Island of Poseidonis, which was the final remnant of the Continent of Atlantis to sink beneath the waves in a cataclysmic action. 

Avoid Tension in Application 

Beloved ones, the use of the Violet Ray and Flame IS SO PRACTICAL! We see that there is often quite a tension manifesting in your outer consciousness when you have endeavored sincerely to magnetize a Divine Quality and Virtue to act in your world and your endeavors have extended over quite a period of time. Sometimes these Qualities do not manifest for you as quickly as you would like and you find your outer nature is not outpicturing this which you so desire and for which you have been calling for so long. I implore you PLEASE do not allow those feelings of fear, doubt and discouragement to remain in your world and to register within your etheric bodies (memory worlds) because, in essence, they are really DOUBT OF THE TRUTH AND EFFICACY OF SPIRITUAL LAW! 

The moment you become tense in your application or the moment you sense within yourself a feeling of strain in applying the Law, that moment your feeling world has questioned the ABSOLUTE SCIENCE OF THE MAGNETIZATION AND RADIATION OF THIS FLAME. If this occurs, just let your application alone for a while; turn your attention to something else. Later, when you have quieted your feelings again, call upon your Ascended Master Friend of Light (whichever one or more of us you desire) and ask that one to give you HIS FEELING OF THE EXACT SCIENCE AND ABSOLUTELY UNFAILING LAW which is within the magnetizing and radiating of this Virtue of Freedom! Believe me YOU WILL RECEIVE THAT FOR WHICH YOU ASK! Be still for a moment, however, AND WAIT FOR THE MASTER'S FEELINGS to flood your own emotional bodies (feeling worlds). You see, it is the TRYING TOO HARD the striving through over-conscientiousness (in essence) which delays so much of your manifestation. 

Now, some of you have chosen to magnetize Virtues which, through an honest introspection in the private chamber of your own heart, you have found were lacking in outer manifestation in your world. That is very commendable, indeed. The average person usually chooses to do the thing he likes the most and turns away from that at which he is not proficient. For instance, it is easy for the musician to play because it is a natural talent in his lifestream and he loves to do it. The aeronautical pilot likes to fly and individuals who, for ages of time, have built momentums in the Causal Body of the God-virtues of peace or healing, love to rest comfortably within the magnetizing and radiating of those Virtues which, to all outer appearances, are really a natural release of that lifestream. However, in order to become a well-rounded individual, completely master of all the substance and energy of one's whole lifestream, it is much more commendable for one to choose to magnetize and radiate a Virtue which is not already a manifest part of his personality. To those who will so endeavor to "round-out" their lives shall be given added assistance from our Realm. 

Consciously Put Your Faith in God's Unfailing Law 

Dear hearts, Beloved Saint Germain and I have talked together so often on just how in the most efficacious way, we could present to you THE ABSOLUTE UNFAILING LAW of the USE OF THIS VIOLET RAY AND FLAME, so that you can and will use it with faith, confidence and certainty, as do the Ascended Hosts of Light, right here in this physical world. Every time we come to you, we bring a concentrate of that Violet Fire with us and, during the time we are with you, you are buoyed up to a certain extent by the feelings of OUR CONFIDENCE IN ITS REALITY AND USE; some of the substance of that Ray and Flame remaining permanently in your worlds. However, when you return again to the experiences of your daily living and the limiting shadows of human creation seem still to appear in your own experience, it seems difficult for most of you to stand alone with your God, judging not according to appearances, giving all power to the transmuting activities of the Violet Fire of Freedom's love to remove those shadows, letting that Violet Flame replace them by Perfection's light. THE VIOLET FIRE ALWAYS LEAVES A RESIDUE OF ITS OWN SUBSTANCE OF DIVINE LOVE wherever it passes through. 

THINK! JUST WHERE ARE YOU PLACING YOUR FAITH? Where are you allowing your faith to abide? Where are you placing the power (which is really YOUR OWN LIFE) in the appearances which plague you; in the appearances which displease or in Almighty God and his Virtues and Rays? These are as available to you at your conscious call as the air you breathe, the water you drink and use for bathing purposes and the Earth which you use as a platform beneath your feet. Did not Beloved Jesus say: "For everyone that asketh - receiveth..."? 

The Violet Ray and Flame are tremendous momentums of God-power! Perhaps you will remember that the Beloved Sanat Kumara was the very first Chohan of the Violet Ray to this Earth and our Beloved Kwan Yin (Goddess of Mercy) was one of its Chohans also. Beloved Saint Germain, long before his Ascension in 1684, knowing of the conditions upon this Planet and realizing the tremendous necessity for the purification of the energies of the Planet and her evolutions, volunteered to have that Violet Ray really grafted into his own heart. Thus he came into embodiment, century after century, as the most powerful concentrated radiating center of that Violet Ray and Flame until the very places where he lived and everywhere he moved, the scent of violets was clearly discernible and Rays of Violet Fire energy drove into the actual substance of Earth. I can tell you that, when mankind have ceased to feed their various differences, individual, national and international; when the surface of Europe is cleansed of the distressing wars and "blood baths" which have been perpetrated there, (this impurity not only upon the surface of the Earth but within its substance also), man will find that every place where "The Wonderman" of Europe walked, there are deposits of the amethyst jewel. One day these will be found by those embodied here and utilized as talisman of the Virtues of Freedom and will be carried from wherever they are found to places all over the world. 

Even in this country, every place where our Beloved Saint Germain has walked, there are deposits of the magnificent amethyst - Divine deposits created by his invocation of the Violet Fire into those localities; his love for the Violet Ray and his constant and absolute devotion to it. Wherever the jewels of the Violet Ray have come forth in commercial pursuits, some member of the Order of Zadkiel had a Temple in that place at one time or another and had utilized the vibratory action of the Seventh Ray there. So, the people who wear the Amethyst jewel upon their person are really using the condensed energy of prayer force, invocation, power and magnetization of the Priests and Priestesses of the Order of Zadkiel. Every individual who has personally benefited from the commercial sale of this life essence (the amethyst) , owes to the Order of Zadkiel a certain balance in service to life for the profit which they have created from the use of the energies of the Brothers and Sisters of the Violet Ray, condensed in the form of this jewel. 

In the days and years ahead, when the greed and selfishness of mankind have been removed completely, cause, effect, record and memory; when each lifestream is anchored within his own heart-flame and he is able to magnetize and radiate the substance required to precipitate the food, clothing, housing and general sustenance of the body; when there is no longer any fear of lack, these magnificent jewels which are now held within Virgo's own body will be released again into the use of mankind. Then they will be used mostly to adorn the Temples or as foci (talisman) to magnetize more of the Virtues of the Seventh Ray from the Godhead. The great gold deposits now safely kept secret will also be released for the use of all not so much for personal adornment but to use in many, many ways to bring forth the beauty and perfection here which will make our Planet like unto the Kingdom of Heaven that perfection God created here in the beginning and which he desired to have sustained forever. 

Violet Fire Also Active at Inner Levels 

At Inner Levels of consciousness below the Perfected Realms, just what does the Violet Fire do and what is the service of its Ministering Angels? As you have been told, there are limitless Legions of Angels of Mercy and Compassion (Qualities of Violet Fire) who give as much service as they can in the Astral Realm. This is the Realm which constitutes most of the Earth's atmosphere in the past and up to this time, for that Realm extends out from the Earth about ten thousand feet. In this Realm abide the destructively qualified thought and feeling forms, created and released by mankind during embodiment here and, until a year or so ago, souls who had passed from physical embodiment but, because of certain magnetic attractions to the discords of Earth through habits of thought, feeling, spoken word and deed of a like nature, were often bound in this Realm for long periods of time. This condition, as you know, has now been remedied and no soul is allowed to remain in Earth's atmosphere after leaving the body. They are taken directly through to Inner Levels where they are assisted in gaining their freedom more quickly. This is one of the tremendous mercies of the Great Cosmic Law which has been recently made possible during the last few years in particular by the calls from unascended mankind for the use of the Violet Transmuting Flame and other activities of the Sacred Fire. 

Today there are no discarnate souls allowed to remain in the atmosphere of Earth. Now, as a soul leaves its garment of flesh in what the world terms "death", that one is met by certain Angels who render that service. These souls are then taken (I am speaking of the masses of mankind now who know nothing of the use of the Violet Fire as you do) to the River of that Violet Flame (spoken of in mythology as "The River Styx"). This "river" has been provided at Inner Levels for the purification of those life-streams from as much discordantly qualified energy as possible, before either going to the "Sleepers' Realm" (if they need that rest) or before appearing before the Karmic Board to receive their assignments of study and service at Inner Levels between embodiments. You see, this Astral Realm, which at present extends around the Earth up to about the ten thousand foot altitude, is that Realm in which the outer bodies, minds and feeling worlds of Earth's evolutions abide. Therefore, you can easily see that these Angels would be very, very busy every moment of the twenty-four hours as you count time. 

This river of Violet Fire of which we spoke above has been drawn forth by those who serve the Seventh Ray according to the same principles which we described to you earlier in this address, the drawing first of the Ray through invocation to the Godhead, in the Name and Authority of the creative word "I AM"; then as that Ray reaches the destination into which it was called forth, it immediately turns upward in the living Flame activity, as it returns to its Source, completing the circle of its existence. As this invocation is rhythmically continued day after day, year after year and century after century (in the case of the Angels who have drawn this River of Violet Fire), this Ray and Flame become very, very powerful and expand in size until they become a veritable "river" of this merciful, purifying, freeing essence, into which the evolutions of Earth may be taken between embodiments for as much purification as possible. This "river" has been sustained by the constant, never-ending, rhythmic calls of these Angels at definite periods during the twenty-four hours. 

The beauty of this Violet Fire River is indescribable; therefore its appearance does not frighten these souls who have passed through the change called "death" when they are invited to step into it and bathe in its substance. This Violet Fire then dissolves much of the causes and cores of the physical distresses of the individual's past Earth-life, especially those which caused their recent demise. 

Legions of Violet Fire Angels surround the Halls of Karma as the soul who has just been released from an Earth life is called to appear before the Karmic Board. These Angels provide an atmosphere of purifying Violet Fire there so that every soul who, as he appears before the Karmic Board, must pass through their radiation as they enter these Halls. Then, when the souls are given their individual assignments for instruction and assistance between embodiments, some of these Violet Fire Angels go with them to their places of abode at Inner Levels. While in these Inner Spheres, the Violet Fire Angels often use a very delicate shade of violet so that, as easily as possible, they are able to minister to these individuals without arousing the rebellions and resentments of their inner bodies by too quick or powerful an activity, even of the Mercy Flame! 

Again, before entering the 'Gates of Birth, when the soul who desires to re-embody stands before the great Karmic Board to ask permission to do so, these lovely Angels of Violet Fire stand around the Karmic Halls, circle after circle, tier upon tier, as far as the eye can see! The love and beauty of these Violet Fire Angels is simply beyond description! Here again they provide an atmosphere of mercy and purification to assist the soul who needs their help. 

Especially since the advent of the Seventh Ray to this Planet, whenever and wherever possible, the Angels of Mercy and Compassion go with an incoming soul, going into places, sometimes, which are not too pure. They endeavor to prepare the home and its atmosphere (as well as the parents, as much as they can) for the coming of the infant. At times, such an Angel is permitted to remain with that infant for a while, at least until the time comes when its little mind is disabused (shall we say) of the reality of Angels. When this "shell" of rejection in thought and feeling is thus set up around the child, this beautiful Angel must leave that one and return to the Inner Spheres again! 

Angels of Mercy and Compassion are always serving as much as possible in hospitals, mental institutions and foci of mankind's need and discord. Today, some of these are actually living in the auras of the conscious chelas (those of you who are daily consciously calling forth the Violet Fire, at least six of these glorious Beings stand around every conscious chela who daily calls forth the Violet Fire for purification. These have been with you for quite a few years now!) Such Angels await your daily conscious recognition and calls for their greater assistance to your use of this merciful Flame of Freedom. 

Practical Use of Violet Fire Is So Very Simple! 

Beloved ones, the use and activity of the Violet Transmuting Flame here in this physical appearance world, is so simple! There is nothing occult (meaning "hidden") about it and it certainly does not require the mind of an Einstein to comprehend it. One is merely required to make the sincere and conscious call in the name of his own individualized Presence of God "I AM", to these specialized Beings who have been trained in the invoking and projecting of this Violet Ray and Flame. Such Beings to whom you have called instantly direct that Ray and Flame into this physical appearance world. Then, having called it forth, ONE MUST EXPECT it’s raising of discord into harmony as the Violet Flame arises in, through and around that which is to be purified. You have all witnessed transmutation as you light a match and by its flame burn a piece of paper. It is just as simple as that! However, because the physical senses, especially the eyes and ears, do not yet see or hear the physical. Flame of Violet Fire, it seems not quite so practical to you AS WE KNOW IT TO BE AND AS IT TRULY IS! 

Today we are entering into a New Age. The Priests and Priestesses of the Order of Zadkiel are now not only given opportunity so to do, but they are COMMANDED AND EXPECTED to bring into outer manifestation, visible and tangible to the physical sight, acceptance and use of all, this Violet Flame IN ACTION - RIGHT HERE IN THIS PHYSICAL APPEARANCE WORLD. That is a fiat which came not from me but from the Godhead itself, your Creator, whose humble and grateful Servant "I AM"! 

Those of you who know of, love and use the Violet Transmuting Flame have a special opportunity now to draw forth from your Causal Bodies all that stored-up knowledge of your use of this transcendent Flame in the past. You see, many of our present gentle readers consciously worked with us on Atlantis in the use of this Violet Flame there, at the time when the contagion of the laggards' shadows entered into the consciousness of the masses of the people. Therefore, those of you who did so work with us have special opportunity to more quickly and powerfully call forth its action now. Then, enjoying its use impersonally, use it upon the just and unjust alike, for no Ray, Flame or Virtue of the Godhead has cognizance of personality, name, stature, race, creed or nationality, according to the outer valuations. That Flame merely acts as does the sunshine IMPERSONALLY and it will act INSTANTLY whenever and wherever it is called forth. May I here remind you that where the shadows are greatest, the Violet Fire IS REQUIRED THE MOST not so much where someone is peaceful and harmonious for the time being, although that is a good place to practice. However, LET US BE SO PRACTICAL ALL WAYS! 

Among the student body drawn together up to this time by Beloved Saint Germain and El Morya, quite naturally there may arise many personal differences of opinions, thoughts and feelings which come from momentums of disagreement in past association some of these differences concerning methods and types of applications, etc. Now, HERE IS OPPORTUNITY TO MAGNETIZE THE VIOLET FLAME calling it into action to remove the shadows FIRST, FROM YOURSELF and then from those with whom you feel a sense of difference. WHAT GOOD IS ALL THE BEAUTY, FORGIVING, PURIFYING AND PERFECTING BLESSING OF THIS VIOLET FLAME, IF IT IS NOT USED? 

Violet Flame Gains Power through Rhythmic Use 

The Law is that "Energy becomes power through use". Saint Germain told all of you that long ago. So, the Violet Fire becomes more and more efficacious in your own personal world as you call it daily and rhythmically into action. It becomes more and more efficacious not only for yourselves, but as a tremendous transmuting power for all life - FOR ALL LIFE IS ONE and when one part of life is benefitted, all the rest of life is also benefitted to a certain degree. Of course, when you call forth this Flame, either for yourself or for some other part of life, YOU MUST LET IT ACT IN ALL ITS FORGIVING, PERFECTING SERVICE making no personal reservations in your mind as to just HOW it should act! 

Needless to say, there should not be allowed to remain within anyone that feeling which enjoys seeing some other part of life uncomfortable just because they have made mistakes. After all, does not the Bible say: "All have sinned and come short of the glory of God..."? 

You see, there is a certain unfortunate "kink" in human nature which sometimes, when there is the power within an individual to free another from distress by calling forth this Violet Fire which would transmute that distress and set that person free the on looking lifestream enjoys seeing the other suffer and refuses to set into action that impersonal Law. WHERE THE DARKNESS IS GREATEST THE LIGHT IS NEEDED MOST! On a planetary scale today, that Violet Fire is certainly needed in Russia, Siberia, Africa (called the "Dark Continent" for so long) and, in fact that Mercy Flame is very much needed in, through and around every cell and atom of this dear Planet itself; as well as being needed in, through and around your own dear personal selves. THERE SHOULD NOT BE EVEN A BREATH OF DIFFERENCE AMONG ANY OF THOSE IN WHOM THAT BELOVED SAINT GERMAIN HAS INVESTED SOME TWENTY YEARS OR MORE OF HIS OWN LIFE especially when you all know that the Violet Fire is there waiting to be called into action by you to settle those "differences" harmoniously and eternally - IF YOU ARE WILLING TO LET THEM GO! 

If you find it difficult to hold your peace and balanced harmonious feeling in the aura of someone whom you may have allowed to disturb your feelings (this condition ofttimes coming about because of past discordant association), you do not have to remain in that one's presence when you call that Violet Flame forth. In fact, I suggest that you do not call it forth audibly in such a one's presence. But, THE CALL CAN AND SHOULD BE MADE SILENTLY while in their presence, for the instantaneous manifestation of the Violet Fire to transmute that appearance of discord into loving feelings of peace and harmony. 

Beloved ones, if you really love Saint Germain with all your heart instead of just your lips WHERE THERE IS SHADOW OF DISEASE AND APPEARANCES OF INHARMONY RUNNING RAMPANT, if you will go by yourself (as Jesus suggested) and magnetize that Violet Flame by calling for it to blaze up, in, through and around the person, place, condition or thing in distress - THAT FLAME WILL ANSWER YOU AND GIVE THAT LIFE FREEDOM! 

You see, we watch closely the motive within the consciousness. Do you know that you are not consciously aware of about sixty per cent of your own motives, nor of your real feelings? However, honest, daily introspection of your own consciousness is so essential and a certain amount of purification is absolutely necessary before you could be safely entrusted with these greater powers and activities of Light!

Once that Sacred Fire comes forth visibly and tangibly to the physical sight of all in the world, just who is going to care for it? Can you then go off hither and yon and just leave it? If you do, do you know what will happen? As we said before without daily rhythmic invocation, that Flame will just etherialize (return to its Source). For one hundred years, the Priests and Priestesses of Lemuria invoked the powers of the Sacred Fire to save their Continent from sinking through cataclysmic activity. For millions of years did the patience of Sanat Kumara daily invoke the loving assistance of Almighty God to keep this Planet extant in this Universe. 

Protection - Obligation of the Gift 

If you want the Gift, you must also accept the obligation of protecting it; the responsibility to sustain it; the balance to remain humble when individuals are grateful for its presence and help; the poise necessary to handle the energies of those who will want the fruit of the Violet Flame's blessings, but will not be willing to make the necessary endeavors and release the energies which would make them a part of the magnetization of that Flame. The Priests and Priestesses of any Order, of any of the Cosmic Virtues, are always few in number. On Atlantis, we had but a small Order of these yet a whole Planet benefitted from their service. People came from the four corners of the Earth to bathe in this purifying essence of Violet Fire. They not only brought themselves but also their families and problems all to be purified in and by that Flame. Then, when they had received their blessings, they returned to their homes sometimes without so much as a backward glance or any expression of gratitude! You have the example of this in Jesus' experience of the return of the one leper of the ten who had been healed. So, be prepared for this state of affairs when you begin to handle the masses of the people. 

You may personally work many lifetimes through and during that time have magnetized a Virtue. Then you sustain that by your life and your love and that Virtue becomes visible and tangible as a blessing for all to use. People will enjoy its benediction, even as during this four-day period all mankind embodied on Earth are enjoying the pressures of our love and peace (which are the natural radiation of our energies) as we speak to you although they may not be consciously aware of just where those peaceful feelings come from. However, these same people would not be interested in coming together, week after week, month after month and year after year as you have done doing the work of magnetizing over and over again, those Flames and Rays which have made this Class possible. Do you see? If you will thoroughly understand this point and get it fully anchored in your consciousness that that is the way the outer world of mankind acts, you will not be so disappointed in the future when you contact it. THERE WILL ALWAYS BE THE FEW WHO ARE THE DIVINE SERVANTS OF THE LORD and there will be the MANY who are the recipients of his Grace. That is just the way it is! However, as the Holy Christ Self is given greater freedom through the outer selves of the people; as their destructive use of free-will is removed and the atmosphere of Earth permanently cleared of so much of the discord of the past, the people will become more and more amenable and receptive to this instruction of Truth. 

So, those of you who have chosen to serve us on Earth at this time form a mighty Chalice for the magnetizing of the Violet Flame here. When your inner vehicles are balanced enough; when you have been constant enough; when you have completely transmuted your own human nature through the use of this Violet Flame, it shall come forth visible and tangible upon your altars! Then, twentyfour hours out of every twenty-four, some unascended lifestream will have to guard it! Thank you, beloved ones, and good evening!





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