Control of the Fire Element

Beloved Zarathustra

March 8, 1964

'I AM' Zarathustra, High Priest of the Fire Element. 'I AM' in all life, for 'I AM' the Sacred Fire in action everywhere! 

In this world of form when one refers to fire, invariably the element of fear enters the consciousness of those concerned. One notices the rapid spread of uncontrolled fire, and the chaos which ensues. Since you are beings of Fire that is why it is so important that you learn control of your actions. Control of the Fire Element (which is sacred energy) in your worlds is under the direction of the Holy Christ Self, and it is expedient that you lay your lower vehicles on the altar of the Christ Self daily, in order that the Christ can be given the prerogative of being the Directing Intelligence of your lifestream and take control of your actions. 

When referring to the physical fire, chemicals and water are used to extinguish the uncontrolled or rampant fire element. I call your attention to the fact that an uncontrolled emotional body can retard the perfect action of the Sacred Fire Element, for, we know that the Fire Element, in the Godfree Estate, is God in action and flows freely to bless all life, transmuting all less than Christ Perfection. You have used the affirmation - 'I AM' THE FIRE BREATH OF THE ALMIGHTY, - that Fire Breath is the Essence of Divinity. 

The Sacred Breath of the Holy Spirit which gives you life is released from that Beloved Being in a rhythmic and dedicated manner. After that Holy Breath flows to and through you, to what use do you put it? Is it sent forth into the Universe carrying a Blessing with which all life will be enriched? A steady, rhythmic flow of the Fire Breath from the chelas can, and must, become a benediction to all life. We in the Godfree Estate are accountable for every particle of energy which emanates from our Beings, and when the chelas in whom we invest our Love receive of the Essence of our Beings, It is to be dispensed for the benefaction of life. Do you understand that not only you, but WE are responsible for your use of the Sacred Essence of Divinity! 

Contemplating this truth, you will see that you should bless every breath, and the Beloved Maha Chohan himself, for his loving kindness to you. It is easily understood that each chela, and all life for that matter, is aligned with the Beloved Holy Spirit as His Breath flows steadily through your beings to animate your vehicles and assist you to fulfill the purpose for which you were given physical embodiment. Oh, children of the Father, the Supreme Source of all Life, remember to daily give the most sincere gratitude which you can engender to that most beloved and revered Maha Chohan! 

Now returning specifically to the Fire Element. The statement that one must be 'fired! into action illustrates the buoyancy and the drive which is contained in this element, its feeling having been lowered into a physical expression which indicates enthusiasm. 

Ah the Fire Element is enthusiastic to serve you and all life. How grateful one is for the Sun, the warmth and glow of which is necessary for a continuance of life. The Fire Rays of the Sun bring healing to the bodies of man, warmth to the earth element, and in cooperation with the elements of air and water, vegetation is brought to fruition. 

It is a fundamental principle that the four elements are essential to all life on this Planet, and in comparison, it is important for the controlled use of the elements which comprise the lower vehicles. Do we not know that too much rain is damaging to crops, as are any of the other elements. So is this true with the vehicles of the chela. All should be brought into alignment with the Fire Element of the Holy Christ Self in preparation for that time when all the substance is transmuted and raised into the White Fire Being, which Estate all must eventually attain. 

Balance is requisite in all life, and there is no more important time than the NOW to advance a rung higher on the ladder of evolution and learn to use the Fire Element as the constructive means for which God intended this Gift. 

In the scientific field, we know that the missiles are ejected from their launching pad by a mighty burst of the fire element. There must be precision control of the use of this element for the successful ejection of the missile and carrying out of a specific plan. The chela must advance in his use of the Sacred Fire, as are the learned scientists in their specific field. 

Here we come to the all-important activity of balance. A scale cannot be balanced when there are two different measures of weight used at the same time. The chelas have been instructed for many years regarding the Law of Balance. The time has now come when this Law must be employed, for the predestined use of raising this Planet and her evolutions. 

Right now, not tomorrow or next week, is the time for you to learn to serve in cooperation with the Holy Christ Self. In the beginning of your daily routine, dedicate your vehicles - emotional, mental, etheric and physical, in great humility to the Holy Christ Self, and then the direction of your energies will flow freely in the constructive manner which God intended. God will be the Dispenser of your life energy, and the little self will be more easily absorbed into the Holy Christ Self, and the battle of the human will cease to be. Ah, my beloved ones let go and LET GOD! I assure you the seeming obstacles of imperfection in your path will be more quickly removed than the human is capable of grasping. 

Call to me, children of Light, and I shall be grateful for the opportunity of giving you more assistance. 'I AM' part of you, and you of me for 'I AM' the FIRE ELEMENT, everywhere present. 

Silence all your vehicles and kneel to the Christ within, and know that I, ZARATHUSTRA, have come to blend your energies, in perfect balance, so you will more quickly experience the meaning of 'I AM' THAT 'I AM'.






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