The Temple of Comfort

Location and Description

Off the southern tip of India, surrounded by the beautiful blue waters of the Indian Ocean, lies the Island of Ceylon. Here is located one of the ancient Retreats of the Eastern World, under the direction of the Beloved Maha Chohan, Holy Comforter to the hearts of Angels, men and elementals presently evolving side by side - in, through and around the planet Earth. 

Beneath the green, mound-shaped promontory of a large tea plantation is the Temple of the Holy Spirit wherein are trained and educated chelas who have applied to life for the opportunity of becoming a Comforting Presence to all in distress. The mystic application lies not in written words, nor spoken affirmations of interest, or the superficial reflections of desire for power, knowledge or personal mastery, but in the secret soul's earnestness. 

The acceptance of the lifestream by the Beloved Maha Chohan, as a chela who is desirous of losing self in serving life, is a mark of great spiritual merit. Many advanced souls have applied for entrance into this Spiritual Order of Holy Comforters, but yet await opportunity to join its Members. 

Comfort to the unawakened means freedom from distress. Comfort to the conscious chela means knowledge which, when applied, controls energy within and without the self, bringing harmony where inharmony exists, beauty where distortion exists, healing from disease and peace where warring energies are manifest. Comfort is the capacity to control first the small personal aura, no matter what the internal or external provocations, and second, to control the energies that are the shadows on the screen of maya, locally, nationally or on a planetary scale - when required to do so. 

Beloved accepted chelas of the Maha Chohan, avail yourselves of the increased Radiation of Comfort which flows so freely during this specific period, May 15th through June 14th - and BE that Comforting Presence to ALL LIFE!









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