Immaculata Beloved

Immaculata Beloved -

Great Silent Watcher of Earth

Guarding her Plan of Perfection;

Giving her now Freedom's birth.

Hail! Thou Victorious Presence -

Knowing naught else from the start;

Ever refusing the shadows -

Blazing the Light from thy Heart! 

Glory and Honor to thee belong;

Let all Earth praise thee in joyful song.

Draw men's attention to thee above -

Purity's Concept - teach them to love! 

Heavenly friend - forever all free -

Patient and wise - Pure Divinity;

As we adore thee - all that thou art,

Raise Earth forever - blest Freedom's Star! 

Immaculata Beloved -

Purity's Sponsor Divine;

Seal all our Earth's evolutions

In thy White Fire - God's Design!

Let mankind see thy great splendor -

Beautiful - fair as a dream;

Knowing that Beauty is GOD'S WILL

To manifest for each lifestream! 

Immaculata Beloved,

We call upon thee today

Blessings from all the Immortals -

Now free - who've walked the Earth's way.

And for thy Service of ages -

Holding God's Concept for men -

We offer our lifestream's victories

To bring our dear Earth home again! 




Your Divine Pattern of Living

Beloved Immaculata

January 5, 1969

Greetings, children of the Earth, as Planetary Silent Watcher, I come with the Flame of Love Divine to thank you for all that you are endeavoring to do in bringing forth the Divine Plan for this Earth. 

Ah, sweet Earth, how I love her! It is my privilege to watch over her and to cradle her always in my Consciousness of Perfection. Can you envision the tenacity of Obedience to the Will of God which is necessary to unwaveringly see this Planet in all the Beauty and Perfection which the mighty Helios and Vesta presented to the Seven Elohim for externalization. At the time of the appearance of this Sphere in the Galaxy, I was required to take a Vow in which I said that I would hold the Divine Blueprint in my Consciousness until it should express in the physical appearance world. 

I should like to go a little further into this subject and to state that that Plan does not state that a pine tree must grow here and a fir tree there, and so on. It does, however, show that there must be the externalization of the Seven Rays to bring about the balance required for the expression of all seven. From time to time, the chelas are apprised of certain Foci of Light at various points on the physical plane of the Earth or in the Etheric Realm. Those in the Etheric Realm are Radiating Centers of Light which were once on the Earth to bring about this balance. Dedicated lifestreams will again draw them to the surface of the Earth. In the meantime, it is necessary that Cosmic and Ascended Beings sustain the Virtue or Virtues represented by the original Focus. Every time the chelas turn their attention toward one of these Foci, or to the Hierarch of the Retreat, they have the opportunity of lovingly anchoring some of that Virtue into the Earth plane. The radiation thus drawn does not have to remain at the point where the chela is residing. When the chela has advanced to the point of anchoring the Rays of Light into the atmosphere of Earth, he or she should know that there is neither time nor space and when one, through Grace, magnetizes a Virtue or virtues, that they may be used anywhere according to the Wisdom of that individual's "I AM" Presence. 

Now, I would counsel you to pay strict attention to what I have to say pertaining to the physical Focus which is the Home of the Spiritual Hierarchy - SHAMBALLA! When the Earth was first designed, there was no physical Focus of Shamballa in the location presently known as the Gobi Desert. You will remember that the Beloved Sanat Kumara volunteered to leave his home Star, Venus, and come to the. Earth in an endeavor to save her from dissolution, due to the fact that the evolutions of the Earth had so degraded her pristine Beauty, that there was not sufficient Light being emitted to assure her continued presence in the System. You will further remember that Shamballa was built by Volunteers who came from Venus to provide a suitable dwelling-place for the Beloved Sanat Kumara. Because of his Love and his dedication to the purpose of saving this Earth, Sanat Kumara was given the Sacred Appointment as Head of the Spiritual Hierarchy for the Earth - that of Lord of the World. 

From time to time, the 'doubting Thomas’s' among the chelas have questioned the moving of the Focus of the Lord of the World from the Etheric Realm over the Gobi Desert where it had to be sustained because of the desecration of the physical Focus by the disobedient mankind of this planet through their negative free will use of God's Holy Energy. Those of you who have questioned the transferring of Shamballa to the Etheric Realm over Long Island would be wise to remember that Shamballa was established AFTER the Blueprint had been given to me as the Silent Watcher. The physical Focus of the Spiritual Hierarchy has been established on Long Island at the point designated by the Great Ones. Over this location has been pulsating the glorious Temple of the Cosmic Holy Spirit since the time when it and its great Perfection which physically manifested upon the Earth was also taken into the Etheric Realm for the same reason that the original Shamballa was taken into that Realm. 

When Beloved Gautama became Lord of the World, Cosmic Currents were set into motion to relocate the Central Headquarters of the Spiritual Hierarchy to Long Island. The Temple of the Cosmic Holy Spirit thus became the new Headquarters, but does not, in any way, resemble the architectural design of the former Shamballa. However, the name of Shamballa was retained as a tribute to Beloved Sanat Kumara for his great service to the Earth and her evolutions, and who still continues to serve as Regent with our Beloved Lord Gautama. 

Some time ago, the Beloved Holy Æolus, then the Maha Chohan, advised the chelas that Long Island is Sacred Ground, and that in ages past, only those who had raised their vibratory action to a high degree could set foot upon its surface. 

In other words, their vehicles must have been purified enough and vibrating at a rate where they could stand the accelerated vibratory action. Also Beloved Holy Æolus and others of the Spiritual Hierarchy have apprised you that, at that time, there was a Temple of the Holy Spirit on Long Island at the point where the physical Shamballa is now located. While that magnificent Focus is now pulsating in the Etheric Realm and is the Headquarters for the Spiritual Hierarchy for the Earth, that Temple shall again manifest upon the surface of the Earth when the Permanent Golden Age comes to fulfillment - during which time Long Island is ordained to be the Radiating Center of the highest vibratory action for the Planet Earth. In the meantime, it is the wish of the Spiritual Hierarchy to have a fitting place of assembly on the Earth-plane at this point, and so a lesser Temple shall manifest. 

When Shamballa was moved to Long Island, the Focus over the Gobi Desert- was etherealized and returned to the Universal. I sincerely trust that this question has now been settled once and for all within the consciousness of some of the chelas! 

If you will kindly give me your further attention, I would like to speak to you about the Service of the Silent Watchers of the various Countries and localities. Into the Consciousness of each Country has been released the Perfection of the Service which that Country should out-picture. The National Silent Watcher, in turn, releases to the local Silent Watchers their portion of the Divine Plan. Each individualized "I AM" Presence, through the pulsating Flame of the Christ within the physical garment, knows and holds the Immaculate Concept which the individual must externalize in order to fulfill his or her part of the over-all Plan of Creation. Your own Holy Christ Self, or individual Silent Watcher, is the Directing Intelligence, or should be, of your Service in the Cosmic Outpicturing of God's Holy Will for this Planet. May I humbly state that every time you deviate from a state of Grace, or harmony, that your Holy Christ Self, and all the Silent Watchers, even unto myself, have to expend additional energy to maintain the Spiritual Pattern, for there is a certain vibratory rate which must pulsate at all times in order that the Divine Plan for this Planet shall manifest. 

My dear children listen to the counsel of a loving Guardian Spirit as I request you to hold the Immaculate Concept for yourself - a relatively simple activity - and for others which requires more effort on your part. The Divine Plan MUST externalize ere long, and toward that end, the Beloved Celeste Maria, the Holy Mother Mary, volunteered for the Service as the Spirit of the Year Nineteen Hundred and Sixty-nine. It is the conviction of the Spiritual Hierarchy that tremendous strides can be made toward that end through Invocation of the Beloved Mary as you tune in to her momentum of holding the Immaculate Concept. This Year, dedicated to the outpicturing of God's Holy Will through the Service of the Sponsors of the Year, Beloved El Morya, Beloved Lady Meta, and Beloved Kamakura, promises to be one of outstanding achievement. "I AM" counting upon YOUR Obedience to the Will of God to assist in this Accomplishment. Anticipating your co-operation, "I AM" 

The Planetary Silent Watcher - Immaculata





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