The Animal Kingdom

Beloved Hilarion

June 20, 1972

Greetings! As Chohan of the Fifth Ray which is dedicated specifically to the Flame of Truth, I would like to say a few words to you about the Animal Kingdom. 

Some time ago you used a Prayer for these four-footed friends of man, and I would appreciate it if you would again use it or some variation. We will repeat it at the conclusion of this Message. 

I am indeed grateful that many people who are in the public eye have taken up the Cause of protecting the blessed animals. They are our friends, and render a tremendous service to the Human Kingdom, for instance - the magnificent service of the 'Seeing Eye dogs; the love of a pet who truly assists you in expanding your love, how little he asks in return - food, shelter and a pat upon the head - a few words of appreciation for his love. The time has now arrived when the good with which these dear friends have enriched the lives of man shall be returned to them in full measure. 

Always bear in mind that an animal does not deserve the designation of 'dumb' that is far from the Truth. An animal can sense vibrations far ahead of the human, and is ever on the alert to protect his human master! Much has been said in the past upon this subject, but I here and now positively state that you must have respect, love and gratitude that God has loaned you a protecting companion, when I say 'you' I am referring to mankind at large. Some may entertain the thought that there are many vicious animals and I quickly reply - "is not the human consciousness in the same category?" So prayers are indeed necessary for all the Animal Kingdom especially for those who are so mis-treated and mis-understood; for those who are deserted when some individuals whom they have served, feel they have outlived their usefulness and they are left to fend for themselves. Never forget that we have taken the animal out of his natural habitat and made them conform to our society and our way of life. An animal will and is capable of communicating with you. There is so much that can be learned from these four-footed ones. Nature speaks through everything that the Father has created. It was Beloved Kuthumi who in his embodiment as Saint Francis of Assisi, referred to all the animals as his brothers and sisters. He also stated in an Address - "with all your getting - get Understanding". So if you will take the time to study and understand our little brothers and sisters, you will be amazed at the intelligence. 

Each species of animals - birds - reptiles, etc., are under the supervision of the Deva in charge of their group soul. The Deva is responsible in directing each species for the sake of survival. For example - there are reports, and they are true, about animals being left behind when their owners moved to a new location, and after a period of time the animal arrives also, sometimes traveling hundreds of miles. HOW? The Deva that is in charge directed them: How completely an animal depends upon his Gods. The great love the animal felt for the human, and the great loneliness and desire to be with them, even though they deserted him, reaches the ruling Deva - just as prayer from the human heart reaches our God Presence. 


Hear our prayer, O God, for our friends the animals, especially for animals who are suffering; for all that are overworked, underfed and cruelly treated; for all wistful creatures in captivity that beat against their bars; for all that are in pain or ready to make the change called 'death'; for all that must be put out of their misery by human beings, through so-called death. 

We entreat for them all thy mercy and pity. Make us, ourselves, to be true friends to all animals, - and so to share the blessing of the merciful, for the sake of the salvation of all. 

Now a very delicate subject, for there is diverse ideas among the chelas, the subject of partaking of meat for the nourishment of the physical body. 

Please listen carefully, beloved ones, I am not chastising anyone who feels it necessary to continue the practice born of the centuries of eating meat - everyone has free will and it is never wise to make oneself conspicuous by refusing to partake of that substance when a guest in another's home and the host is not aware of your way of life. Let me say that the human habit of believing meat is necessary for the sustenance of the human form is a fallacy! When a dedicated chela partakes of meat, he should blaze the Violet Flame through it before eating it - most assuredly not audibly, but silently, therefore transmuting it as it passes through his vehicles. 

In no manner, at any time, condemn another lifestream for what he eats. You are not his mentor and if he feels his body requires a certain substance that is no affair of yours. We require chelas who can serve in a harmonious manner through a controlled emotional body, and if he requires meat, or believes he does, you are not his judge. 

This subject has come up by word of mouth many times, and the chelas revolve and revolve it in their consciousness. I say PUT YOUR ATTENTION on the affairs of the Universe and assist us to bring more Light to this Planet! Remember, our Beloved Saint Germain has repeatedly said, "When you are endeavoring to bring others into the Light, do not stress the attitude of 'thou shalt not'! 

Permit me to add - if you feel you presently require meat for your body's sustenance, you have free will to do so, but we in the Higher Realms prefer that you do not! Remember that the abstinence from meat will not guarantee you safe convoy into your Freedom in the Light, nor will eating of it deny your entrance. What a man expresses through his lower vehicles - pure thoughts, balanced emotions and physical acts of Divine Love emanating from the Golden Man within add up on the constructive side of the Ledger of Life. 

I have chosen to make the above statements for there has been too much criticism among the chelas, and criticism is a noxious substance which causes poisons to flow through your being. Criticism does not have to be audible, the feeling world's acceptance of those thoughts is the dangerous activity. 

Realizing that I am a Master of Truth, and many are not comfortable standing in the Presence of Truth, - I ask you to digest the foregoing, for I have given it in Pure Divine Love.






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