Summer Conference Address

Beloved Hilarion

Shamballa - Long Island, NY, USA

July 13, 1972

Children of Light, Greetings! I come into your midst today bringing you the Radiation of the glorious Flame of Truth which it is my privilege to accelerate. Please be seated! 

The Fifth Ray, like the Fourth, is not one of the more popular avenues of Truth, for the average individual does not care to face the fact that he is less than the popular concept which he holds for himself - popular to him, that is! 

Those who desire to serve with me, and the other Beings on this Ray, must divest themselves of the frailties of the human and come to the Throne of the glorious Goddess of Truth, Pallas Athena. How many of you desire to do just that? Can you honestly say this very moment "I am willing to stand in the Presence of Truth". O, yes, perhaps for a moment in her august Presence, but are you willing to be shorn of habits of the centuries which have delayed the humility required to accept the statement, "steadfastly facing thee"? I wonder! 

If you have any preconceived idea that I am going to entertain you today with statements that will be entirely in accord with all your concepts and which would make you feel that you are a chela in the full sense of the word, that will not be the case, UNLESS you will say within your innermost Being "O Father-Mother God help me to be the Truth for which I have been given embodiment - help me to be a Wayshower to all men!" 

Looking into your auras, I see your great sincerity, so I shall wear a 'velvet glove', so to speak, during the remainder of this talk. 

As you are aware, I represent the Ray which embraces scientific precision, and I assure you this is no namby-pamby activity. The entire Universe is governed by the precision of Spiritual Law, and any deviation from its course causes all manner of chaos in the world of form. 

Taking a concrete example were not the electronic instruments which guide an airplane in perfect order so they could follow the Directives of the Control Center, disaster of all kinds could result. It is the same with an individual lifestream, when he, the personality, is not in perfect attunement with the Holy Christ Self within; there is much deviation from the original course. You can surely see why it is so necessary for the Members of the Spiritual Hierarchy to impress the consciousness with ways and means of guiding the chelas to the Control Center, the Individualized God Self. 

Beloved of the Light, we are depending upon you to man the Control Centers so that all the peoples of this Earth will raise their consciousness, and thus save the Earth from much further devastation! You are doing exceedingly well, but I am required by Cosmic Law to forcefully bring to your attention the necessity of serving with the Christ Self of all belonging to this Planet. You have been in a training period for years, and you should now be ready to don the cap and gown of graduation. You are all making splendid progress, so far as personal advancement is concerned, but you are not using your inherent capacity for development or accomplishment in raising the vibratory action for all Life. 

As a weather vane indicates which way the wind is blowing and is used for guidance, so do the youth groups throughout the Planet signify that change is imminent, and for this influx of Light into the souls of the youth - we are tremendously grateful. However, you must be prepared for the time, and some are ready and waiting now, to guide them to Higher Activities of the Law! This is YOUR responsibility, and opportunity is KNOCKING at your door! 

Let me point a few ways to accomplish this: 

We are propounding the necessity for Music in your daily living, in your group Activities! Our hearts are filled with gratitude, for your cooperation along this line is commendable. All over the Planet one notices the response of the younger generation to harmonious sound. Some renditions, I know, are not particularly pleasing to the ear and carry a negative vibration. Why is this? Except in extreme cases of real off-beat renditions a great deal of good is accomplished. And those who are really 'far out' should be a signal to you that these individuals, who appear to be enjoying this type, are expressing that which is within their feeling world and most certainly require assistance through the use of harmonious music directed into those who participate! 

One can accompany this activity by the use of calls for their illumination and purification. Some of you, I know, would prefer that I use the word 'mantra' instead of 'call' - in most respects they are one and the same, for a call is a worded invocation given silently or audibly to bring about a desired effect. The youth, in general, are very intrigued by a mantra, for it carries something of a mystical nature from the East. It is a case of 'farther fields are greenest'. 

A mantra is a form of words or syllables rhythmically arranged so that when sounded, certain vibrations are generated, producing a desired effect on higher planes. In the majority of cases the mantras are used for personal fulfillment or impressing upon the mind of the subject the result which it desires to achieve. Of course there is a rarer type of mantra in which the sounds themselves produce a definite effect. Through the years we have counseled the use of rhythmic decrees - those which flow easily and produce a harmonious radiation. So called 'pounding' Decrees have been used with tremendous success for they were, and still are in some instances, required to break down the steel wall of the iron-bound consciousness of the masses. 

A rhythmic Decree given to beautiful music is especially effective, with the words clothed in the radiation of the tones emitted they are accepted into the consciousness more readily, particularly the feeling world of the youth. (Of course, this refers to all age brackets, but since this is a Youth Group Class, I am using that specific designation). 

We are extremely grateful to see prominent Religious Leaders so effectively using Music for magnetizing the youth, and drawing them into the fold of the Master Jesus. Jesus is their Symbol of the Divine Master which signifies the Way of Truth to them. I assure you that he is constantly directing his Radiation into these activities. As previously stated, that is the reason he has asked that THE BRIDGE continue to use the name of Jesus, for it carries the Radiation of the Christ! All must aspire to be the Christ inaction and when this is accomplished, the Service of the Beloved Micah, Angel of Unity - our Beloved Jesus - will take place. Dear Jesus, how sacred and powerful thy name! Let us pause for a moment and permit him to fill our beings with his feeling of the Christ. Thank you! 

You have been requested to use music in your service to Life. The harmonious vibration of music is one of the most effective means of healing the ills or errors of the human. I am particularly gratified that there are Classes where decreeing to music is given. Yes, some may bristle, so to speak, because they are not familiar with this form of Service. If you have any negative feelings, a little reflection will show you that you like your own way better, and when I say 'your own' - is this not a warning signal to the human. We again state that Service along all the Seven Rays is necessary, so if this type of service is not to your liking, remember another lifestream may not be attuned to the type of Service you give all constructive forms of Service are required. Tolerance is the Order of the Day! If you love thy God, as you outwardly profess, then bless all who are serving Life in order to bring the expansion of God's Kingdom into manifestation on the Earth. 

Further on the Healing Activity: You all are aware, or should be, of the Service of the Members of the Retreat at Crete and how the Light Rays are projected into certain causes that have generated negative conditions, be they of mind, body or soul. You will notice I use the past tense 'generated' for when the Light Rays are properly employed, imperfection ceases to be. 

I humbly counsel you to travel in consciousness to the Healing Centre at Crete and ask to be shown the many activities for using the Light Rays - they are manifold. You can do this in the etheric garment at night or in contemplation while in the waking state. We are just touching the fringe of the Service of the Fifth Ray, and the wise chela will attune his vehicles to enter the Cosmic Consciousness so that he may effectively serve on this Ray of Truth. 

I am truly pleased with the expanding consciousness of the youth group, and with their presentation. Now that you have a glimpse of what is expected of you, I say with all the conviction of my Being IT IS PERFORMANCE THAT COUNTS. Beloved Kuthumi is a mighty happy Being. You should have seen him smile with gratitude as you presented your Ritual Service on Tuesday. He is here with me today, and the Love and Gratitude which is flowing from his Heart indicates that he not only sanctions the Service of the Youth Group, but is impressed with your expanded consciousness which is outpicturing the training you are receiving at Inner Levels. 

Beloved Kuthumi has requested me to tell you that he has blessed your magazine with his Flame of God Illumination, and every individual who received a copy will be the recipient of his Radiation of Pure Divine Love and Peace. 

Enter your Glorious Divinity within, and resolve HERE and NOW that you will band together in continued UNITED SERVICE for the Youth of this Earth!






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