Rays of Spiritual Illumination

Beloved Mother Mary

The Angelic Host - by Mother Mary

The Angelic Host is the representatives of Love. They are the embodiment of the Divine thought and feeling of the Godhead, and their bodies are made up of the pure electronic light that fills the Ascended Master's Octave and which forms the vehicles of the Ascended Host, as well as the electronic bodies of the unascended humanity of the Earth plane. These beautiful bodies are pure God Essence vibrating at the highest speed and express the most perfect tone of love and light in the Universe.



In order for these perfected Beings to render service to humanity in the outer world, They must descend into the sphere of activity in which their service is to take place, and in so doing, their bodies undergo a change in vibratory action, corresponding to the sphere or plane in which they are serving, in order that the electronic substance in the lower sphere might receive the full radiation that they bring. If they remained in their pure and perfect electronic bodies, the vibratory action of their release of love and light, healing, purity and peace, would be so rapid that the denser and coarser vibrations of the lower sphere would record but a very small part of their outpouring.

A great many of the Angelic Host, particularly the Cherubim, have never functioned in the lower spheres, remaining constantly above the vibratory action of discord as represented by the four outermost spheres of the Kingdom today.

However, the Archangel Michael and his Legions are particularly endowed with the capacity to function in the mental, etheric and emotional planes, and they take for this purpose vehicles made up of the purest substance that these planes can offer. This brings them much closer to the sense consciousness of the people and makes it possible, from time to time, for the veil to be parted and the veiled glory of the Angelic Form to be revealed to some of the astute members of the human kingdom.

The people who admire the beauty and perfection of the Angelic Host little realize that their splendor is dimmed by mercy, and that the awe-inspiring Presence of these mighty Beings is but a limited expression of their true perfection when functioning in the Higher Octaves.

The Ascended Master, under whose direction the Angelic Host work, directs the Cosmic Rays and assists the Angelic Brothers in the process of lowering the vibratory action of their bodies to a point where they can tangibly assist the kingdom in which they are temporarily stationed, and when the Master withdraws the Ray, the Angels automatically increase their vibration and return to their former estate. That is why you have seen in the representations of the early artists, the Rays directed by the Master, and the Angel representing the culminating point of such a Ray.

Any of the Angelic Brotherhood can be offered the full use of your inner bodies for a temporary habitation in order to form a radiating focus in the lower spheres. This provides for him a set of vehicles and obviates the necessity of the Masters using tremendous force to create temporary vehicles for the Angelic Brothers, and saves the force required by the Master in holding the Ray that the Angel might be sustained in the lower realm. In this way, the Angels and men working together as conscious members in God's Service would form a tie of Brotherhood based on cooperative service, and their very close association would develop a spiritual affinity and consciousness, and through blending of the two lines of evolution, both parties would be tremendously accelerated in their spiritual evolution and the tremendous force of the Gods could be utilized in another manner for the good of all.

In the coming days, when the Ascended Master Saint Germain fully takes command of the predominant consciousness of the people, the Angels and men will consciously and constantly abide with each other and be co-workers in both Kingdoms, but in following out the above suggestion I would say that the assistance to the lower spheres through the anchorage of countless Angels who are radiating centers of love, kindliness, patience, beauty and perfection, would reveal to you the full Truth of this.

As my Service is directly concerned with the Angelic Host, and as I see the countless opportunities for the establishment of members of that Brotherhood in the many places where humankind are in such distress and agony of body and soul. I would that the students understood more fully how they might become conscious co-workers with me in offering the bodies of all people in distress, and those incarcerated, to the Ascended Host, and the Angelic Beings who would establish themselves within the strata of the mental, emotional, etheric and physical distress, would by RADIATION change its quality into perfection.





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