The Royal Teton Convention

Beloved Mother Mary

Jackson, Wyoming

September 24, 1980

My blessed children here assembled, and all who are tuning in; may the Radiation of Love which you all have generated this day, cause every blessed Threefold Flame upon this Planet to expand. Kindly be seated.

You know how I feel about you, having helped create your physical heart. How well I know you, each one, and I love you with equal intensity. When we speak of Love, what do we think of? A slight emotion? Or do we feel that we are honoring the great Heart of the Almighty?

Adoration to God is one of the greatest services humanity can give to this blessed Planet... to all the Elementals. I do not infer that you should be "Holier than thou." Just have a peaceful, loving, Radiation, knowing that all components in the Heart of God are feeling are being benefited by your Love. I wonder how many, upon waking this morning, gave gratitude for the privilege of being in embodiment at this important hour.

Most of you, and all life, are finding many tribulations to overcome. And why? Because you are drawing closer... closer to the home realms, that Sacred Place within. One does not have to travel anywhere. Just change the vibratory rate of his consciousness.

Just know, that upon awakening in the morning, no matter what time you arise, those who have to work "by the sweat of their brow" (we will say) all night long, and at any time that you do (or have to) arise, or should arise... Gratitude to the Almighty blesses your fellowman, and every component cell in this Universe.

You all know that I have been referred to through the centuries as "Mother” Mary, for I AM indeed your mother. I wish to talk a little on family life. There are many, many illumined lifestreams coming to Earth, some are here already, who will surprise you with their great Wisdom; for the veil between the human and Divine Consciousness is gossamer... so thin that those parents who brought forth the child, and sometimes in duplicate, don’t like to say triplicate; somebody might run from the room! But, anyway, every blessed soul is illumined and they have very, very little karma to transmute.

So may I suggest to those mothers and fathers who are contemplating, and are being chosen in Heaven’s Realms to bring in another lifestream, and those who have the privilege of the blessed New Age Children, to protect them... PROTECT them with your Love. And when you send your attention to any child, and all young people, particularly the pre-school children, let them be so wonderful in their Radiation that they will not be buffeted about by those who do not yet know the Law.

I am very grateful to tell you this day, that those who are presently mothers and fathers are doing a splendid job, if I may use your vernacular, and I commend and congratulate you... each one. Oh, I know, I know well, each one needs a "pat" in a certain place once in a while. Are we not disciplining you? Discipline given in Love is important. Why, do we not have that great disciplinarian, Serapis Bey, poking you on the shoulder every once in a while? He is a Lord of great Love, as is every Master, every Cosmic Being in Heaven’s Realms.

I wish you now to think of a tremendous Heart. See every Heart Flame blend in this Holy room. (pause) Love thou thy neighbor, here, there, and everywhere. I wish to engage in a specific Activity at this moment. Just visualize one tremendous Immortal Victorious Three-fold Flame in perfect balance, with the Love Activity enfolding all.

And as I see you do so, I wish to tell you that I have brought with me legions and legions of Love Divine, and they have promised at no little sacrifice to remain with you for the balance of this year! (chelas stand) As I said before, I speak not only to you but to every dear student who is tuning in. Kindly be seated, and thank you for your Love.

Now in deep gratitude and silence, feel an Angel of Love Divine standing beside you, filling every cell, every part of your vehicles with Love Divine. Don’t let them go away. They will stay as long as you care to recognize them. So much has been spoken of Love. Oh, if we could just get a handful of chelas to know what Love Divine is. You are getting very close, for the Threefold Flame is drawing you closer, closer into Divinity’s Realm; into the Consciousness of the Christ.

I had a son, who came into the world to learn lessons. He studied well. Of course, I might say, he was a little more Illumined than some of you. That magnificent Being, Micah, our Lord Jesus is endeavoring with all the Power of his Being to let you know that he is Micah the Angel of Unity. Walk into his outstretched arms in consciousness, and ask him to raise you into that magnificent Christ Consciousness and remain there for the rest of this embodiment. Then you will know that Life on this Planet is a privilege... a great, great privilege and you are chosen of the Lord!

Children, children of my Heart, I love you so and I am sure you feel it! I am deeply, deeply honored that I have been chosen as a Member of the great Karmic Board, and when all the Blessed Ones on that magnificent Council have a special Service to render, you can be sure that your Mother Mary will - well, could I say “plague” (as you would say) the other members for special dispensations for you, whose heart I had the privilege to create. I thank you. I bless you, and I know, I am sure, you can feel my Love because I did create your heart through the Grace of God.

Good Morning.

The Beloved Ascended Lady Master

Mother Mary




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