Assimilation and Expansion of the Electronic Pattern

June 1981



Hail children of the First Cause! I come to you this day in celebration of May Day, 1981 in the year of Unity. I shall spend the bulk of this day at the Temple of the Palace of Man's Purpose for there is a tremendous Cosmic celebration taking place, celebrating unity and the spirit of unity in the hearts and minds of all humanity, this very day. Oh, great Flame of Unity, I bow before thy Presence and for the great exemplar, the great Angel Micah. Oh, great Flame of Unity, I thank you for the privilege of embodying your Presence in my service of establishing the Will of God in International affairs, in International Unity. Oh, Flame of Spiritual Brotherhood blazing upon the hearth of beloved Saint Germain's Cathedral of Freedom, I bow before thee and I ask the fullness of your Presence to charge and charge and charge through my humble service of establishing International Brotherhood among the nations of this Planet, and on behalf of the beloved Chohan of the First Ray of God's Will, beloved Lady Miriam, we ask as One that the fullness of the Flame of Unity and the Flame of Spiritual Brotherhood be so charged through this month of June that there will be no doubt in the hearts and minds of humankind as to the purpose and the divine intention of this year, 1981. So be it! This is my Heart's call!

Beloved friends of old and some friends of new, I greet you on behalf of my humble self and of my gracious Lady Miriam, and speak this morning on behalf of our combined service, which will come to fruition this month of June. As you are aware, May 1st, held so deeply in the heart of Saint Germain is a day of International celebration. A day that breaks down the barriers of the eastern and western worlds, as well as politically, unifying the so-called free and communist nations. And although the celebrations in some communist countries are contrived, there is such a powerful force of Freedom's Holy Flame sweeping through every nation, particularly those that may be oppressed by communist or dictatorial rule, and this is being felt in the hearts, the gentle, gentle hearts of the brothers and sisters in the Human Family who serve and live in these countries. It is being energized on the opening this day of Lady Mercedes' Temple of Exemplary Family Life, and this feeling of the unity of the one family of God shall be stamped into the consciousness of these people which as this comes to completion through the month of May will lead into a glorious celebration of International service and International Unity as sponsored by beloved Lady Miriam and myself and our respective brotherhoods.

Many of the members of the Brotherhood of the Temple of Divine Service and of the Temple of International Unity are taking what you might call post-graduate courses, further training, this month in the Temple of Exemplary Family Life and of the Cathedral of Freedom and the Cathedral of Unity in the Palace of Man's Purpose. These brothers and sisters are Fiery Beings of the First Ray, who sometimes need the tempered approach of Beloved Saint Germain, Beloved Micah and Beloved Lady Mercedes to see that their terrific enthusiasm does not stand in the way of exemplifying and promoting the tenets of our respective Retreats.

The one aspect of Law that I hope you see is the unifying process of the various Retreats that open in succession. After our Retreat openings in June, the Hierarchy will again meet at the Royal Tetons in July to review the first six months and plan for the remainder of the year.

Beloved Lady Miriam asked me to share with you this morning that which shall be active while her Retreat is open... that is the Love Nature must always accompany the Fiery Nature of the First Ray if it is to be a success in any outer manifestation. And then, of course, to complete that activity of the Triple Nature of the God-head, the Flame of Wisdom guides the entire process.

I ask, as I have done before, that during this month you make calls that the International Leaders be brought to my Temple so that we might sit together and counsel. Again, we of the Spiritual Hierarchy invite you in the Reality of your own Being to sponsor yourselves an international leader of your choice, to give them, while you are in the inner realms, the fullness of your nature of Divine Service and fulfilling God's Will and, of course, you will be assisted by an Ascended Master of the brotherhood of this Retreat. The same, of course, applies to the Temple of Divine Service at Sri Lanka. Please be active this month of June and do not dilly-dally whatsoever in your approach to International Unity and God's Will being done through Divine Service. These are spiritual qualities we need actively built into the character of this Group Avatar, as they were built into the character of the great exemplar, beloved Jesus, in his growing years. Be aware of the spiritual qualities that are being built into your lives, as cells in the New Age Avatar, through the experiences we offer. And these experiences We expect you to grasp with the full intensity of your own Beings. Keep in mind always that we in the Ascended Hierarchy are simply guiding you into bringing in the Golden Age yourselves and that it is not we who shall manifest it on the plane of your existence, but yourselves through your own tremendous endeavors. Contemplate that and please come and contemplate it with us in the Temple of Divine Service and in the Temple of International Unity so that your own God Plan becomes so clear, alive and real in your own lives. On behalf of Lady Miriam and myself, we bless you as comrades in the Service to God's Holy Will. Your staunch friend forever...

El Morya


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