Easter Class Address

Beloved Lady Miriam

Shamballa, Long Island

April 17, 1981

Good morning, I welcome this opportunity of speaking to you as a member of the Human Family. Kindly be seated.

How can I tell you that I love you with every part of my Being... well if you analyze Divine Service you will know that no matter on what Ray you may be serving at the present time, that Ray is Love and it is according to your consciousness how you express the privilege which is yours... Divine Service to bring all humanity to the elevated consciousness of the Christ!

I shall endeavor to impress upon you, each one that it is possible during these classes for you to raise your vibratory action so that you will be the Christ-in-action.

I come to you as a Counselor — do not let the mental or emotional body at any time criticize any part of life or to form an opinion of anyone else at this class. Through the years following classes we heard a lot of babbling about this one and that one... that time is over... and if you wish to serve in the group Avatar (The New Age Church of The Christ)... if you feel any negative feeling coming forth from your mental, emotional or etheric body grasp it, place it into the Violet Fire and there is one gentleman here who remembers well when it was said to him 'jump into the Violet Fire'. So remember if any negative condition arises see it through the eyes of the Christ. We are aware of what goes on in the physical appearance world but we do not let - we could not permit our Consciousness to descend to that level. Will you emulate the manner in which we serve? I am sure you will. Feel deeply the radiation of this Holy Sanctuary and all Divine Beings who are beaming their attention upon these classes; then a little later in the day you might say "oh I wish he would do it another way". DON’T LET THAT HAPPEN! It is IMPERATIVE that Divine Service comes forth, and quickly.

Whether it is a healing activity; whether it is teaching or one of my 'pets', at the present time, social and political science; whether you are typing or sweeping the floor or whether you are in deep meditation, know that all should be done with the radiance and true fragrance of Love Divine. Think this through.

I am so deeply grateful, deeply grateful, for your presence here and I wish you to know that there is going to be a tremendous acceleration of your vibratory action... raising, raising, raising your consciousness way above the activity which is being celebrated in the Orthodox World. Very good... they are on the right step of honoring the Master Jesus but that was a physical embodiment and that mighty Micah, Angel of Unity, wishes you to turn your attention to him. Of course you have free will... will you recognize this... but when you have followed the promptings of the Christ within and have come to these meetings you know it is for the purpose of uniting... surrendering the human consciousness to the Christ. And you can well be sure that my beloved El Morya, that mighty Being of Light, is sending you the magnificent Blessing of the First Ray of the Will of God, in all its expressions!

I do not intend to be severe - I am sure you know that every word I speak carries a garment of Love Divine. Let us be silent for a moment and speak to the Christ within and while you do so the glorious Micah will send a Ray into your individual hearts to let you experience in fuller expression what your Divine Reality is.

 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Silence) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

You know and recognize that "Panis Angelicus" is my keynote and it is used particularly in the Communion Service... my Thought Form (Electronic Pattern) is a Grail. May I offer you that cup to drink freely of the Essence of Love Divine! Know each blessed one that I have trod the same path which you are traveling and KNOW without the slightest doubt that I AM here...  I AM everywhere... and anywhere you may be anytime to offer you the assistance of my Love.

I thank you for your attention. I bless you and ask you to come into the embrace of Love Divine of my beloved Morya and myself!

Good Morning!

 Lady Miriam



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