Assimilation and Expansion of the Electronic Pattern

March 1982


Etheric Realm over Moscow, Russia



Foothills of the Carpathian Mountain, Transylvania - Romania

ELECTRONIC PATTERN: "A Cosmic Bell of Liberty, rung with the force of Obedience which, with each pealing tone, ...shatters the oppressing shroud of human consciousness".

The Beloved Goddess of Liberty speaks:

Shining co-servers in embodiment, welcome into the Heart of the Golden Temple of Liberty blazing like a Torch in the ethers over Moscow. Angels of Liberty shall be with you this entire month and are even now entering your auras, as we endeavor to liberate you from the oppression of the human consciousness this month.

The greatest weapon of the human consciousness is fear, whether it expresses through International Affairs or in your own individual world ¾ fear which holds you back from the Freedom of your own True Self. There is only one antidote for fear and that is LOVE; as expressed by Paul, the Apostle; "Divine Love casteth out all Fear". Liberty is a sister of Love, connected as one at the Heart center.

It is no coincidence that the Chateau de Liberte was always the Home and Retreat of the Chohan of the Third Ray of Love, as well as holding the Focus of Liberty. Now we have transferred the Liberty Aspect of that Love Focus to the very spot where it will do Its greatest good in releasing this Planet from the oppression of human consciousness.... from fear into the Light of God through Liberty.

We at the Cosmic Levels have simply given notice to the human consciousness that liberation into Freedom is at hand for this Planet.

In many ways Russia represents the last great efforts of the mass effect of human consciousness in maintaining its grip on the Planet through fear. Russia symbolizes the human ego or personality on the global scale which now is so afraid to lose control and therefore lose its very existence by allowing freedom of spirit. Like your own personality, it marshals its defenses against true Liberty, out of fear for its own existence.

Like your own personality it needs to be understood for what it really is and loved free. We have repeatedly counseled not to do battle with your own personality, but rather transmute it; so too this holds on the international level.

Like Others of the Ascended Realms, I have managed to impress some measure of my service through the writings of various authors.

Such an one has written "Liberty means Responsibility... that is why most men dread it". (George Bernard Shaw)

This thought reflects the answer to the question asked by many in the so-called free world; "why do not the people of Russia or any oppressed nation rise up for their own liberty?"

Unwillingness to take full responsibility for their own lives, their own destiny is a great deal of the problem. They would rather allow others to shape it for them, for in avoiding liberty one also avoids responsibility. As I have told you before: (Divine Principles this issue).

I present each of you as you enter embodiment with the full liberty to create your own reality on this Planet and with that comes God Responsibility. Avoiding that responsibility now and thus avoiding liberty, stems from ignorance and fear. Poland is an example of the willingness to try to regain such responsibility and is another symbol on a global scale. You are seeing the human personality in its last attempts to maintain oppression through fear. The willingness to re-establish individual liberty and thus national liberty, is a God-given through me and it will eventually manifest. Victory is assured!

Thus you can also see where your calls for the Sacred Fire will be most helpful; toward the transmutation of ignorance and fear among the peoples of oppressed countries everywhere... transmuting the hold of the human personality and releasing the Cosmic Virtue of Liberty to pulse through their inner vehicles. Then you would eventually see it manifest on the screen of national life as well.

Beloved ones not only during March will the tones of Liberty ring more powerfully through the inner worlds of humanity but also when the Planet enters the House of Libra (Liberty) in September. Thus I have a double opportunity this year, at opposing stations of the Zodiac, to release the Liberty Flame that is necessary to secure God Illumination.

I humbly ask for your assistance at both of these times and throughout the year by making of your consciousness a LIBERTY BELL and "Proclaim Liberty throughout all the land, to all inhabitants thereon".

God bless you for holding high your Torch of Liberty,

I AM the Goddess of Liberty

* * *

Beloved Godfre

Greetings beloved co-servers in embodiment. Although the Ascended Master Consciousness only recognizes the eternal moment of now, I feel close to your lifestreams because I knew so recently (in time) the struggles of embodiment, especially where service to God is the priority.

So the Assimilation Pattern this month from our Retreat includes a powerful vibration of the Joy of Service as expressed through obedience. The Brothers and Sisters of this Focus here in Transylvania are grateful indeed to our Beloved Lord of the World Gautama for being called into prominent service during this month of March. In obeying that call we hope to reveal to you that the Kingdom of Heaven is nothing else but obedience to the Law of Life.

Unfortunately obedience has a negative connotation to the average man and conjures up a picture something like a stern parent over a fearful child, and further, that obedience is a mindless process.

On the other hand it seems easy to practice love which carries such a sweet and positive vibration to the average person. Yet in Reality, obedience is simply the complete and fundamental recognition that you love the Law of Life above all else... that you love God and that you want to return to Being God. The only way to practice "Being God" in embodiment is to practice obedience to the Laws that allow one permanently into the Kingdom of God. Please pause and contemplate this...

It has been said before that it was curiosity and rebellion that first led the race out of the Kingdom of Heaven. This is the truth embodied in the allegory of Adam and Eve. By tasting the fruits of discord and discovering its effects of lowered vibration, humanity heightened the importance of free will choice.

Up until the fall of man from Grace, freewill only pertained to having full liberty to use God’s energy and vibration to expand the borders of perfection however one chose to. After the fall of humankind, freewill changed to include the choice between creating perfection and creating imperfection.

After discovering this choice and the terrible pain created in choosing imperfection, the only path back was to relinquish voluntarily the so-called freewill choice of evil and remain obedient by freewill choice, only to the laws of harmony. Thus obedience then becomes the cornerstone of regaining Spiritual Freedom... from imperfection and pain... into the fullness of Perfection from whence man strayed.

The reward for obedience to God's Laws when discord or inharmony is still such an easy choice, is that once back into Heaven's Realms (the Christ vibration) it is a heightened experience, for now you have mastered evil by disciplining voluntarily your free will choices to only ever including the vibration of God's perfect qualities.

As you can tell I am here today to radiate to you the joyful enthusiasm that true obedience to God contains. It is not a duty but rather a way of loving God by simply turning over your will to his Will. It is extremely important to my beloved brother Saint Germain that chelas of the New Age do not experience duty in their service ("I must do this") which is the antithesis of spiritual freedom (which is itself a free will choice through love).

Beloved Saint Germain recently asked you to witness his Church in radiation. The opportunity this month is for the positive loving vibration of Free Will Obedience to express, which is the opposite of the heavy fear vibration embodied in "duty". The former will attract New Age seekers of Spiritual Freedom; the latter will repel them.

So precious friends currently in embodiment, come to our Focus in the Carpathian Mountains and bask in the Flame of Joyful Obedience to a Higher Will in the aura of Spiritual Freedom.

Ask to bring back into your physical experience world the Peace embodied in this voluntary freewill discipline of continually regarding God's Laws of vibration and consciousness as the highest priority in your life. I live but to serve you in mastery of this experience of obedience and I ask you to call for my humble assistance and that of the Brotherhood of this Retreat.

In obedience to your Light and life everywhere,

"I AM" Godfre


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