South American Conference

Beloved Saint Germain

El Parque del Este, Caracas, Venezuela

November26, 1981

Good evening, my heart friends, I love you dearly.

First I would like to tell you the significance of the raising of the Cup. Each of you is a beautiful Chalice of Light and what you fill that Cup with is your dedication and love of the Light which will bring you the Christ Consciousness.... which you should all now enjoy. It is your responsibility to give a drink to your fellow travelers.

I know that the Pathway of Light is arduous at times. I, too, have trod the same Path and I wish you to know that you truly are my Heart friends!

What does a friend do for another? Many times people will say they have a friend, but that is a statement that comes from the lips. A heart friend is one who always comes to the assistance of another and I counsel you, my heart friends, to so raise your consciousness that you will serve with me in the great Project of bringing in the full manifestation of the Permanent Golden Age. I am asking this of you for I believe you are my true heart friends.

I wish to tell you that I have brought with me this evening all the Love and Blessing of the mighty Lord of the World Gautama, who is even at this moment in the deep Silence sending his Love to the Heart Flame — the Permanent Atom — at Shamballa — with the heart prayer that every Flame within the hearts of the dedicated chelas will expand to such an extent that it will be your permanent state of consciousness... the Christ Consciousness... and then to the higher Buddhic Consciousness. Is it not worth any effort to know and feel that you are in a Project A Cosmic Project — of saving the blessed souls on this Planet who have fallen temporarily from the Pathway of Light.

Look not to what another is doing, because it is their state of consciousness that they are expressing in a manner that you may think is out of the Light! It is your responsibility to help your fellow traveler. Remember that one, or many, everyone, has a Heart Flame burning within, waiting to be fed by the spiritual unction of the Light of Divine Love. Truly it has been said "it is Love that makes the world go round" ...think that through! Now just pause for a moment to feel the love flow from your being... expand it, expand it, EXPAND it until it is world encompassing... Thank you, my beloved ones.

And it is my honor to tell you that the Silent Watcher of Venezuela is the lovely Lady Manifestation who holds within her Heart the Divine Pattern for this entire Venezuela, and her Heart is just bursting with Joy this evening. Remember her name. Give recognition to her and fill the Cup of your consciousness with Love Divine, knowing that you are bringing into manifestation the Divine Plan which she has held in her heart through the centuries. Please remember that there must be a close affinity for this entire Country — Central and South America — and I include the Dominican Republic.

It is necessary that you realize that the Spiritual Hierarchy at Shamballa is depending upon you for the blending of the two Countries, United States of America and the beautiful, beautiful South America!

You have been told and have practiced various techniques from the East. It is time now that you remember that you have vowed your allegiance, and have benefitted from the Teachings of the Masters of the East... but it is in the West that the New Age shall come forth, and you must be willing to raise your vibratory action to make this country a fit habitation for the Seventh Root Race Children who are already in embodiment and the multitudes I say, who will soon be here.

They will teach you because the veil will be so thin. Guard them well and listen to what these magnificent Beings who are coming from the Heart of the mighty Lord Saithrhu and Lady Mercedes... beautiful Light Beings who are to be nurtured with your Love, Love... Love... Love... it is so important! Has it not been said time and again 'God is Love'... Love is a feeling... that everything you do, sends forth into the Universe, is a blessing to all life everywhere.... to all the Kingdoms. Just to mention one... the Elemental Kingdom... when one tends a garden, with love good fruit comes forth and the Garden of the Gods expands and expands... and remember there is no separation in life.

Remember the elementals in your beings — have respect for them — communicate with them — be grateful and tell them that your are ready to raise them and will work with them as partners because the Elemental Kingdom to which we refer plays a great part in raising the elemental life of your own beings. In so doing you will raise them to the Fire Element — and  that Fire Element is God manifesting.

I could go on and on and tell you of all the beautiful Beings Who are in the atmosphere this evening, focusing Their attention in Love, in thanksgiving for your attendance here. The Violet Fire Angels through your dedication are completely enfolding the Earth, saturating and saturating and saturating all life with the Violet Fire... and the Heart of that Violet Fire is Love. Does that not make your hearts leap with joy!

I can feel the sincerity of your beings and that you will continue when out of our specific Radiation, for if you enter the flaming Christ within your hearts you will be serving with us and any project which you may have, any kindness that you may wish to give to somebody who may be in distress, you join with us to bring the radiation to whatever the distress may be. This Earth must be a Planet of Peace... and it's my Heart desire that each of you blessed ones will find the peace which you require. No one needs to go anywhere to find Peace. PEACE IS WITHIN.

Now there are going to be many, many announcements made in the near future... the Beloved Lord of the World and all who serve with him at Shamballa know the time when the chelas can accept and believe these mighty pronouncements! Remember always that in all your activities, in no matter what state of consciousness anybody is engaged, be they secular or spiritual, are fed by the 'lifeblood' I will say, because that is the term used, by the Spiritual Heart Center of this Planet.

And I bring you special blessings from the Glorious Being, the Cosmic Holy Spirit Æolus and his blessed son Paul, the Maha Chohan, who channel the Breath within you, and it is up to you, each one, to qualify that Breath with some form of Perfection. One never knows at no matter what age, the Holy Breath may be withdrawn... and it is our Heart desire, everyone of us in the Hierarchy that that time will take place within the Earth body, that when you get to the other side in our Realms that you will not have to give a lot of service in the Temples preparatory to your Ascension.

Remember those Great Beings, in particular the mighty Serapis and all who serve with him. He has said many times in private discourses that it required Herculean effort on his part to enter the Ascended State... so you know that you have another friend who is lending every effort to raise you, raise you, raise you into the Ascended Master Consciousness — the Christ Consciousness — while you still wear a flesh body.

I thank you for your attention, and now in Benediction I call to the Great Central Sun and all who serve with the Suns of this System to shower you with Light, Light, Light... until you become a Center — a Palace of Light.

I bow to your Light and the Light of all humankind... Thank you, oh thank you so much, for your attention.

Saint Germain



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