Assimilation and Expansion of the Electronic Pattern

August 1983


Mount Robson, in the Canadian Rockies


ELECTRONIC PATTERN: Jeweled Light Rays radiating out from a fiery pillar of deep crystalline pink Light.

Lady Angelica:

Dear chelas of the One Light, welcome into the Heart of Love.... Love as it is known in the Celestial Realms around the Throne of the Almighty; Love as it is known to the Elohim in the creation of stars and planets; Love as it is known to the Holy Triumvirate governing this Planet from Shamballa; and Love as it is known to you when you become One with Cosmic Christ Consciousness... all is the One Fire Pillar of God's Love.

When we first made humanity aware of our focus, here at Mount Robson exactly one year ago, we were told we would not be allowed to open our doors to even the most elevated of humankind until there was a greater force of Love playing through all of humanity... so that energy released from our retreat by humankind's attention on it could not be dangerously misconstrued. In a few short months Lord Gautama felt this was sufficiently taking place and directed that we may open the doors August of 1983, one short year after making our Presence known. Does this not tell you of the acceleration of Love on the Planet?

Your spiritual work, your expanding Love nature IS making a difference to the evolution of this Planet, for even the Godparents in the Central Sun remain ever alert to the amount of Light being released by the humankind of Earth. And even if the increase of Light represents the arduous spiritual efforts of a relative few, it still fulfills the Law and allows us more opportunity for service and expanded Light from our Realms.

You will become aware in reviewing the past year, just what expanding the Love vibration really means . . . more than the blissful contemplation of God's Adoration Ray; rather a series of "hard work" experiences in letting go that which is not unconditional Love of all Life in your personal realm of awareness and then filling that vacuum with the exquisitely loving yet impersonal nature of the Cosmic Christ, through the expansion of your own Golden Man. This is the Process of self-mastery through Love and you have been well trained at the Royal Teton this preceding month.

Yet we of the Third Ray do want you to think of this Focus as a Temple of Divine Love, where a chela desiring the Love nature of the Godhead may come to bask in that Ray as it enters the Earth planes from the Sun. For that purpose I shall describe our central Sanctuary. It is a crystal cave as out of a fairy tale, of gigantic proportions. The entire room is created of a light substance resembling crystalline pink marble, which is continually giving off various shades of a soft pink hue. The floors are continuous with the walls in gentle curves of architecture giving the feeling of immense space.

The ceiling is not visible from the floor nor is one end visible from the other, so great are the dimensions of this cavern of Light. There are Beings visible in etheric form both in the Temple proper as well as in the atmosphere above our gathering, as if they are coming and going from an opening above that is not visible to the chela.

Most perfected Beings are present only in consciousness and so our awareness of them is only as a force of Light.

There are gigantic main doors at one end of the great hall which remain open this entire Retreat Cycle. A resplendent Seraphim of pink Flame stands guard at each side of the entrance, a sight of such breath-taking beauty that here we lose some chelas who leave the main group and simply assimilate in contemplation these two Seraphic guards of Lord Chamuel's Legions.

Outside the main entrance is a foyer area where Elemental expressions of Love from other planets are in full display... Flame flowers of living Light, birds with songs of Love from the Godparents, Devas outpicturing as trees and shrubbery of a soft multi-colored living crystalline substance, and more! Proceeding then through the entrance into the central arena, the great altar comes into distant view. It is first seen as a massive downward spiral of pink Light, disappearing into an opening in the floor... the FIRE PILLAR anchored into the physical Earth, straight through to the Eternal Sun of Even Pressure in the center of the Earth.

At some distance around this Fire Pillar is the great circular Altar made of white marble. It gleams with such Light that it seems to enter formlessness; it is illusory before our own eyes. It has around it, at a greater circular distance, a cordon of Seraphim facing outward from the Flame, closely guarding proximity to the Flame's Presence.

Passing into this inner circle through the Seraphim toward the Altar are Devas, Ascended Angels and Cosmic Beings who come to assimilate pure Divine Love in their service to this planet.

Unascended chelas are given places outside the garrison of Seraphim and yet have full view of all the proceedings. Even at some distance from the actual Fire Pillar, the radiation reaching the chelas is more intense than allowed in most Ascended Master Retreats.

It is our purpose however to step up the Love Vibration in embodied humanity as is already occurring in Devas, Angels and Ascended Ones.

These Perfected Beings draw close to the Flame and disappear in the pink Radiation.... becoming ONE with this Force of Light and Love.... and after sufficient communion with the One God of Love, they step back from the Flame with Vehicles of greater Light than ever before.

You our dear chelas shall do a similar Ceremony this month and we shall blend you in formlessness with the One Force of Light until you can know yourself in that same Reality. As a Sponsor of humanity this year, I shall personally assist individual chelas in this process until their inner nature is at ease with it. This training is part of the over-all thrust of the Great White Brotherhood in returning you to the Source of the One Light of your own being, the Christ Flame grown to full stature claiming your entire being, inner and outer.

Then and only then can we of this Love Retreat empower you with an impersonal Ray of Love anchored through your being, as has been done through various "Arisen" Avatars, Saints and Sages through the history of this Planet. Then and only then could such an impersonal Force be trusted into individual keeping, once you have removed yourself from the lower nature of separateness, into the Cosmic nature of Oneness with all Life.... as a Being of Light even yet embodied through a set of vehicles.

We of the Third Ray are desirous of teaching the chelas "Spiritual Invulnerability"; the only Path to which is Pure Divine Love ¾ unconditional adoration of all Life. The colossal mountain which houses our retreat is but a physical manifestation of such invulnerability through Love. You may house your own Living Temples in a mountain of Love vibrations until you too stand victoriously above and untouched by all vibrations of the lower nature. The Temple of Cosmic Love shall make its force gradually felt through the Race until the entire Earth is sealed in her victorious Mantle of Love and again is the Jewel of Adoration she was created to be.

In Loving Adoration - "I AM" Angelica

Co-Hierarch with Orion the Elohim - -

The Temple of Cosmic Love


NOTE: Please refer to Page 6, October, 1982 "WORD" for the first description of the Temple of Cosmic Love.




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