The New Year's Class

Beloved Serapis Bey

Shamballa, Long Island, New York

Dec. 29, 1982

Welcome into the radiant Presence of the Seraphim and into the embrace of My Being. Kindly be seated.

The Angels of Purity are stationed here this day and They will be all through these meetings. They have come specifically to give you all the assistance which you will accept towards going forward in the Light, in the Purity of your Christ Self. I AM very pleased that you have come to this meeting and to all the meetings for I know that many of you came because your heart told you — all of you did, but some of you had quite a bit of difficulty in getting here in more ways than one. For that I commend you.

I commend each and every one of you. Know that I, while a disciplinarian, am a humble Being and I will join My Confreres and do everything in My power to raise the vibratory action of your beings and prepare you for the wonderful year ahead. I say "wonderful" in many ways — wonderful that you have the opportunity of serving with Us at this critical time in the Earth's evolution. All you have to do is read your newspapers. Look at your televisions and see what is transpiring on this planet. Do you not see that we have to do something — you and I, the Spiritual Hierarchy and the dedicated chelas? And that we shall do! Your hearts are dedicated and your energies are raised greatly and We know We can count on you to change this Sweet Earth into a Star of Light.

I want you now, each one, to go into the center of your beings and in that Island of tranquility, blend, blend with all Life. How to do that? Very simple, just let the Light of the Great Presence "I AM" blaze forth from and blend, as it were, with all the Light of the Universe. You truly have joined your total quality with that Harmony of the Spheres and I am asking you to do this at this hour because I am endeavoring, and I know that I shall succeed, to help you attain and maintain a feeling, a radiation of Harmony at all times. In loving your fellowman, you will do the greatest service that can be done upon this planet. Feel, feel that embrace of the mighty Light of the Universe............ We are engaging in such exercise for the reason that I don't wish it to be a passive feeling. I want you to again feel the embrace of the Universe, the Great Light. Practice, practice, practice My children, the ONENESS OF BEING, and as We welcome the New Year you will have raised the vibratory action not only of your own vehicles, but of the entire planet, so that the Plans which are coming forth, the Edicts, will be carried out without any disturbance in your beings.

Is not that Stillness beautiful?........ the Peace of your whole spirit blending with the Cosmic Holy Spirit, not as individuals but as the Spirit of Life — of all Life everywhere.

Although I AM a disciplinarian, as you well know, I have come to show you that I truly do love you, each and every one. I have seen you many times this past year going through trials and tribulations in order that you could accelerate your own vibratory action. I assure you if you could hold the radiation which you are now enjoying.......... the year of One Thousand Nine Hundred and Eighty-three will be much easier for you. Now don't take that for granted! I mean if you will hold to the Truth of your being — that is, letting only Light flow through — you can render a service unparalleled in spiritual history. You have here, comparatively speaking, on the planet Earth a small group of chelas, but We have said many times, "Give Us a handful of dedicated chelas and We could save this dear planet!" That service you have begun and the mission shall be accomplished through your efforts and We are well pleased.

We have a glorious Cosmic gathering here from many Stars and Galaxies and We know that you will feel the great pressure of Their Light as They beam Their attention upon you for one reason — to assist you. These great Beings of tremendous Light and Power do not waste Their energy. They have come, One and All, to help in the forward progress of this dear planet and the entire system. Turn your attention to One and you receive the blessing of All . Of course it is perfectly fine to single out one or more Beings to ask for assistance.

You know what you individually require or what some project requires. As I have said before, I assure you that you are under a tremendous canopy of Light and you shall receive the blessings all through these days....... the blessings each of you can tolerate.

Now just feel that glorious, glorious radiant energy coursing through all of your vehicles....... Beautiful! is it not?

Our beloved Angel Micah, the great Angel of Unity, is giving you a special blessing today. Much attention has been made to Master Jesus and He has gathered up a great deal of that energy and has taken it within His own Being for the specific purpose of blessing you and all you hold near and dear. FEEL this blessing. Holy Micah, Angel of Unity, we bow to Your Light — to the example You have set through the ages in many embodiments. Oh, Micah, I, Serapis Bey, Am grateful to you wherever I can assist in amplifying the energy, call Thou upon Me. You know, My service and My goal is to raise every part of Life into the Ascended State and that we shall do - - - I SO DECREE!

Please remember as We have told you many times, you can ascend into the Light by being the Christ in action without leaving the physical garment - - - We would be in a sorry state if We ascended you all into Heaven's Realms out of the physical garment! You see, I try to make My comments in a light vein at times so they are not a strain on you or any part of Life.  

Please know that during the coming year you will find that I summon you to My Presence time and time and time again to have a chat with you, as it were, to let you stand before Me until the time shall come when I will say, "You have made the grade! You have passed your initiations!" Won't that be a glorious day? This you can do. It is possible. The only thing that will delay or deter you is the human consciousness. I think you all have come to the point now -- oh, won't it be good to get rid of that consciousness? Serve the Light from the very center of your being and in so doing you will get a benediction and a blessing of the One Light which is all there is! I now bow to your Light and I enfold you in My Love.

Good Morning!

Serapis Bey




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