Lady Faith

May 1985

Oh, well loved Rays of God's Light, focused on the Earth plane as embodied chelas, greetings from the Cradle of Creation, the womb of infinite potential of the Eternal Mother. I come representing the birthplace of the most High; the most High in you and in all humankind. I come with the Lord of Hosts, my beloved Lord Michael, the Archangel, I come to mother your God Faith and Confidence, a Divine birthright instilled in you in the beginning, until it expresses itself in your world for all to see and know; as it has in all the great sons and daughters of God embodied anywhere or at any time.

The Archangels and Archaii are ceaseless in our endeavors of manifesting the nature of God to the race of humanity, beloved Lord Michael, for example, continuously gives forth an invocation to the Great Central Sun for the Light of God that never fails! Every moment through all time this prayer is leaving his Heart. His persistence and determination are an example of leadership to us all.

And like any leader, he 'works harder' than anyone, tirelessly applying the Laws of Love in the psychic and astral realms of the planet. He insures that he replenishes himself and his Legions at the Fount of all Life. He is far more fierce in his determination for your Freedom than you will ever know.

He has personally unlocked the door to your own self-created jail many times. And more importantly, he has never abandoned you nor loved you less because you locked yourself back into the jail time and again, crying out once more for Freedom and relief. Can you do the same for your family, your co-workers and your fellow man? Would you not want to be as Lord Michael is, a continual propulsion of God's First Cause of Perfection to all life everywhere around you, ceaselessly serving until all life has returned Home?

The Devas, in service with the Archangels, Lord Shri Magra and other great Beings serving on the astral and psychic realms, cleanse the mental and emotional effluvia of humanity's immediate environment, saving humanity from mass insanity. They serve to help keep the horrors of humankind's negativity away from his conscious mind (buried as the secret scars in the unconscious) so that humanity may apply his conscious awareness to constructive endeavor and set himself free. These Devas have names, feelings and purposes and respond to acknowledgement as would you. With these great Devas, Archangels and Cosmic Beings, "I AM" also in one-pointed Service.

I contact your consciousness only for your increased service, not for spiritual entertainment, nor even for your individual spiritual development, for Cosmic Law requires that you would have evolved much further than you have before I could present myself to you for that reason alone. But we are in a Cosmic moment and special edicts have ensued, allowing a service of qualifying life and embodying that qualified life into the lower spheres through immediate contact with humankind who are accepting of us.

THE COMBINED SEVEN ARCHAII CONTAIN THE BLUEPRINT FOR THE FEELING NATURE OF THE GROUP AVATAR. We come now to dispense this Blessing into the purified vessels of Christed souls making up the Group Avatar. We are attracted to perfect thoughts and clear, calm, detached minds and we bring to this unmanifest potential the dynamo of FEELINGS to finish the process of Creation. Humanity's innate potential as an heir to God's Kingdom, is to become all this, the thought, the feeling, the Creation! ...of "I AM"!

We desire to parent your feeling nature and reveal to you tangibly, the Divine Rapture that can be channeled into the lower realms from 'On High', thereby using in the creative process feeling substance from Realms where only absolute Perfection exists. This Divine substance will create no less in your own world if you but use it. It is called SACRED FIRE. It is God qualified life! Is that not what you are seeking?, your whole life qualified with God until you are God, One with all the Gods and Goddesses, Flames and Rays within Our Realms, One with God Consciousness everywhere... omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent!

You already manifest a tremendous momentum of Sacred Fire and Divine Feelings, blazing and fiery in your Causal Body, yet for the most part in your daily life you do not perceive this Divine Treasury. So you continue to hunger for spiritual strength and power while seated amongst the groves of plenty. Continuously invoke your "I AM" Presence to unleash the impelling spiritual Force within your Causal Body! Let it be your source of God Confidence, turning always inward to the Source of All Good!

You are relentless qualifiers of life, continuously qualifying either more Divine Momentum and applying that which you have generated, or creating more destructive Karma. The choice is clear.

Before your Ascension in the Light you must build a momentum of qualified Life, through spiritual self-effort, along all the Seven Rays. Whether you do it on Earth or in the Etheric Realms following this embodiment is up to you, but do it you must! And if you do it on the Earth plane you tremendously help our cause of anchoring perfectly qualified Light Energies into the world of humankind. Each experience that comes to you in your day-to-day living is the opportunity to build these momentums, qualifying for the Ascension and serving our cause.

The Cosmic Quality of Faith is the driving Power that bridges the abyss to 'the rational mind of the small human ego' and allows us 'to have being' in humanity's world. That is why I guard the momentum of Faith so that we, the Seven Archangels and Archaii can have entrance into your worlds that you might have confidence in us and our Forces of Light! Yet the Glory of a billion Angels is lost to humanity, if we cannot find entrance into your world.

Lord Michael and I have created and sustained this Bridge of Faith into the Race since the Holy Innocents first appeared at Heaven's gates with the First Root Race, in their descent into the Earth plane. I have held the door of God's Faith open through the eons so that this abyss is crossed, guaranteeing opportunity for all the Angels on all the Seven Rays to reach humankind.

Will you join me now in this service of holding the door of Faith into humanity's world open so that all other men and women in the Human Family, along any of the Seven Rays, may eventually manifest their Light and their gifts into the permanent Age of Spiritual Freedom?

I await your presence by my side to show our Eternal God-Mother that her trusted chelas have taken up their posts with great Faith and stand ready now for the final mighty push into the Light for this planet, its races and its nations. Ever protecting your God Confidence in this service,

"I AM" Lady Faith




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