Assimilation and Expansion of the Electronic Pattern

March 1986


(Etheric Realm over Caracas, Venezuela)

ELECTRONIC PATTERN: The Three-fold Flame of the chela within the Cosmic Flame of Micah; representing the chela's at-One-ment with God within Jesus the Christ, Micah the Angel of Unity.


Blessed chelas, shepherds of the race which we have all come to save, greetings from your Father's Kingdom.  

The Unity which I represent is found only in the Kingdom of the Soul and has little to do with the outer personality, except in aligning it with the Soul's intention. When I came as the Avatar Jesus, I came to speak to the Soul of humanity, to draw out of humanity that Kingdom within the Soul the Christ Self and "I AM" Presence. This purpose is outpictured in my Cosmic Flame (Crystal with a Blue Radiance), with the Soul of man being Pure Crystal Light and when aligned with the outer personality, gives off the Electric Blue Radiance, representing the Will of God of the Divine Self manifested through the outer self. This establishes a UNITY WITHIN THE SOUL, the Divine within the mortal, the higher with the lower vehicles of humankind. Unity must occur within the Soul before it can occur between Souls. Otherwise the problem of the lower personality will destroy any unity that may have seemed to manifest. This is the unfortunate story of the past 2000 years.  

My entire Teaching as an Avatar was aimed at Unity between man and God within the Soul. The Christ is known as the mediator between man and God, Unifying the two into a wholeness, even while embodied on Earth. The great abyss between man and God was created on Earth by humanity and must one day be healed on Earth by humanity. I came to example the supreme Healing within the Soul, returning man to God within himself, on the Inner plane of thoughts and feelings more so than any outer show of religious fever. My Spiritual Path has always been an Inner Path, a Unity with God within the person, more so than a sanctioning or forbidding of any outer behavior. I pray for all these who come in my name now who teach otherwise, for my Kingdom is within the Soul and not the outer world of man, which in my day as Jesus I referred to as Caesar's world.

The outer world of man will change only when the Inner world has been reunited with God, truly reunited as two Flames Unite in One Essence, One Spirit. Gradually will the Electronic Blue Radiance of Unity and God's Will flow from such a Soul, slowly claiming his outer world back to God, as that Aura of Blue Light ever expands. And then his inner world and my world will have become One and he will have entered the Kingdom of Heaven permanently with me in Spirit, in the One Fiery Consciousness of Unity with God, as I have always promised would happen to all these who Love in my name.  

Man must let go of the thoughts, feelings and desires of the outer world, to be filled with the Mind and Heart and Action of God. This is exactly what I offer the chelas this month and through this year, in Unifying with my Flame. As you Assimilate and Expand the Electronic Pattern for this month, blend this activity with the Theme and Thoughtform of 1986. For "I AM" inviting you to form a relationship with me as I had (as Jesus) with the Cosmic Christ, Lord Maitreya. During prayer and meditation as you align and Unify the various parts of your Soul into the Divine Whole (upper and lower vehicles within "I AM") I shall absorb you, the DIVINE UNIFIED YOU, into my Being, just as you inbreathe and absorb my Flame into your Being. Then as you expand and project the qualities of my Flame, I shall expand the Soft Blue Light within your Aura and project you forth as a Ray of indivisible Unity from the God Parents.  

If you can sustain your own Unity and accept this relationship that I offer you myself, you too will then be able to speak to the Soul of man as I did as Jesus, in the language of Holy Spirit: the Energy, Vibration and Consciousness of Divinity, which dissolves all resistance in its Holy Presence. And then together we shall shepherd this race home into Freedom's Holy Light.

In your meditations upon the Thoughtform of 1986 (the Cross of Blue Flame blazing upon my forehead with my hand raised, Blessing the planet with the Grace of God) feel yourself within me, totally Unified with me, until there blazes a Cross of Blue Flame upon your forehead and until you feel the flow of God's Grace through your Unified Soul, continuously. For I have asked you to enter my Flame and I have asked you to become the Christ as I became the Christ.

If together we can effect this Divine Partnership, then I can reach into the Souls of many men and women who I could otherwise not, because of your embodiment, because of the fact that you are of that world. Like every other Ascended Master, I must follow the great Law and cannot enter a world unless the call comes from that sphere. But the Great Cosmic Law does allow that if you become One with my Flame while yet embodied, then I may truly reach into the hearts and the world of all humankind and establish the Kingdom of the Soul on this planet. Resurrecting the Divinity within humanity until each one establishes Divine Unity within his own Soul. Each must then maintain and sustain it through his own energies, training his own thoughts and feelings to be centered on the Light of Christ Unity rather than the world of illusion and outer personality which seeks only to divide. Thus will come your Calling as a teacher of Christ Consciousness.

The goal in blending with my Flame in Consciousness is to reach the point of embodied Consciousness I did as Jesus, where the Grace of God (Energy from the Fourth Dimensional Realm) flowed through me continuously because I only knew "I AM". Now it is your Cosmic Calling to do the same, to know yourself and your Self as ONE; and what flows through the Higher ("I AM") will automatically flow through the lower (embodied vehicles) because the two are One. You then can touch the Soul of ethers around you, thus establishing my Kingdom of the Soul on Earth. The Truth of God Reality, (the Kingdom of Heaven) will then spread like a contagion, with the Fire of Holy Spirit igniting the kindling of Love in every man, woman and child in your Sphere of Influence, as it did through me.

But now as Micah, the Spirit of Unity, "I AM" in every one and in every thing, waiting to be ignited and Resurrected by a Force of Grace of the Holy Spirit channeled through embodied Souls, the currently embodied Christ..... the body of Arisen chelas... the Group Avatar! Again remember dear chelas, I come only to speak to the Soul of man, not their outer personality. For the Soul is a Kingdom of Faith where the skeptical rational mind shall govern no more the Heart of Grace.

Be thou my Heart of Grace. Be thou the True Foci of Jesus, the Christ, spreading the same message of at-One-ment (Atonement) that I came to give humankind. Place your Consciousness of Unity within every outer Foci of Jesus, the Christ until your Radiation of Unity, United with my Cosmic Flame shall reach into the hearts of all Life. At a time when it is seemingly impossible to effect Unity amongst humankind from without, let us together remind man of the Radiation of God that can and will Unite humanity from within. This was the Immaculate Concept of the Church built in my name 2000 years ago and now we have another opportunity to manifest this Reality with the added impetus of the Seventh Ray of Spiritual Freedom now focused on the Earth.

This month, I shall gather together the chelas from every part of the planet who have Arisen in Christ consciousness into the Temple of Unity within the Palace of Man's Purpose. There we shall perform the Ceremonies of Unity of each chela's Flame with my Flame, in Consciousness. Here we shall talk together of the coming 2000 years, where a true Activity of Spiritual Freedom shall manifest, Uniting man with his Soul, the Christ "I AM" within each one, and then with each other.

Together we shall journey in Consciousness in our Light Vehicles to all Foci of Jesus, the Christ around the world, from the mountain tops and great Cathedrals to the small villages and individual homes, every statue or cross in which someone has placed his Faith, and charge them all with the True Teaching I came to give this planet. Each of these Foci, however large or small, will then become a blazing Center of Light of the New Age. From these charged Foci the rest of my flock will soon arise and enter the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth by practicing the religion of Atonement (At-One-ment with the God Self “I AM”).

Constantly feel your Three-fold Flame within my larger Cosmic Flame until you and I are One Flame. You are the Way-showers of the Christ. BE YE UNIFIED WITHIN YOUR OWN SOUL so together we may return the last of my flock home to God. In brotherly Love and Oneness in the Light,

"I AM" Micah, Angel of Unity

(Now Archangel of Unity)

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The Great Beings from the Sun Temples, whose radiation and outpouring we will receive during this period;  

NEPTUNE - March 1st through March 20th

Purifying Power of the Water Element Training of Undines and Water Elements  

AIRES - March 21st through April 19th

Cosmic Virtue of Wisdom Temple of Sylphs and Devas of the Air


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