Assimilation and Expansion

of the Electronic Pattern

December 1994


ELECTRONIC PATTERN: As all humanity gathers together at the Heart Center of this Planet, the Holy Triumvirate joyfully raises the golden chalice of our combined consciousness high. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, Divine Love now flows forth freely, balancing the heart flames of every part of life.

Beloved Chelas,

Welcome to the focus of Shamballa in your own blessed hearts! I speak to you from within this sacred and holy place, where all life is one, and through which every lifestream will ascend into Heaven's Realms.

In the year of 1993, while you were under the intensified radiation of God's beloved First Ray, this sacred knowledge was reawakened in your conscious minds. Receiving the Strength of Hercules, the Faith of Lord Michael, the commanding Love of El Morya and Lady Miriam, and the radiation of Divine Order from Lord Principa, each of you have made great strides on your own spiritual paths.

Beloved El Morya joyfully brought the great news that each of you is a physical focus of Shamballa. It takes much spiritual courage to recognize and accept this universal truth, and My Heart overflows with joy and gratitude for your recognition that God lives within you. You are now aware that it is no longer necessary to follow the human and look outside yourself for answers. The pathway home to the Peaceful Palace of your divine existence lies within your own heart!

Beloved co-servers, think of this knowledge and understanding whenever you prepare to receive an address from Us, for it comes through Shamballa, which is anchored in your heart. It is only in the Peaceful Sanctuary of your soul that we meet! Within the Throne Room of your heart you will understand the Divine Principles We so gracefully teach you, as you learn to be a Lord of Love! It is wonderful to realize that you are never alone, for through the sacred focus of Shamballa, you are forever connected to the Home of the Spiritual Hierarchy!

During this year of 1994 your relationship with, and true significance of the Inner Christ has become more evident, as you received the blessings of Enlightenment and Understanding from God's beloved Second Ray. This was made possible through the added Strength and Faith you received during the previous year, as your Spiritual Home―Shamballa, became more of a physical reality than just an abstract thought. Beloved ones, your Celestial Home is at hand and the pathway is Christ Consciousness!

Whenever you decree: "Release the limitless Light and Cosmic balance of the planetary Threefold Flame, in the perfect Love, Wisdom, and Power of the Cosmic Christ, sweeping all Life into the balanced vibration of their own Heart Flame", you are calling forth your Divine Heritage as a Lord or Lady of the Flame. Furthermore, you are calling forth the Powers of Shamballa in every lifestream, assisting Us in the glorious process of reawakening all life to their Light, and their oneness with the whole.

The statement: "The Doors of Shamballa are open", is an announcement of great accomplishment for the planet Earth and its evolutions, as all life is now enabled to accept its own Divinity. Looking through the eyes of the Christ, the truth of this statement becomes clear.

Beloved ones, to know your inner self means to know Shamballa; and to know your physical self means to also know the physical focus of Shamballa. Just as the individual must take responsibility to care for his physical body as the Temple of Holy Spirit, so must the group take responsibility to maintain the sacred focus of Shamballa. In Unity and Brotherhood We invite you to join us—adding your energies to this endeavor. In this way, we are building a sound and radiant Cathedral of Light in the physical substance of Earth, which stands forth visible to the sight of all humankind!

Blessed chelas of Light and Love, to be Silent requires Peace. Be at Peace, for I AM always with you. Accept My blessing of Perfect Balance!

I AM Lord Gautama




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