Assimilation and Expansion

of the Electronic Pattern

December 1994


My Dearly Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

I greet you in this way for you are indeed beloved members of My Family and My heart is filled with love for each one of you. Sometimes you may have wondered about the personal family relationship you have with an Ascended Master or other Cosmic Being and it is My desire to share with you the profound importance of the meaning of 'Family' as understood by those of Us Who dwell in the Ascended Realms of Light.

A long, long time ago there was a very dense and suffering planet, about which a major decision had been made by Cosmic Council. It was decided to return the substance of the Earth to the unformed, due to the heavy darkness that surrounded it. At the same time the countless numbers of lifestreams residing upon it, were to be taken and placed elsewhere in the universe to continue their evolution.

When I first looked upon this Planet, the Flame at its heart center was indeed dim, but I observed the faintest glimmer of Light and Hope emanating from the spark of Life in the hearts of its many life forms. Immediately the Flame of Compassion rose within Me, along with a deep desire to reach forth and assist all life upon the Earth. I knew that if I saw Light in even one heart and could breathe My love upon it, I could fan that Light into a great flame, which would eventually restore the entire Earth to the perfection originally ordained!

With this thought My decision was made! I accepted the title of Lord of the World, along with its many responsibilities, and members of My immediate family came forward and offered to assist Me. In addition, other lifestreams on Venus volunteered to help, as did countless other Beings of Light from stars and planets beyond the perimeters of your knowledge, even now. So began a limitless flow of love, dedication, and assistance poured forth in response to Mine. There was never a thought of reward upon the part of any of Us Who came and offered Our service, for Our only desire was to save a planet and all life upon it.

Thanks to the great love of Serapis Bey, the magnificent Ascension Flame was firmly established here for the use of every lifestream evolving on the Earth. Also, Mighty Victory's Flame of Victorious Accomplishment has been anchored in the Earth for your benefit as you walk steadily forward in the fulfillment of your own Divine Plans.

In addition, beloved Gautama and Maitreya responded to My call and came from Venus to serve the Earth. Out of love, They entered the evolutions of this planet and through their service, I was ultimately enabled to return to My own Star once again. However, I continue to work closely with Them, as We serve the Earth through Shamballa as the Holy Triumvirate, holding this precious Planet safely within the compass of Our Love, Wisdom, and Power.

Of equal importance during the time required to complete this great mission of love, My responsibilities to My Own planet, Venus, also had to be fulfilled and sustained. As you know, My Divine Complement, beloved Lady Venus, offered to assume these tasks as Her own, so I was free to come to Earth for whatever time was required and I will be forever grateful for her sacrifice.

Beloved ones, I share these facts with you now so that you will better understand how the unconditional love of My family made it possible for Me to fulfill My most heartfelt desire. Just as I believed possible then, today the Threefold Flame of Life blazes forth with a dazzling brilliance in the heart of the Earth, as well as in your own hearts, and those of countless other light workers in many locations all around the Earth. Even though this Flame seems small in the hearts of many still unawakened lifestreams, it is now clearly visible throughout the race and we must continue to fan the flame so it may grow and expand, filling the Earth with its essence of healing and unity.

I speak of these things not to draw attention to Myself, but to illustrate how the expanding power of My love drew all the members of My family and countless friends from many points in the Universe to respond in kind with Their Love! During that process, all those who answered this call became members of your Family, as well as Mine!

As is true, not only upon the Earth but elsewhere, the family unit provides the major opportunity to learn and progress upon the individual Spiritual Path of all involved. The power of love within this close knit group is used to create and form a 'family', which serves as the ideal situation through which the many lessons of life, which are seldom anticipated, may be safely learned. This is why We stand by to comfort and nurture you as your many challenges arise. Remember me, for I AM your brother―your elder brother, perhaps―but I AM still your brother. Accept My love. Know I AM always with you, as are all your brothers and sisters throughout this magnificent universe! Family units have always been and will continue to be the basis of society. Any changes in this structure, no matter how small, will affect all its aspects―social, political, cultural, educational, economical and environmental―both locally and internationally. You are presently observing this in the world around you and it is time for you, as a member of The Great White Brotherhood, to expand your consciousness and your love outward to include all life throughout this great universe as members of your family. You will find that, when the love of a few is strong enough, it will expand outward in all directions to help the love within others take dominion over their own lives. The Flame of Love in their hearts will respond, for this is Cosmic Law!

If you ever have a problem loving another person, silently affirm: "God is our Father and our Mother, and this person is my brother or sister. God will help us love one another perfectly! " And so shall it be, for very quickly you will see through any illusion that still surrounds your brothers and sisters and perceive the pure Light of Christ within them. By doing this, you will open wide the Door of Wisdom, Illumination and Understanding, setting free a true Son or Daughter of God. This is the way in which I worked with you and all the other lifestreams evolving on Earth and this is how I shall continue to work and so must you, dear chelas.

You know Me well. You have stood within My Presence and vowed your assistance even before you took embodiment. You are in My Presence even now, as you read My words. Remember, I chose to become and I shall continue to sponsor all life upon this blessed planet, for I AM Regent for this blessed Earth.

Sanat Kumara






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