
God Principa

October 10, 1993

Dearly Beloved Ones,

I address you this day from the Heart of the Great Silence, in which I abide. During this month, I shall exert a special influence upon each one of you and every chela and light-worker upon the Earth. In addition, you understand that―as I give to you―I give to all life, for God's Divine Principles of Being are always extended to all who care to accept. The great privilege you have is that of consciousness¾of knowing that you have only to accept and put into action in your lives, all of the blessings that are constantly poured forth from the Realms of Light.

At this moment, I ask that you close your eyes and feel My Flame rising from within the center of your heart. It is focused within each one of you and as you take time to enter the silence of your heart, you receive an ever-expanding activity of that Flame. In the silence, realize "I AM the Flame of Divine Principle here in action now, and forever sustained!" As you do this, claim your true Divinity as a son or daughter of Divine Principle, which is the idea from which all manifestation springs.

Many of you are aware that I offered to prepare those chelas who desired for the higher initiation of Lord Maitreya. Since that time, many have asked, and this will explain the intensification of vibratory activity that is taking place in, through and around you. While I understand that this process is often uncomfortable, I ask that each of you take time to offer gratitude to your God Presence and the Masters of Light, Who are working diligently to assist you to raise and balance the vibratory level of your four lower vehicles. Perhaps the understanding that it is not easy or comfortable to release old thoughts and attitudes and to establish new disciplines, will help you to move forward with a happier and more positive attitude.

A conscious effort toward joy and happiness on your part will, in itself, do much to smooth the path before you.

I wish to thank you for your constancy in the use of the Thoughtform and Theme, which has made it possible to truly awaken Divine Principle in every human heart. Much has been revealed to each individual consciousness at all levels of being. Human will is being tested and found wanting, and people from every level of understanding are taking steps to move forward on their individual paths.

In response to your calls, many light workers from countless avenues of service are now awakened. They are remembering their Divine Plans and seeking to find those with whom they have worked in previous times. As they do so, they begin to form groups, combining their, talents to serve the light once more.

You have been presented with many tests and you have met them with courage, preparing to step into Light not previously possible. You havein truthheld the faith, and given your God Presence more freedom to take full command of your four lower vehicles. As this occurs, the level of unity with your higher vehicles takes place and the power of Divine Order may flow more freely through you, expanding your individual spheres of influence.

The most important function facing us at this time is to completely unify the Body of Light. Previously, beloved Lady Miriam, a disciple of Holy Æolus, came into the physical plane to anchor the Cosmic Ray and Flame of Holy Spirit into the activity of the Bridge to Spiritual Freedom. From the inner realms, Her Divine Counterpart, beloved El Morya, joined His energies of Light with Hers to connect the Earth plane with the Realms of Light, creating an unbroken span of Light. Thus, a Heart Center was created upon the physical plane, through which the teachings and instructions of the Great White Brotherhood, Ascended and Cosmic Beings could flow to the children of Earth. Through this Bridge, the New Age of Spiritual Freedom is now enabled to come forth into full manifestation.

It is through Miriam's work in the three-dimensional physical plane, in cooperation with Morya in the fourth-dimensional Ascended Master Realm, that Our chelas are able to have a physical focus of Shamballa today, where you may gather to unify your hearts with each other and serve in the magnificent radiation of the Temple of Cosmic Holy Spirit over Long Island. I explain this to you now so you will understand the purpose and importance of being in physical embodiment in these times.

Each chela has a Divine Plan within his or her heart center. It is the center of your being, and holds the reason for your existence. When you reach a point of being able to look upon your Divine Blueprint to see whether you are on course in your embodiment, your Inner Christ stands ready to reveal your plan to you. Even though this may at first be done as an inner activity, while your physical body sleeps, at the perfect time―when you are prepared―the understanding begins to take form in your outer consciousness. Then, you receive the ideas and inspirations that help you move forward into the work you came to fulfill.

Now, most of you are prepared, not only to receive a fuller understanding about your individual Divine Plans, but to see how they fit together in the group work. When I speak of 'group work', I refer―not only to your small groups around the Earth, but to the entire group of all Our chelas, everywhere. This is rapidly becoming more evident to each and every one of you at a conscious level, and this is cause for great rejoicing in the Realms of Light. It means you are coming into closer and closer companionship with those of us Who work from the inner realms, strengthening the Bridge to Spiritual Freedom upon the Earth through both consciousness and activity.

From the ascended state, Lady Miriam now works to assist you to develop as disciples of Holy Spirit, so that We may continue the work of expanding the activity of the Cosmic Christ on the Earth at this time. This is the destiny of every chela and light worker on the Earth at this time.

I have told you that I live in every human heart, and it is from that most sacred and holy place of perfect Love, Wisdom and Power within the Great Silence that I speak to you this day―and every day, if you listen! Hercules stands with me this day, and wants to remind you that His Retreat acts as a radiating center to all life for the Will of God. So must each of you!

As Lady Miriam once placed the newborn Bridge to Freedom within the hands of a few faithful and listening chelas, I now place the responsibility of the Body of Light in your hands. I ask that you rise above any and all differences in favor of placing the planetary needs first among your life priorities. I tell you that a great effort must now take place to unify the chelas, before the outer governments of Earth may unite.

Each one of you, wherever you reside, is a powerful focus of Light, Love and Spiritual Power, now activated by the Law of Divine Principle. You are the ONE among the MANY, that creates a multitude! Listen! Hear My Voice in the Great Silence, and Remember!

I AM God Principa

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The Great Beings from the Sun Temples whose Radiation and Outpouring we shall receive during this period:

NEPTUNE - February 19 through March 20

Purifying Power of the Water Element

Training of Undines and Water elementals.

AIRIES - March 21 through April 19

Cosmic Virtue of Wisdom

Temple of Sylphs and Devas of the Air.


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