Healing Class

Kwan Yin

December 29, 1994

My dear friends,

Please accept my love and gratitude, as together we concentrate the fullness of our divine creative energy upon the healing of our brothers and sisters in the human family.

Many of you know me as the 'Patroness of the household.' For centuries of time, I have concentrated my healing energies upon the children and their families, using the Violet Fire to inspire an expansion of the qualities of mercy, compassion and forgiveness in the parents and guardians of each family unit. The focus of my work is to smooth the path of each beloved child, working with Mother Mary and Lady Portia to hold the immaculate concept for each one, especially during their early years of physical, mental and emotional vulnerability.

Every lifestream who embodies upon the Earth, does so by personal choice, and at inner levels is grateful for the opportunities provided through the physical octave. As a lifestream prepares to enter embodiment, the foundation is laid for the many challenges that are to come. Each person is permitted to study their past lives, including the full remembrance of the domination of the emotional and etheric bodies upon their every-day earthly experiences.

Their individual opportunities are then carefully chosen and reviewed. Nonetheless, from the octaves of light, while the lifestream remains in the conscious embrace of their I AM Presence, the concerns of embodied life may appear to be easily surmountable. It all looks so simple!

Then the bands of forgetfulness are placed upon their forehead and surrounded by the divine love and confidence of the God parents, the lifestream descends through the veil of Maya into their physical vehicle. This veil―the effluvia of human consciousness―has an immediate effect upon the lifestream. However, there is a period of time during which the memory of the octaves of light serves to protect the child. Although the newborn physical vehicle is dependent, the spirit is mature. While unable to physically care for itself, the child looks at the world through eyes of love, grateful for the opportunity to embody through their earthly parents. The infant knows the true value and nature of its parents, and the many others in their family group, and recognizes the fact that every individual has agreed to work together for the highest good of not only each other, but all humanity.

As time goes on, the child is distracted by the need to master their physical vehicle and adapt to this world of form, and their memories may grow dim. The more he or she concentrates upon the demands of the physical world, the stronger the influence of the veil of Maya, increasingly obscuring the child's remembrance of the octaves of light. Beloved ones, this is the period when, spiritually, the lifestream requires the greatest assistance.

This is why I choose to concentrate so much of my life substance to the healing of families. The establishment of a strong momentum of Violet Fire in every child's life, beginning at birth, can provide a tremendous protective influence, offering the Holy Christ Self of every family member expanded access to the conscious mind. Also, the child’s contact with the octaves of light can be maintained to a very great degree, if he or she is surrounded by the unconditional love, acceptance and support of all family members.

Today, I would like to offer each one of you an opportunity to participate in my work. I ask that you center yourselves within the mighty Threefold Flame in your heart. Breathe deeply, and as you do so, feel the vibration of Christ consciousness enfold your entire being. Realize that you are the Christ in action, RIGHT HERE AND RIGHT NOW!

In the name of the Presence of God, I AM, within you, call forth and affirm your unity with the Body of Light of this planet. You are now breathing, thinking, feeling and acting as one body, one light, one eternal flame of the Presence of God I AM! Breathe this flame in, and breathe it out, radiating all of the power, understanding and love of our Father-Mother God, to all humanity.

Now, in the full authority of your Holy Christ Self, silently call before you an entire family, one with whom you are personally acquainted. Perhaps it is a family that is in particular need of healing at this time. See before you the members of this family, standing in a circle, holding hands. Speak to the Holy Christ Self of each one and say:  

“Beloved one, in the name and power of the Presence of God, I AM, through the Body of Light of this planet Earth, I now BLESS YOU and BLESS YOU and BLESS YOU with the fullness of all the gifts of the victorious Violet fire. As this sacred flame now blazes forth, expand within this child of God the qualities to effect perfect healing in every part of this lifestream, their family, and the entire world. So be it, beloved I AM.”

After you have blessed each member of the family in this way, pause for a moment and begin to perceive the healing taking place right now! Observe how the countenance of each family member becomes light, pure and filled with love. Watch, as the freedom flame is rekindled in each one!

Now, see the family turn to face outward from the circle. See the Violet Fire blaze forth from their heart centers, as the gift of healing flows forth to bless the members of other families! This, beloved chelas, is the reality of healing. Its energy flows ever outward, from circle to circle, until one day very soon, all humanity shall be FREE!

I thank you, my children, for your ceaseless work on behalf of the human family! I enfold you in my flame of mercy, compassion and forgiveness, now and forever.

In loving gratitude,

I AM Kwan Yin






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