
Master El Morya

October 1, 1994

Beloved co-servers and friends, both old and new,

I AM grateful for your presence here today. for it is truly the will of God that we take every opportunity to join our energies and assist in raising the vibratory activity of this planet and all life upon it. In unity and brotherhood, I salute your love and dedication. Even though recently, I have been relatively quiet, know that I AM always with you! Your power to manifest God's will, added to the qualities of wisdom, illumination, and understanding, are gently blending with the divine love of Holy Spirit. In addition, you are aware that the quality of balance is of the utmost importance in your evolution and you are striving to fully integrate it into your life.

I come to you today primarily to offer clarification concerning a specific point of law and to remind you of a very important activity you need to put into practice, as a chela of The Great White Brotherhood. The power and knowledge the humanity of Earth once had within their consciousness was never taken away by God. Rather, humankind gave up these divine gifts through their own free will choice.

The misuse of energy, primarily through the thought and feeling natures, resulted in the creation of the veils of maya, which are of human creation and closely linked to human consciousness. With these veils wrapped around the consciousness of every lifestream evolving on the Earth, each individual has the opportunity to begin every embodiment pure and clear of the negativity that surrounds it. Through the use of the sacred Violet Fire, the pressures of the lower astral realm are transformed by divine love, allowing the veils of human consciousness to be gently torn asunder.

Also, a similar blessing—the bands of forgetfulness—were bestowed upon the entire race by our Father-Mother God. These bands were placed upon your brows by a divine edict of cosmic law, so the humankind of Earth would have the opportunity to, one day, regain their divine heritage. Due to these bands, the electronic energy afforded to every lifestream at the beginning of each incarnation, could not be charged with the heavy and weary memories of past misunderstandings and mis-qualifications of energy.

It is through the activity of these two gifts that cosmic law is set into motion and the soul begins its journey of redemption―transmuting all negative karma into perfection at both individual and planetary levels. This allows the third eye chakra, the all seeing eye of God, to blossom fully.

Some individuals are then able to see more clearly at inner levels, many more receive a much expanded understanding of every aspect of their life, while others are able to feel sensations in their emotional bodies more profoundly. A few people may even receive clarity at all levels of consciousness. In any case, whatever they see, feel, or know is raised up in consciousness and through their inner vision, they are able to observe the reality of God. Once glimpsed, these effulgent and majestic visions of glory and perfection often prompt the lifestreams to begin or seek out new world movements. Thus, new and earnest emissaries of our Father-Mother God come forth from time to time and found new religions and philosophies. Even though perhaps they cannot see or understand the complete cosmic picture, they know and believe with all of their hearts, the truth of what they are bringing into manifestation.

During times such as these, humanity is not always certain of what is prompting them so deeply at inner levels, and they allow themselves to follow and sometimes even worship an individual, who has chosen to bring forth these new ideas and teachings. Over time they may or may not see the error of their ways and recognize the truth and reality of their previous understanding, for God's law states that each person must evolve in consciousness and one day come to recognize and accept their own divinity.

As every soul becomes more conscious of their part in the overall plan of creation, he or she comes to understand and comprehend more perfectly the importance of their life as an integral part of the sacred body of God. Having once received this flash of self-recognition, they begin to realize the need and importance of group work, in contrast to the work of an individual, even if they currently serve alone in their physical location.

Eventually, as every lifestream experiences their own connection and unity with God, envisioning a new world movement―the mass consciousness takes another step upward on the cosmic ladder of evolution and the forward movement of this planet is assured. Beloved co-servers, this is the way we arrive at the creation of religious-philosophical movements which are known as 'layman activities'. The Bridge to Spiritual Freedom is but one such activity and it is in perfect harmony with the plan my beloved friend Saint Germain and I are developing.

The Bridge to Spiritual Freedom is deeply rooted in the foundation of spiritual freedom, for in its purpose you will find it could not be otherwise! Every chela who joins this activity of light understands this principle in one way or another. There is no one whom you will place upon a pedestal and worship, for every chela knows that God lives within them and within all life. There is no doubt that God is the doer, the doing, and the deed!

With this knowledge, every individual joyously and gratefully accepts their divinity and―in deep humility, sacrifices their personal needs to those of the whole. The understanding that all life is equal, combined with the acceptance that each chela has a beautiful gift to offer to the group, summarizes the action of individual sacrifice. Every chela has the freedom to discover and express their own special gift, be it the gift of teaching, directing, serving as acolyte, or taking care of the many outer-world activities of an organization such as this.

Of equal importance to the activity of listening within and becoming ever more aware; is locating, training, and accepting the individual or group, who will one day take over the work with which you are currently involved. The time always comes when you must once again personally move forward. There will be those who walk with you, learning from your experiences and following your example, who will be well prepared to take over your work and all of its attendant responsibilities, when the time is right.

You must always keep an open mind and an open heart to these precious beings, for only when you have found those who have been prepared, will you be free to move forward in your personal evolution, drawing all those around you into a higher vibratory activity as well. Beloved ones, the ascension of the blessed planet Earth is well under way and if you will but take a few moments to look around, you will see that many steps forward have taken place over the past several years.

The great chalice of unified consciousness thus formed is now in harmony with the will of God, serving as a true channel of light, love, and perfection―the perfect example of God's will, clothed in the freedom of spiritual expression! Beloved ones, many times you have called upon me as your friend, and it is in this spirit of friendship that I offer you my words of truth and understanding.

You are truly members of my spiritual caravan, and, together, we continue to MARCH FORWARD toward the ultimate expression of God's glory and freedom! Accept the power of my love, for I AM your friend and counselor!

El Morya

Chohan of the First Ray





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