Spring Conference

Serapis Bey

April 23, 1996

Beloved ones,

Do you have any idea where you now stand, not only in your own evolution, but the evolution of your entire planet as well? I often hear conversations between people who purport to be working in many different dimensions and various levels of consciousness, simultaneously focusing on several activities. Because of talk such as this, I AM sure some of you may often become confused and wonder just exactly where you fit in the universal scheme of all life. For this reason, it is my sincere hope that I shall be of assistance to each and every one of you today, and I promise I will try to keep my information very simple and to the point!

I ask you to visualize three diamond shapes, one above the other. The bottom diamond we will label the third dimension. This is where each individual works at a very personal level. While you live, move and have your being in this dimension you are working with the three qualities of love, wisdom, and power almost exclusively for your own personal growth and spiritual development.

When the time finally comes when you have balanced these three qualities to the best of your ability, the quality of purity comes to the fore and you enter a transitional phase and prepare yourself to move into the next diamond or level of consciousness into the fourth dimension.

At this point, you expand your service from self to planetary and begin diligently working with the qualities of truth, peace and freedom further raising the vibrational level of the entire Earth. When this planet has truly been healed and all life upon it is fully united, you will then move as ONE into the fifth dimension, or third diamond, where your work will quickly expand to the universal level. At this level the qualities of balance, compassion and clarity expand your consciousness manifold and continuing your spiritual growth, you enter a time of transfiguration, in other words, a period of metamorphosis, as you are prepared to enter the next dimension and this process goes on and on into infinity. Of course, this is a very simple explanation, but one that as you study my words you will receive many insights concerning your future and that of your entire planet.

By all appearances, this conference seems to be one of quiet contemplation and deep inner reflection as you remain poised and ready in a state of listening grace to receive the full light and love of God into you beings and worlds here and now. Are you sufficiently prepared to receive this blessing beloved ones? As Guardian of the mighty Ascension Flame it is my suggestion that if you are not able to immediately answer yes to this question, then perhaps you should take at least the rest of this day and tomorrow, if necessary, to prepare for what soon shall be offered to each and every one of you.

The theme of this conference is JOY, the quality that evokes a sense of complete well-being, success, extreme happiness and good fortune which will allow you to rejoice in all things. As I look upon you now, the joy in my heart fills to overflowing for I have been where you now stand, preparing to enter a level of service that shall encompass this entire planet. Do any of you realize the good you can accomplish and the changes you can make on this Earth through your desire to serve? Seize every opportunity that is brought to your attention and you will greatly assist in healing and raising this planet to ever higher levels of consciousness.

During this conference, each of you is encountering many opportunities in which to embrace and fully experience your own divinity and that of your brothers and sisters who have chosen, just as you have, to make the sacred sojourn to this ancient focus of great love and light. Every time this happens to you, take time to savor the moment, drawing deep into your mind and heart the full impact of each experience so that you can finally really accept, without any doubts, who you really are.

Study the Thoughtform and the Theme for this year and each time you are asked to repeat the theme, say it with the conviction of your entire being! The words contained within these sacred affirmations are God's truth. Through the Violet Fire of freedom's love your four lower vehicles are becoming one with your higher self. Each and every day you are joyfully surrendering every thought, feeling, word and deed less than Cosmic Christ Purity, and this beloved ones, is rapidly elevating your consciousness, allowing you to become one with your Father-Mother God now and forever.

Your light and love does touch all and as chelas of The Bridge to Spiritual Freedom, you truly are part of an activity designed to reacquaint every man, woman, and child on this planet with their flame and their light! Please take time and read the prayer by our beloved brother Kuthumi, printed below, for once you have, no other words from me shall be necessary. I love and bless each of you for your great service to this Earth and according to your divine plan, I joyfully anticipate your Ascension into the eternal light of God!

Your mentor and friend,

Serapis Bey


Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.

Where there is hatred―let me sow love.

Where there is injury―pardon.

Where there is doubt―faith.

Where there is despair―hope.

Where there is darkness―light.

Where there is sadness―joy.


O Divine Master, grant that I may not

so much to be consoled as to console.

To be understood―as to understand.

To be loved―as to love;

For it is in giving―that we receive.

It is in pardoning―that we are pardoned

And it is in dying that we are born

To eternal life

St. Francis of Assisi



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