Summer Conference

Archangel Micah

July 28, 1996

My message to you this morning, on this, the final day of a most magnificent and important conference, will be short and to the point as many other great Masters of Wisdom have shared their thoughts and ideas with you during this past week. My flame of unity grows brighter and brighter with each passing day and I AM sure you are seeing its results in many areas of your lives already. Unfortunately, the people of this planet seem to come together primarily only at times of distress and difficulty.

Beloved ones, this consciousness must change here and now, for it must not longer be necessary for so many beautiful beings of light to sacrifice their physical lives so that the people of this planet can finally come to recognize the importance and power of the group energy, especially when it is perfectly balanced, fully aligned and focused intently upon any single project.

During the past week or so, the Spirit of Unity has shown itself, not only here at Shamballa, but also at the Olympic Games. This international Foundation has for its trademark five circles linked together in a very unique way. I would like to remind you that this symbol is but another outer manifestation and representation of the great Hand of God that guides and directs every activity, including The Bridge to Spiritual Freedom, and every aspect of life on this planet.

All of you present during this week have experienced something wonderful. You have truly begun to see God's perfection that always surrounds you and also the very early beginnings of the physical manifestation of The Temple of the Cosmic Holy Spirit here on the grounds of Shamballa. Many of you have even gone so far as to participate in and become consciously aware of some of the magnificent ceremonies that take place here on the inner realms. These activities have done much to assist you in glimpsing, perhaps only for a moment, your lower vehicles, Holy Christ Self and I AM Presence fully unified and functioning as one glorious, shining being of light, finally recognizing the reality of your divinity.

Unity is now the order of the day, and the quality which is the catalyst that will bring to full fruition the Permanent Golden Age of Spiritual Freedom here on Earth and, beloved ones, it must begin right here with each one of you present. Take the wisdom, glory and suggestions you have received during this conference to heart and carry them safely home to share with your family members, friends and the many others you come in contact with on a regular basis.

You must begin to outpicture the divine principles of this Activity of Light, becoming the perfect example just as I did two thousand years ago. The birth of your inner Christ has taken place! You must nourish, preserve and love this sacred flame within to assist your master presence to grow to full stature for you truly are the Light of the World, my beloved brothers and sisters. As I pass the torch of Christ Consciousness over to you, carry it high beloved ones as it is now your responsibility to light the way for all your brothers and sisters in your human family.

My joy in your realization of your own divinity is never ending! I love, bless and thank you for your dedication and faith. Until the next opportunity to enfold you in my love and light keep in mind the affirmation beloved Lord Maitreya gave to assist you in reaching this point in your spiritual evolution where you are now beginning to fully unite in Christ Consciousness with all your brothers and sisters in the One Human Family.

Archangel Micah


Holy Days 

Master Jesus' Birthdate......................... Sunday, September 8

Lady Mercedes' Feast Day.............. Tuesday, September 24

Lord Michael's Feast Day................... Sunday, September 29

Angelic Harvest.......................................... Monday, September 30






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