Assimilation and  Expansion

of the Electronic Pattern,


January: Through the power of precipitation and its use by all chelas and lightworkers on this planet beloved Saint Germain's New Golden Age of Spiritual Freedom has now dawned upon the Earth. As the Violet Fire blazes brightly, filling the planet with its magnificent fiery essence The Brothers and Sisters of the Golden Robe become much more active and the quality of reverence for life becomes much more evident and the ruling force on our planet.


February: Breathing deeply and rhythmically, enter the silence of the perfectly balanced Threefold Flame at your heart. Remaining centered, the beautiful form of a magnificent being of light begins to appear upon the screen of your mind. With each and every breath you take, consciously join your energies with those of all your brothers and sisters. As you do, your vision becomes clearer and you quickly recognize the Earth's great Friend of Freedom, Ascended Master Saint Germain, kneeling before the altar in the temple of beloved Helios and Vesta.

Gently holding our planet in his loving hands you realize the full momentum of his attention is now placed upon it. As you join your energies with his, the sacred Violet Transmuting Flame begins to fill the atmosphere of Earth. Moving out in all directions it covers and fills the world with its purifying, forgiving and freeing essence. Drawing this vision deep within your mind and heart, you vow to hold it sustained until the Earth truly does become Freedom's Holy Star!

March: Invoking the mighty fiat: "Our world is a world of Violet Fire: Our world is all that God desires!", the power, wisdom and love of the great Elohim Arcturus rises from the center of the Earth in gentle rhythmic pulsations and enfolds our planet. People everywhere on Earth raise their vision higher and begin to perceive the reality of their true being. Many become pillars of Violet Fire, examples to each and every person they come in contact with, that there is much more to be learned, understood and mastered than they had previously believed. Grateful for this knowledge, men, women and children all over this planet open themselves further to God's Will and Divine Truth.


 Breathing Statement *for the Assimilation and  Expansion

of the Electronic Pattern


(Breathe in)                    I AM inbreathing

(Hold breath in)              I AM absorbing

(Breathe out)                  I AM expanding

(Hold breath out)            I AM projecting


 January: the illumined power of precipitation from the Temple of the Great White Brotherhood.   

 February: the transmuting and freeing power from the sacred heart of our beloved brother, Saint Germain.  

 March: beloved Arcturus' rhythmic power of invocation into all activities of daily life.


* The breathing statement should be given four times for each full breath. On the inbreath, breath in the qualities contained within the Flame. As you hold your breath in, absorb the qualities deep within every part of your being. As you breathe out, expand and increase the power and momentum of the divine qualities you are calling forth through the power of the Holy Breath. As you hold your breath out of your body, project these magnificent God Qualities forth to all life. Repeat this exercise a minimum of three full breaths.

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Thoughtform for 1998

Through the activity of the green Flame of Truth, I relinquish all the power I have ever given to my outer self; all the power I have ever given to others; and all the power I have ever given to the shadows I have created. I now happily accept and will constantly use the Violet Fire of Freedom's Love in my life so that all imperfection within or around me shall quickly be transmuted back into perfection through the divine alchemy of beloved Saint Germain's Sacred Violet Transmuting Flame.

Theme for 1998

Purified by the Sacred Violet Fire, I AM now centered in the Immortal, Victorious Threefold Flame of Divinity within my heart. I rededicate and reconsecrate my conscious mind and feelings to remembering that as I think, speak and walk, the Presence of God within me is widening the borders of our Father-Mother God's Kingdom.


*I AM a Light Bearer!


So be it, beloved I AM!



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