The Shamballa Letter

VOLUME 20, Number 15                                                                                               April 9, 2001


Beloved chelas, 

Far too often I hear a student say: "I never lock my car because my angels won't let anything happen to it" or "I don't worry about securing my house, it is protected by my angels." or even more disheartening, "My personal effects are safe while I take a quick dip in lake". In such situations I do not believe that such individuals are consciously aware of the consequences they may be setting into motion within their life experience simply because they do not fully understand the divine principles involved. 

Through comments and actions such as those mentioned above, consciously or unconsciously, in some way or another individuals who speak in this manner are actually testing the validity of the truth they have discovered. Also, more often than not they are testing God to see how much they are loved and supported. 

Beloved ones, when you reach this point on the path of your spiritual evolution, one of the most important principles you must have already incorporated in your life is the fact that you understand the sacredness of God's Holy Energy and to the best of your ability you must take full responsibility for what happens in your life. 

This principle can easily be related to the wonderful children's story "The Boy Who Cried Wolf'. If you recall, a young boy's daily task was to take care of a flock of sheep. Concerned that he alone would be unable to protect the sheep, he was told that if a wolf came around to cry “wolf! wolf! wolf!” and help would quickly come. The boy even tested the men in his village to see if they could really hear his call and to see how long it would take for them to get to him.

However, this young boy kept crying "wolf!" long after he knew that someone would come to his rescue. Over and over and over again he called for help. And over and over and over the villagers dropped everything they were doing to go and fend off a wolf and discover there was no real need or immediate danger. Finally, the day came when a wolf really did come and attacked the flock, killing several of the best and prized sheep. Do you know what happened then? The villagers were so tired of going to the aid of someone who was unable to perceive the sacredness of the wonderful gift of protection that when there really was a reason for him to call for help the villagers did not come. 

Take time to ponder my teaching well beloved ones! It is my hope that you will come to a much more far-reaching and all-important understanding concerning the gift of protection. I shall then continue to discuss it further next week. 










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