The Shamballa Letter

VOLUME 20, Number 16                                                                                                             April 16, 2001


Dear chelas, 

How did you like my little but quite significant parable from last week? If you chose to take the time to study it, there certainly was much to be discovered within the context of this short but very important story. This week let me share with you some of the similarities between this boy and humanity concerning the glorious gift of protection. 

First, this child and each and every member of the human family has been given many tasks to accomplish on the earth plane, and one of them is that of protecting whatever has been given into your keeping. You have each also been given a wonderful gift to assist you in this endeavor for every individual on this planet has their very own task force of angels, whether they are aware of them or not. 

Additionally, if more assistance is required all of God's Angels stand ready, waiting for your additional calls to come forth. If you recall, in the particular story of The Boy Who Cried Wolf, the focus was placed upon his embodied angels, the men and women from his village. 

I believe we can also relate the many incidents where the boy cried wolf when no wolf was present to many of the chelas today. This can be accomplished by the fact that so many of you consciously choose not to take responsibility for God's precious gift of protection. You leave doors and windows open, when you could very easily make sure they are closed and locked securely. Items that are left in plain sight, which could be a temptation to others, can be safely put away with very little effort. It only takes a moment! 

Also, when you travel from your homes be it by plane, train, boat, bus or by foot you can, if you so choose, call forth the gift of protection once again for yourself and all those accompanying you on your journey. It does not matter if you are taking a trip halfway across the world or just around the corner to the grocery store. 

These are but a few of the comparable topics in this beautiful children's story. However, there is also one very important element which is not true when you are actively working with the Angelic Kingdom. Next week we shall go into the details of this particular aspect of protection. Until then observe the limitless ways in which the angels serve the Earth to assist all life that abides here.

Master Kuthumi








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