Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin


Volume 1, No. 27                                                                                                                  December 14, 1952


The consciousness that a man has evolved from the beginning of time is really the only intelligent possession which endures through the cycles of birth and death. An individual's consciousness is also the only focus through which the Godhead can increase the wealth, not only of a particular lifestream, but of the manifest world, each individual endowed with a consciousness, the faculties of intuition, of spiritual perception and inner sight can, by self-conscious effort, raise his own consciousness to union with the Cosmic Christ, and by so doing, become an invaluable instrument in the fulfilling of the Divine Plan through co-operation with the Will of the Father. 

When great lifestreams, such as the Master Jesus, prepare the instrument of their consciousness for many lives, in order to provide an incarnate focus through which the Godhead's Purpose might be fulfilled, they are serving a Cosmic Purpose far beyond the comprehension of the human self. 

In the physical birth of the Master Jesus, we have the far more mystic and exquisite manifestation of an individualized, self-conscious Intelligence, who, by persistent effort through centuries of time, evolved a consciousness whose vibratory action was pure enough, sensitive enough and rapid enough to be the Grail of the Divine Will of the Universal Father. The Father and Son became ONE, not only through the descent of the Cosmic Consciousness, but through the tremendous individual endeavor  of the Master Jesus, to evolve and quicken the vibratory action of his own Consciousness through century after century of personal effort, and to sustain it at a high enough level that the subtle currents of the Cosmic Christ might be held within it, and translated by the Mercy of Transmutation into a language of Light as well as Sound that could be interpreted and understood by the outer mind of the masses. 

In entering the Holy Christ-mass Season, the human consciousness of every aspirant to the Light may become a Grail into which the Divine Consciousness, which Jesus lived and expressed, may enter. To cultivate, to think and meditate upon the Consciousness, the Feeling and the Radiation of the Master, is to become like him in nature, and to become like him, is to gain your own freedom and to give him another instrument or vehicle through which he may pour his Radiation, in order to fulfill his Work as Representative of the Cosmic Christ. 

There could be no more beautiful Gift to Life than to dedicate one's daily activities one's whole nature and one's being, to the Presence of All Life and to the expansion of the Christ Spirit, for, in losing one's lower self, one finds the Greater Glory of the Higher Life. 

As the Presence of the Master is only able to reach the consciousness of the individual through the medium of silent prompting within the feeling nature, or through brilliant flashes of illumination through the medium of the Higher Mental Body, we must all learn to cultivate - particularly through this Holy Season - enough Silence in our own outer nature, to allow the vibrations of the Presence to record, with sufficient quality of intensity, the inspiration which becomes the Guiding Activity of our daily lives. 

Let us practice, then, the habit of listening, to the Voice of God, instead of the clamor of the outer chaos, because this Voice of the Presence has, unfortunately, too few outposts through which it can guide and protect the destiny of the many in the days ahead, and the momentum of balance must be gained beforehand if we are to be of use in the coming hours and days. 

If you can and will make this effort, you will find the Divine Teacher will set your Path in order, and things will progress to a point where you become of greater help and assistance to those around you. This must come for every man, every women and every child - for it is pre-ordained by Life - BUT, we can press that day if we are wise. 

This is the Happiness and Privilege, Joy and Ecstasy of the True Nature of Man, when he fulfills his Divine Estate, and, tasting the joy of co-creation with God, becomes established as a Potential Sun of a New System. 

Let this then, be your Christmas and New Year’s Endeavors! 

May the Joy and Accomplishment of the Beloved Jesus' Cosmic Christ Consciousness be yours now and forever.

Love and Blessings,








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