Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin


Volume 1, No. 28                                                                                                                  December 21, 1952


The Great Council Chamber at the Rocky Mountain Retreat was opened in order to accommodate more than five thousand members of the Ascended and Angelic Host who participated in the transmission of the Flame around the world last evening. 

It was a beautiful sight to behold as every guest, in honor of the Year of the Harvest, wore pure white robes with a sheath of wheat embroidered upon it in gold, resting over the heart, and bands of color on the full sleeves and around the hem, designating the particular Ray and Sphere to which each One belonged. Each One also wore the golden crested scarf over the shoulders, carrying the insignia and office of each member. 

The floor of the Great Council Chamber slopes gradually toward the front, and each high-backed throne-chair was draped in velvet, bearing the insignia representative of the Office of the occupant. The color of the velvet corresponded with the band around the sleeves and the hem of the garment of each One. A large velvet cushion of the same color with a tassel at each corner, on which the foot rested, completed these appointments. 

The Throne of SANAT KUMARA was centered, facing the High Altar with the Throne of Lord Maitreya on the right and that of the Maha Chohan on the left. Those of the other members of the Hierarchy were arranged in a semi-circle around the central throne. 

The beautiful Throne-Chairs are the permanent property of each Master. They are fitted into a groove in the floor, but can be removed and re-arranged according to the Nature of the Ceremony or the position of the Master officiating. 

For instance, the Thrones of Serapis and Lanto were placed upon the platform facing the audience, but on New Year's Eve, the Throne of SANAT KUMARA will be moved from the Audience floor and put in the Place of Honor on the platform. 

The entire Council Room was decorated with Lilies, and the Master Kuthumi, wearing heavily embroidered golden bands on his sleeves and robe complementing the natural beauty of his appearance, played on the great organ. 

Lanto and Serapis, because of the great number of guests, chose to draw the Flame from its own Chamber into the Council Room, as there were not sufficient facilities in the Flame Room to accommodate all the members who wished voluntarily to participate in the expansion of the Flame. 

On the center of the Great Altar the Golden Flame took the form of a lily and the Green Flame the leaves and the stem, from which it rose as high as the nave in the vaulted ceiling. 

The Thrones of the Lords of Karma faced the Audience from high in the atmosphere over the Altar and the Presence of the Silent Watcher clothed in Azure Blue, encompassed the entire Assembly in his Radiant Presence. 

The Throne-Chairs of Jesus and Mary, each canopied entirely in lilies, were placed one at each end of the semi-circle forming the first row, so that they connected with the wide Altar and formed two arched doorways of lilies into the Great Flame. 

Because of the interest of the Higher Mental Bodies in the Activity of 1952, the upper atmosphere was filled with a great multitude of these Christ Selves, and a Beam of Light from the heart of each one entered into the lily-formed-Flame on the High Altar. 

The Sponsors of the various groups left their seats just prior to the actual Ceremony, although all the Masters spent an hour in contemplation of the Flame before taking up their posts in the different localities. Through the faculties of their own vision and contemplation, they drew a tremendous concentration of the Flame into their own consciousness and re-created these beautiful Lily-forms in the vicinities where the groups were gathered. 

The Master Serapis completely clothed in white and whose vestments were unrelieved by any color, presided over the actual projection and direction of the Flame. His robe was of a shimmering material, the contrast on sleeves and hem, emphasizing his Ray, being of a crystal-like substance. 

The Master Lanto, who served with him, also wore a pure white vestment, but his was complemented with jade green. 

The Members were asked by Serapis to visualize the Flame-lily around every lifestream belonging to the earth's evolution, both incarnate as well as those waiting for re-embodiment, and, for thirty minutes, while Kuthumi played the Sacred Songs honoring the birth of the Master Jesus, this Visualization took place. Then, at the moment when the Flame was to be directed, both Serapis and Lanto projected their Flame into the Sacred Flame Flower, which made it grow larger and more brilliant and was the signal of the Brotherhood to breathe it in and then project it forth upon the Pathway around the world. 

The reception of the Student Body was so beautiful that it took less than thirty seconds to encircle the planet and return to its Source. Every lifestream upon the earth received a permanent focus of that Flaming Flower, which will act as a stimulus to the development of their own Christ Nature. 

The entire earth took on the appearance of a gigantic Lily resting on a green base and during the half-hour's contemplation following the projection, the inner astrosphere of the planet and the various: kingdoms, as well as the very substance of the earth itself was blessed with the Greatest Outpouring of the Cosmic Christ Light that has been known since the last Golden Age. 

Now, may the Happiness and Joy of this Holy Season enfold you, each one, and those you love!

Love and Blessings,








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