Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

Volume 4, No. 10                                                                                                             June 5, 1955


Beloved Children of God:

I give you this week for contemplation and meditation the balance of the address of our Beloved Morya, the first part of which was given in last week's Bulletin. Consider it well, beloved ones, because his words are his life and in giving them to you, he gives you himself.

Love and Blessings,



(Address of El Morya continued from week of May 29th, 1955

The Will of God is for every man to be Master, a Sun of Freedom, the Crown of the Elohim upon his head; the Scepter of Magnetization in his hand; the Seamless Robe of Achievement upon his body and the Perfume of Holiness, which is the reason for his being, radiating out through him as a benediction and a blessing to all life. 

Every woman was created a goddess, a vestal virgin, guarding the Sacred Fire within the homes, through love, through understanding, through kindness... every woman a priestess at her own hearth through her hands the healing power flowing. 

Every lifestream was created for this destiny - yet in hospitals, in mental institutions, in leper colonies all over this green earth the lethargic consciousness of the masses has accepted the appearances of decay and distress and blaspheme calling it the "Will of God" when man, through superstition, through persuasion by his superiors, accepts an imperfect condition as the "Will of God" all effort to overcome ceases... the individual, lying down in the midst of his human creation, finds a certain solace and, forgive me, a certain spiritual pride in accepting the cross, the shackles and the load - saying, "It is the Will of my Father". 

You, who have looked upon a cancerous wound, you, who have seen a body attacked by leprosy can you believe in your heart that such is the Will of God that such is the Will of the Father whom you have been taught is Love - Love inconceivable, Love that has created you in its own likeness? Oh, my dear ones, look at your concept of God, straighten your spine and recognize these human appearances for what they are - the spume of uncontrolled thoughts and feelings stamped with the energy pattern of the individual in whose world they were created sweeping out into the universe, collecting more of their kind and returning into the mind and body of their creator because this energy has to come back through the door whence it went out, for redemption. Remember that this energy return is in accordance with the Law of the Circle and a man's karma may not necessarily be the returning energy of the present embodiment, but may be that sent out in the far distant past, because all energy sent out must return, sooner or later, to its projector for redemption. 

Now, through the Grace of God you have the use of the Magnificent Activity of the Violet Transmuting Flame of Freedom's Love. Therefore, calmly go about setting your individual house in order and refrain from the tendency of enjoying the returning karma of another lest you tie into that karma by your very enjoyment for that upon which you allow your attention to rest, you draw into your world. Some man is handling today the results of mis-spent energy in the past, another man stands straight and firm, financially secure and can afford (?) to look with scorn upon the individual whose karmic retribution is at hand. I can but say with Jesus "Let him that is without sin cast the first stone!” No man, until he is ascended, knows all that he has done in the past, thank God, and many, even in the ascended state, do not choose to look back. I do not blame them. However, those of us in the Celestial Hierarchy who are working with the mankind of earth have the unenviable position of having to study lifestreams before we can proffer our friendship, comradeship and assistance because, even as steel is tested before it leaves the refinery lest a weak spot be found when it is built into some great edifice and endanger the whole, so when a new pattern is set up in the minds and hearts of the Hierarchy to bring Truth to mankind - the lifestreams through whom they work must be studied. 

Just as you press upon a board before you stand on it to see if it will bear your weight, so do the Ascended Masters exert a certain pressure upon individuals long before they even place their names before the Lord Maha Chohan, asking for an opportunity to reach them, and when those lifestreams are found, believe me, dear ones, we know every "knot hole" only too well. We know every strength and every weakness and how much weight it can bear and do not think but that there are times when the pressure of human energy is so heavy that it takes our own hands and bodies to uphold the individual's weakness until that particular crisis is past. As much as the Cosmic Law permits, beloved ones, we give and ofttimes entreat it for more. 

I have represented to Sanat Kumara, Lord Maitreya and our Lord the Maha Chohan, the logic which brought forth this present Activity. This logic was based on the fact that the most well-meaning individual cannot consciously cooperate with the Ascended Masters unless he knows what they are doing when they are doing it and is given an opportunity at least to either accept or refuse cooperation with the endeavor. Intuition is fine the Inspirational Way is magnificent but man does not realize what a complex creation he is, or how many thoughts and feelings rise like smoke from the burning ghat from his etheric past, from his emotional nature, from his mental accretions and from his desire for personal power and his own aggrandizement. Therefore, for the one pure enough to live within his own Heart Flame in communion with his God-Self and, through the intuitive faculties complete his course, there are billions  that have no way of getting back home except through the stumbling, blind mazes of human creation, running up and down without ever finding the way out. 

It was, therefore, to help those who (I felt within myself) would cooperate that I approached the Karmic Board, the Cosmic Law itself and my superiors asking for just a limited opportunity to tell them of the activities in which we are engaged and see if some small energies would choose to cooperate with us. As I have told you before, even the great Maha Chohan himself was a bit skeptical knowing the travails and disappointments I had endured on former occasions when I had tried to bring Cosmic Truths to mankind, through their human prejudices, differing opinions and unbeliefs. Yet, I said I would try... and I have tried. I have reached your minds, your hearts and your feelings. I have made you my friends and because you are my friends, you have stood with us - you have opened the door through the magnetization of your decrees to the members of the Heavenly Host and have drawn the Words and the Power of Beings, some of whom have not spoken to the mankind of earth for millions of years. 

This is what I desired to prove before the Karmic Board. This is a partnership in which men and women (karma bound) and the God-Free unite in one common purpose that purpose so dear to my heart - to release one who came from Venus to our Beloved Earth so many ages ago to save her and her people when she was about to be dissolved by Cosmic Law. Sanat Kumara, Lord of Love and Compassion is now, by Cosmic Law and Order, released from his vow of service to our planet and will be free to return to his own beloved Star within a period of the next twenty years or less. 

Beloved Friends, I offer to the Karmic Board your many accomplishments in this New Endeavor as proof to the Hierarchy that mankind - enlightened - will serve. 

Thank you and God bless you forever. 









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