Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin


Volume 4, No. 11                                                                                                 June 12, 1955


Beloved Children of the One Father: 

"Consciousness" is a word that has muddled the minds of metaphysical students almost since the beginning of time by its vagueness of expression, yet every lifestream in and out of the flesh and every perfected being in God's Kingdom is but a "state of consciousness". 

It is a very simple and clear expression when carefully thought through and understood. What you are conscious of is your state of consciousness. The man who is conscious, only of the physical body and the appetites and passions of the senses lives in the state of consciousness of the animal man or what is called the body consciousness. The whole purpose of evolution is to develop a Godly state of consciousness in which the individual is only aware of that which is true and good and eternal. 

When you come under the direction of the Spiritual Hierarchy, beloved ones, we begin to feed your consciousness just as you would feed a very young mammal, with an "eye-dropper", and if the mind is open to new ideas the consciousness begins to widen. For instance, you are aware now that there are other spiritual beings who are interested in man's spiritual progress besides the Master Jesus; you are aware of the activities of the Sacred Fire provided by Life for the undoing of your misdeeds and the Sacred Fire of Mercy which can be invoked to change your human qualities. Thus, the students under this activity have undergone an enlargement of consciousness in their awareness of a broader and truer vision of the universe and, to use an earthly phrase, "what makes it tick". 

When Jesus admonished the people not to lay up riches on earth, he meant to convey to them that the only activity of any lasting value to the lifestream's journey through the earth plane was the enriching and expanding of the consciousness which would one day leave the body sheath for another realm and again expand the consciousness in the new field. What a man does to perpetuate his body, his earthly fruitfulness, the physical comforts of himself or others, is unimportant except as it allows the consciousness of himself or those whom he serves to be enriched and unfolded thereby. 

Here you have a fine line of demarcation: If you do physical labor to satisfy the outer self and the consciousness of either yourself or those for whom you labor becomes filled with selfishness or vanity, you have stolen and used God's life in vain, but if you do physical labor to relieve or release another lifestream from the pressure of that labor that their consciousness of God might grow and you perpetuate a higher state of being in a series of lifestreams aspiring God ward, then you are serving a good purpose, Remember always that man's only true service is to expand the Godly consciousness through all life and this includes the three kingdoms simultaneously evolving on the earth plane; any other service is a mistaken one. If you will ask, beloved ones, for the Ascended Jesus Christ Consciousness, you will find that much revelation and illumination will flow into your thinking and feeling worlds in a natural manner that will be truly the greatest Teacher you could have.

Love and Blessings,








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