Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin


Volume 4, No. 50                                                                                                       March 11, 1956

Beloved Children:

When the Beloved Jesus took a towel and washed the feet of his disciples, he proved to them by precept and example that in the great evolutionary scheme of life the greater intelligence serves the lesser. 

The people of Earth take more or less for granted the favors rendered them by the Great Intelligences who serve them impersonally, directly or indirectly, in every phase of their everyday existence. For instance, how much thought, not to speak of gratitude, is given to the Beloved Helios and Vesta, the radiation of whose Presence furnishes the light and brilliance of the Sun itself by which all life on this planet is nourished and sustained? How much recognition or gratitude is given the Great Beings who govern the forces of nature, holding the millions and millions of intelligences that comprise the elements in check lest they rebel and destroy the mankind they are forced by the law of their being to serve? 

You must know, beloved ones, that every cell and atom that make up the whole universe were drawn forth from the Body of God through intelligences on whom he conferred his own spiritual nature, including the gift of creation itself, calling them "His Beloved Sons". As the spider draws the substance of the web from within its own body, so does every intelligence endowed with the power of creation draw on the Body of God (whether it knows it or not) for the substance to fill every manifestation of life it wishes to express.

This includes not only the great stars and planets and suns that swing around the Great Central Sun in interstellar space, as well as the mighty evolutions that dwell upon them, but your own bodies, the clothing that you wear, the substance of which your homes are built and the furniture within them. All things from the smallest to the greatest are part of the body of God. How gracefully then, should we comport ourselves and how gently should we walk through a universe into which we were sent by the Father that we may enjoy the happiness of his Presence and expand the glory of his Kingdom? Even now, beloved ones are ye "the Sons of God". 

In a great Cosmic Council of the Brotherhood dedicated to the spiritual advancement of the mankind of Earth, at which it is my privilege and prerogative, as Maha Chohan, to preside, it was shown that while thousands of individuals had become aware of the Great White Brotherhood and of the fact that there was a plan and design for the redemption of the race through its intervention, yet the consciousness of the people had fallen so low that there was no point of contact between the Masters' Plan and the willing, but unconscious chela. There seemed to be no way or means provided whereby this hope and promise could be fed into the intellectual selves of those who were eager to cooperate, but unable to find the way. Along the Seven Rays the Chohans reported the same thing good material, but no bridge. It was then that the Beloved El Morya presented the idea of forming an alliance or bridge by which the Brotherhood could reach the people and allow the Karmic Board to determine by the result of such an action whether the investment of energy was worthy of the grant. 

The Beloved Helios and Vesta acquiesced to the experiment and I was delegated with the authority to give the Seven Chohans free rein to connect the consciousness of their people with the Will of the Father if they (the people) could provide and sustain such a bridge. 

The Lords of Karma passed on the proposal and the Christ Selves of the race eagerly began their endeavors to create the individual bridges which are the natural connection between each outer self and his Higher Mind and this whole New Endeavor is the result of such cooperative activity. Then, encouraged by the success of this experiment, the Beloved Morya requested my permission to approach the Karmic Lords again this time with the idea that if the people of Earth could be apprised of our activities on their behalf while these great gatherings were in session, they would cooperate consciously, thus fulfilling intelligently and speedily the cosmic law governing the Earth's evolution. The Beloved Morya himself has told you how this has been accomplished thanks to your faith in our Presence and your willing cooperation in our mutual endeavors.

Love and Blessings,







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