Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin


Volume 5, No. 7                                                                                                                    May 13, 1956


Beloved Children of My Heart: 

Perhaps it has not occurred to your outer minds that the services of those of the Ascended Host who have voluntarily dedicated their free energies to the spiritual welfare of the race are strenuous in the extreme. For instance, long after you have completed your "calls" and gone about your daily affairs, the Members of the Hierarchy assigned to the fulfillment of your supplications are using their topic energies in the accomplishment of the desired requests, limited as their endeavors may be by individual or mass Karma. 

Likewise, when a Brother or Sister from the Higher Octaves is given an assignment to address a group of unascended beings, he puts time, energy and application into the preparation of his discourse. These addresses given by the Masters, beloved ones are not by any manner of means "impromptu talks rendered on the spur of the moment" - rather are they the result of deep thought and study on the part of the Master of the immediate requirement of those to whom his rendition is directed. 

The Beloved Kuthumi, for example, took advantage of the opportunity afforded him to speak to the multitude in his report on the Transmission Flame Ceremonies held recently in my Retreat at Ceylon, to incorporate three separate and distinct subjects - all related to mankind's freedom - into his address. It would be difficult to decide which phase of his presentation is the most essential, but it is safe to affirm that the purification of mankind's inner vehicles is of the most vital importance to their Spiritual progress. My Beloved Jesus, referring to the same subject, made the statement "Ye cannot put new wine into old bottles". 

May I suggest, beloved ones, that you make an earnest call to the Holy Christ Selves of mankind in general that the free will which the ego has usurped may be transmuted quickly into an insatiable desire for unadulterated Truth; which those who have reached the Christ Estate are alone capable to impart.

Love and Blessings,



The Beloved Kuthumi on the Sacred Fire of Purification and its use

Beloved Ladies and Gentlemen: 

To you who are seeking the way back home through the control of the energies of your own inner bodies and to you who have applied primarily to the great Maha Chohan himself for an understanding of how to become a Comforting Presence to all life to you I bring and give the special blessing and benediction of our Lord, the Maha Chohan. He wishes me to commend you on the sincerity of your endeavor, for the constancy of your service, for the purity of your motive and for the deep heart desire which is so practically manifest in your inner bodies to purify, sublimate, transmute and make a fit receptacle of all your vehicles for the descent of the Holy Spirit. By thus providing for his reception, he will abide within your heart and express fully through your emotional, mental and etheric bodies as a tangible radiation which will be the master control of all the energies you are called upon to contact; your sphere of influence expanding when necessary to envelop an entire nation or planet and able to contract itself again to a smaller sphere when you are handling perhaps just a roomful of people or a smaller group. 

The process of the expansion and contraction of your sphere of influence will come under your control as you learn a little more about the activity of the Rhythmic Breath and as you open yourselves to the activities of purification, which are more concentrated in the astral and psychic realms and in the inner bodies of mankind today than at any time since the fall of man from Grace. 

As these inner bodies are opened to the mighty concentrates of the Beloved Astraea Purifying Circle and Sword of Flame and Beloved Michael's Limitless Legions' Swords of Blue Flame and all the Purifying Activities of the Seventh Ray and the Mercy Flame, there are dislodged from the vehicles and souls of men the astral sheaths which enfold them and which have been embedded there for many, many ages of time. As that substance is dislodged; as the emotional, mental, etheric and physical bodies begin to disgorge, we might say, the substance which has been solidified in, through and around them through the ages, it is essential that man has an understanding of the Sacred Fire in the aspect of sublimation in his unascended state; else there would be a veritable hailstorm of creations dislodged from their hiding places in these inner bodies which would bombard the vehicles of the balance of the race, just as a dust storm blowing over an entire countryside lights upon everything in sight. 

That is why, beloved friends, it is necessary to institute a knowledge of the Fires of Mercy and Purification, as well as Saint Germain's activity of Divine Alchemy in the consciousness of the student body before it would be safe to stir up for redemption so many of these misqualified energies that have lain dormant so long within the inner bodies of the people. 

After the establishment of the Violet Fire Foci over the various countries, cities, towns and locations in which conscious students (or even one student) dwell, who may be used as a magnetizing center for this Fire of Purification, it has been made possible to take all the people within the various continents into those Violet Fire lakes and gradually remove layer after layer of mental, emotional, etheric and physical substance that has been misqualified. After that substance is removed it is purified and one of the Beings of Purification who has assisted at the ritual applies to the Silent Watcher of the particular continent to which the lifestream belongs and asks if that purified substance shall go directly back to the Sun or whether it shall be placed in the Causal Body of the individual to which the energy belongs as a momentum of good and perfection. There is a certain aspect of Cosmic Law which governs the re-direction of purified substance into the Causal Body of an individual when that individual has not made the self-conscious effort to sublimate that energy. 

When you, Beloved ones, consciously use the Violet Fire of Freedom's Love and use the activity of Divine Alchemy, you are self-consciously drawing into your emotions, your minds, your memories and your flesh that Violet Fire. When you walk down those beautiful marble ramps into the Violet Fire Lakes - you are self-consciously calling on the Law of Forgiveness for the misqualification of your energies and because you have self-consciously and voluntarily done so, the Silent Watchers, the Lords of Karma and the Beings of Light (without exception) give that energy back to you, which immediately enters your Causal Bodies to become part of the momentum which your Holy Christ Self uses to send back to whichever one of your four lower bodies needs assistance and help most, at any given time. 

However, when an individual is drawn within that purifying Fire with no self-conscious effort or desire to use the Violet Fire, the substance as purified is usually returned to the Sun. The Sun then gives it to some God-free Beings to the Beloved Zadkiel, Saint Germain or Arcturus - any one of the Great Ones - rather than concentrate it back as a personal grant to the lifestream who misqualified it - because that one has not made the conscious endeavor to purify it. 

This is a very important part of the law and one which I hope you will understand because the energies that you consciously purify become immediately part of your own Causal Body and then your Holy Christ Self, according to its Wisdom, charges them back into the vehicle of expression that needs them most. Therefore, beloved ones, you come under a specific dispensation of the Cosmic Law. 

This is the same activity that takes place when individuals pass through so-called death. They are bathed within this Violet Fire, which some people call Purgatory and others refer to as the River Styx. Almost all religions refer to some type of purification before the soul can enter a state of Heavenly Bliss. When individuals are not conscious students of the law when they pass from the body without an actual knowledge of the power of Mercy and Forgiveness as an activity of the Sacred Fire they are bathed in that substance just as you would bathe children, after which they are prepared to enter the Halls of Karma and receive their assignments of service in whatever sphere they have fitted themselves to dwell. That bathing, however, does not give them a conscious return of the purified energy which they have misqualified until they have learned to sublimate their energy by a voluntary submersion in the Violet Fire in one of the Temples dedicated to that purpose, after which they are entitled to make application for the energy they have voluntarily purified. God bless you, dear ones.  







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