Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 8, No. 41                                                                                                                        January 10, 1960


My Dear Friends seeking God’s Way Home: 

Mankind, in contemplating Spiritual instruction, so often delegates to the abstract the Powers of the Cosmic Comforter, and yet even the most mundane activities in which the personal self can be engaged can be and are ofttimes tremendous outposts of comfort to the physical bodies of the people, and to their mental, etheric and emotional well-being as well. All great constructive avenues of endeavor bring Comfort to the daily life of the people or instance, the manufacturers of comfortable easy chairs or mattresses, or the use of electrical therapy, the beautiful automobiles, the washing and drying machines, the modern stoves, just to mention a few of the modern conveniences are actively engaged in furnishing comfort as much as the kindly doctor, the priest, the minister, rabbi, the vocational teacher or the inspirational writer or musical composer. All of these the great and the simple have had the special blessing of the Cosmic Comforter. 

The Seven Great Chohans have been delighted with the progress of the students during this past year and are engaged in the task of receiving individuals who serve under any of the ramifications of the Seven Rays and in endeavoring to raise each potential server to his or her highest possible fire of God enthusiasm in their individual capacity to serve Life. 

This good year of 1960 will result in a tremendous step-up in inventive endeavors, mechanical perfection and a much higher type of music, architecture, drama and literary perfection as well as a closer knit understanding of the Brotherhood of Man, which shows you, dear hearts, the scope of the Ascended Masters who constantly walk with you. 

I humbly thank you for accepting such spiritual food as I have endeavored to bring you during these past years. Let me remind you once more of the benefits to your emotional bodies, mental, etheric and physical bodies of harmonious music. I repeat here "The Lost Chord" is the story of a man's search for the Keynote of his Being, and, for one moment, the Cosmic Symphony sounded the true harmony which the composer's lifestream should express to all that lives. As every atom of his being thrilled to that vibration, even as the sheep thrill to the sound of the shepherd's voice, so did he know for a moment the ecstasy of being in tune with the Infinite. This is one of the many musical compositions which brings peace, harmony and healing to the listener. Each one's keynote will be revealed to them through their own Holy Christ Self. 

My Blessings and my Gratitude are yours.

Love and Blessings,







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