Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings




Volume 10, No. 10                                                                                                    June 4, 1961


Beloved Children of My Heart: 

Upon awakening mornings, many individuals tune into the outer turmoil so eagerly through the media of radio, newspaper headlines and television that it would seem they almost regretted missing the worldly chaos during the hours of peaceful; God-given sleep. Far better, dear hearts, is it that the door of the attention be kept closed to the pull of the outer world until the chela has harmoniously, peacefully, and without a sense of hurry, bathed himself Spiritually in the Light of his own "I AM" Presence and has offered his loving gratitude to that Presence and his Holy Christ Self for being given a new day in which to serve life constructively, Thus strengthened, he can confidently face the activities of the day, choosing to accept only Perfection transmuting again and again the imperfections of the appearance world, until those imperfections are transmuted into Light and he feels the awareness of the Perfection of God's Activity here and now. 

Holding to the inner conviction that there is no lasting power aside from the one Universal God-Good, that there are not two powers in the Father's Kingdom - then the chela can safely walk the Earth radiating confidence and blessing as does the Sun in its orbit. So although he may see and hear the crises and confusion of worldly affairs, he knows that they are but part of growth and evolution of the planet. 

All of the faithful chelas, who profess to follow the Ascended Ones have to face the fact eventually that they must be willing to be shorn of all attachment to persons, places, conditions and things, as have those who have gone before them into the Realms of Light. For after the personal self has rooted out self-importance and vanity, then the Spirit raises the consciousness gently to the great, great heights of Freedom and Light from whence there is no returning to the snares and traps of the senses. 

This sometimes seems to be a sacrifice beyond endurance, but it is a voluntary process of Spiritual growth in which no other individual may interfere. The soul loses the sense of over responsibility for any particular part of Life yet becomes aware of a responsibility for all forms of Life everywhere. This freedom from the chains of serving the outer or personal self brings not a sense of loneliness as might be imagined, but, rather, a feeling of mental, emotional and Spiritual freedom beyond limited human comprehension. So, my children, be not dismayed at outer seeming conditions, but be assured that while in the world, yet not of it, you may serve the Higher Realms in the full, free glory of your "I AM" Presence, and the Beings of Light from those Realms are ever conscious of you and bless you.

Love and Blessings,







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