Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin
A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings
Volume 12, No. 14 July 7, 1963
Beloved Children:
The Ascended Master consciousness comes at the instant when the lifestream has completely melted away and dissolved every concept, thought and feeling which is not in complete accord with the Harmony and Truth of the Universe. Each discord; each thought released; each recorded experience held in memory, that is less than perfection, form part of that shell which repels life as It is and thus separates the individual from the Universal Whole. One of the greatest steps forward for the individual comes when he is willing to absolutely let go of concepts, beliefs and strongly ingrained prejudices which form that dense and heavy shell that shuts him off from the Light of Truth.
As the Master begins to penetrate through the mind and feelings of the chela, and the chela accepts and nourishes this penetration, old things do drop away and all things are made new.
It is a frightening thing to see from Inner Levels how many individuals have clung, for hundreds of centuries, to an orthodox shell in which they have erected certain aspects of deity, demons and punishments, forming for themselves, like a frieze upon the interior wall of their oval, a heaven and hell - content to remain within their concept of a Universe and refusing to break through into the realms of Truth.
It has been said, and truly, that people passing through death find their heaven much to their own beliefs, whether it is one of golden streets and harps, or one of unending slumber, or one of the happy hunting grounds of the Indians, etc. Why? Because the soul passing from the body takes it's oval of consciousness with it, which is peopled with creatures of its own imaginings and thus cannot evolve, even in the discarnate realms, but remains enamored of its credo, incarnating again with the same beliefs and the same consciousness.
Tremendous upheavals that will disillusion orthodox minds are, therefore, requisite to shake them free and, although they pass into a period of black nothingness when their accepted dogma is thus destroyed, yet it affords an opportunity for the Brotherhood to proffer through that emptiness enough Light to build a wider and more thorough understanding of their relationship to the Universe. The mass of mankind are facing such experiences and unrest and the chelas of the world today are rendering a marvelous service, for they are MAKING PEOPLE THINK and the empty credos that cannot buoy up their souls are being found at their true worth.
Love and Blessing,