Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin
A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings
Volume 12, No. 15 July 14, 1963
Beloved Children:
The Master looking at the student sees a great oval of consciousness vibrating according to the need of the moment and colored by the thoughts and feelings of the forty-eight hours preceding the exchange of energy. This oval has been called the Aura, meaning the emanation or radiation of the self, but it is a great deal more than that, the Aura is the recording Angel or the Realm of Consciousness through which each lifestream must experience his activity, waking and sleeping.
The predominant color of the consciousness is a clear indication to the Master of the chelas place upon the Path and the overtone is an indication of the recent activity of the soul. For instance, a very harmonious lifestream whose natural color tone might be a soft green; if he experienced an emotional upheaval of an unpleasant nature would show blotches of red and brown superimposed upon the natural color of the Aura.
The Master coming to give specific assistance places most of the weight of his discrimination on the natural tone, for that shows the evolution of the individual and how much he is capable of receiving and what would be the greatest gift and benefit that could be offered him. The color and tone of the Aura also make it possible for the Master to use certain lifestreams for definite work, because once the color is firmly established, we feel that the overtones, with discipline and assistance, can be muted.
It is, therefore, a very wise thing for individuals to find out the color to which their evolution has brought the ovoid of their consciousness, for that will be the most harmonious vibratory action for them to work in, surround themselves with and clothe their vehicles in. People have an affinity towards the vibratory action to which they have attained, both in music and in color, and if they become still they can pretty accurately sense that vibration. Students have been taught the use of color and so it is no longer a criterion by which the outer man can determine the evolution of the student, but before the outer man was made aware of color, the individual, almost without exception, surrounded himself with the vibration akin to his own Aura, just as the nature Spirits wear garments of fur corresponding to their natural habitat.
It would interest you to see in our Octave how these ovals of Light (Auras) in which we move, coming from a distance, make it possible for us to distinguish our visitors long before their forms appear through the beauty and purity of their color, the harmony of their sound and the fragrance of the oval. Unascended beings can come to a like sensitivity with regard to the invisible Presence of their Master.
Love and Blessings,