Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin
A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings
Volume 12, No. 9 June 2, 1963
My Beloved Wayfarers:
Remember that in spiritual endeavors the leader sometimes seems more beset with shadows than the group which Life has entrusted him to lead to safety. You know that in any army the General is the focus toward which the foe directs all its efforts, for if the Commander is removed, as a rule, confusion is apt to result.
There must be a focus of strength and intense Light to lead the followers to victory. In Nature's Kingdom if the lead horse or the captain of the sheep is snared, the flock is helpless.
The forces that seek to distort and destroy my years of work in bringing through to this world of form the understanding of Light, do not take the time or effort to attack the rank and file of my students. These forces knowing that if in the various locations the leaders or those with the greater grasp and understanding of my work can be destroyed or discouraged that the chelas will disband for lack of confidence on the part of the leaders to guide them right. Because there has been such an attempt to weaken the tremendous service rendered at this point of the Earth's evolution - be assured and not discouraged for from the beginning of time the Light has never proceeded without opposition, and you remember that it was not one of the disciples, but rather it was the Focus of Light, our Ascended Master Jesus, who was seized in the Garden of Gethsemane.
All through the ages it has been the General of standing who was the focus for the forces that sought to destroy the work. Now I say to you that the forces so seeking are doomed to failure and to public ridicule. My chelas who have persevered, and who are my knights in shining armor, shall find a sustaining power from the Cosmic Law which has never been allowed up to this moment.
Across the Earth where this teaching flows you will find that my pioneers of Light are standing firm under the lash of opposing forces, and, when that destructive activity ceases (which is not in the too distant future) the leaders, each of you my beloved chelas, will then gather in the weary souls by the thousands. So persevere and know that never yet in this embodiment, or in others, have you found that All-Seeing One within wanting. Every soul who has loyally served the Holy Spirit has at some time uttered the great cry of our Beloved Jesus "Father, Father, why hast thou forsaken me?" and then they have seen with him the Glory of Victory.
Onward and Upward to Victory. I travel with you every step of the Way! This is my message on this Holy Pentecost!!
Love and Blessings,