Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin
A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings
Volume 12, No. 10 June 9, 1963
Beloved Children:
Down through the centuries Llamasaries, Sanctuaries, Monasteries, Convents and Hermitages have been founded by sincere individuals through their intense love of God, or through conscious contact with the Host of Light which inspired this selfless devotion.
An individual's energy, supply, or vitality, when offered selflessly to Life for the upliftment of the race is accepted most gratefully by the Spiritual Hierarchy, who immediately begin to unfold a Plan of Perfection according to the specific karmic limitations of the person or persons involved in such a Spiritual Venture. When this desire for Service wells up in the heart of a lifestream it comes immediately under the supervision of the Spiritual Beings who are ever alert for any opportunity to draw and maintain a Focus of the Spiritual Forces and the finer ethers that must have chalices into which such subtle currents may flow.
As the Ascended Masters are invited in every sense to be the Governing Authority of an individual or a group, the individuals privileged to represent them will immediately place all sense of responsibility and authority directly into the Hearts of the Perfected Ones, and in humble service allow them full freedom to act in whatever manner their greater wisdom shall see fit.
Persons whom the Ascended Masters accept to be their Associates and Representatives in any Plan for the Expansion of the Light upon the Earth are automatically and harmoniously adjusted to fulfill, to the best of their own conscience, their part in the Plan.
By constantly reminding the outer-self that the God Presence has been given full Authority to regulate all parts of daily living the chela will be freed from tension, worry and undue responsibility. This will also enable the God-Power to act more freely and the chela thus will be an open channel for all the Power, Comfort, Peace, Health and Abundance that are rightfully his in his sonship with the Father.
Individually and collectively you have the eternal gratitude of the Ascended Ones for being the Cups through which the Light flows into the Earth today when the powers of darkness are rampant. Be assured that your calls and aspirations are heard and that the Shining, Unquenchable Light flows back upon your energy to stabilize and bless your world, mankind and the Earth itself.
Love and Blessings,