Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin
A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings
Volume 12, No. 11 June 16, 1963
Dear Children of Light:
Around the Heart-Center (The Great Central Sun) of our System dwell Beings who radiate the qualities of God. They are facets of expression of goodness and peace in its most exalted degree. They have taken the responsibility of supplying the Earth and the other Planets of the System with whatever intensity of Life is required of the people - qualified with their particular aspect of Divinity.
Half of their time is spent in drawing the Universal Life of the Godhead, and qualifying it with their own Nature, and the other half of their time is spent in directing this qualified Energy in conscious Rays to the various Planets, each according to its merit and its worth. The outpourings of these Great Beings, I repeat, are not directed to the Earth alone but to the entire System.
As you have been told - in the designing of the Earth Planet the Cosmic Law created a minimum release, below which the outpouring can never go. Therefore all above the minimum is dependent upon the invocations from the Earth itself, and is a demand on these Beings around the Sun for an increase of their outpouring.
So you see beloved ones, your calls and Transmission Classes hold open the channel of Universal Blessings for the unconscious mass of mankind. This is one of the greatest services unascended beings can render to this Earth Planet today. I might say that you are a vital help in sustaining the Cosmic Cables which connect the human race to the Sun behind the Sun. Be assured that the Guardians of the Race are aware of your efforts in this direction and you have their extra love and blessings for it.
Through your invocations you have consciously set up a rhythmic pulsation which has drawn these Beings Earthward and which compels their Presence to be felt in the inner bodies of men.
In the process of cleaning out a soiled vessel or tank you will notice the dirt or residue rising to the top - so is the turmoil and seeming evil of mankind across the Earth today but a churning up of the evils in the outer bodies prior to the complete cleansing of the vessels of unascended man.
My Presence enfolds you each one.
Love and Blessings,