Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 13, No. 16                                                                                                                                July 19, 1964


Beloved Chelas:      

When Beloved Kuthumi lived in Greece he accomplished much of his healing and much of his Spiritual Teaching through the medium of music - because music is harmonious energy and the natural expression of each lifestream is harmonious energy. The soul is tortured when the lower bodies break the melody of the lifestream by discordant feelings, thoughts and emanations, which makes a continual state of distress and aggravation between the inner and aspiring soul and the vessels in which it works. The Master Kuthumi's practice was to play the keynote for each of the four lower bodies, and he would play that over and over until the vibrations passing through the four bodies harmonized them and they began to pick up and pattern their own vibrations according to the note which he set. In this way he trained the lower bodies without rebellion or resistance, to send out a harmonious sound, and that brought peace to the soul within. As soon as the soul became at peace, the Light from his own I AM Presence filled it and the spiritual unfoldment of the lifestream began. 

You can easily experiment with the response of a lifestream to a strongly charged vibration which will change the rhythm of the four lower bodies of one or more individuals in the course of minutes. The average group of people placed within a room where there is certain music being played will sub-consciously or unconsciously, within a matter of sixty seconds, begin to hum, sing, or tap out the rhythm of that music, thus entering into the energy pattern of the vibrations which they hear. This has been done time and again, and is one of the methods employed to stir up so-called patriotism through the bands and stirring music at times of national and international crisis. 

When a certain song achieves popularity over the TV, radio, or record, it is a comparatively short time before the entire populace is singing or humming it. This shows you the tremendous sensitivity of the consciousness to vibration and gives you a small picture of the great scope of service when an individual chooses to call the Flames and Rays of the Ascended Masters through the consciousness of the people, and to set up within the people vibrations corresponding to the Divine Consciousness - Thoughts, Feelings, and Understanding of Life and the Universe. Far more powerful and potent than the popular music of the day is the concentrated current of the Ascended Masters' Energy, and although it is not apparent to the physical senses, the inner bodies pick up that vibratory action when the Master’s Ray is invoked through the lifestream, and they begin to imitate and carry out that vibration just as the people imitate and carry out the melody of the song. 

In large groups of people gathered together, tremendous assistance can be given by such invocation to these powerful Rays of Cosmic Energy which DO CHANGE THE COURSE of the lifestream’s current, and turn it toward a more harmonious and powerful expression of the ONE LIFE. One can do much in their own application to relieve the lifestream from tension and strain by such invocation to these Cosmic Currents of Energized Life.

Love and Blessings,








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