Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings 

Volume 13, No. 26                                                                                                    Sept. 27, 1964


Beloved Chelas: 

What is it within a man that seeks God? 

It is not the animal nature or the passions or lusts of the outer self which know that in the achievement of Godhood they shall cease to be. That within a man which seeks God-Union is the Divine Spark placed within the human heart by the All-Wise Divinity, which is all-remembrance of the erstwhile Glory of the Kingdom. No matter how far the lifestream might proceed into matter, the remembrance within that Spark could never be extinguished, though it might still be for centuries within the shell of the personal self. 

The Father of all Life pre-ordained the return of his children by placing a part of himself within them, because he knew that the All-Power within that Spark, once awakened, would never rest until reunited with the whole; and the using the same principle, your homing pigeon no matter how far he is taken from his cote returns immediately to the home-nest when restraint and imprisonment are removed. If the students could understand that the very nature of their cry for God is the Resurrecting Power of Divinity within them, they could proceed much more quickly on the Path toward God Freedom. 

On the range where ponies ride for days across the sagebrush - the unmarked wilderness - the experienced cowhands know that the pony, given his own freedom, will eventually bring the rider home, and they relinquish their intellectual supremacy over the faithful beast, and thus are saved hours and days of wandering unnecessarily.

This is a crude illustration of the Power of the Godhead imprisoned within the human breast once it begins to stir. If the lifestream would just throw all the power into that yearning, the true nature of the Spark would carry the personality home far more quickly, happily and perfectly than when the intellectual consciousness seeks to harness the Divine Flame and ride it or leash it into a certain channel which seems the proper one of accomplishment. 

Thus I counsel you again to turn to the Wisdom of the Flame which can and will illumine you concerning all things, as you choose to abide within its homing instinct.

Love and Blessings,






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