Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings 

Volume 14, No. 41                                                                                                            January 9, 1966


Dedicated Chelas: 

We are indeed privileged to have the magnificent Goddess of Truth, Beloved Pallas Athena, and the Director of the Fifth Ray of Truth, mighty Hilarion, as our Sponsors for the year Nineteen Hundred Sixty-six. 

In Truth, there is only Perfection, anything less is dross. 

Bearing the above in mind, I bring to your attention again the activity of EXPECTANCY! Let us say, I shall EXPECT the chelas under my personal supervision to anticipate only Perfection. In this confidence in the scientific action of the Spiritual Law, you will find the Benediction of the Almighty flowing into your being and world, as well as outpicturing in the dwellers upon this Planet also. 

A man never builds a house if he keeps thinking only of the garage, or a lady will not own a specific item of apparel, say a dress, if she goes into a shop and buys a coat instead. What an individual entertains in his consciousness outpictures at some time or another in his world. Think Perfection, hold it in your consciousness, and Perfection will result in your beings and affairs. 

I suggest you go into action NOW and clean up your worlds of all dross, and make way for Perfection. Invoke your own God Presence and ask for assistance in setting aside the lower consciousness of the little self, and permit that great Individualized God Self to serve, through you, with the glorious Pallas Athena and her co-sponsor, Hilarion, and really BE a conductor into this Earth-plane of God Truth, for the upliftment of all thereon. 

I admonish you to EXPECT Perfection, and as you sow the seeds of Truth in a greater capacity, than previously, so shall it manifest! 

I shall EXPECT tremendous forward strides from you upon the Path of Attainment, and I EXPECT YOUR COOPERATION!

Love and Blessings,






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