Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings 

Volume 14, No. 42                                                                                                                     January 16, 1966


Beloved Chelas: 

Let us briefly review the meaning of the word "music". Your dictionary will state in part that music is the science and art of the rhythmic combination of tones embracing melody and harmony; further, any rhythmic succession or combination of sounds especially pleasing to the ear; also the sensations or emotions thus produced. 

When referring to music, the average individual thinks of the sound produced by vocal or instrumental means, but the spiritually inclined or developed realize that there is much more. The entire universe, according to the Will of the Cosmos, should be emanation of Pure Tones, not defiled by human qualification, and we refer to this overall Harmony as the Music of the Spheres. 

Each lifestream is a musical instrument in himself, with the Master Musician dwelling within his heart, and every release of energy should add to the Harmony of the Universe. When the chela recognizes this fact, his every thought, word or deed is one of a melodic vibration, through permitting the Christ within to control his energy. When the lower self is playing upon the keyboard of his vehicles, dissonance ensues and adds to the inharmony of the Planet, and the Universe as well. 

The old adage of "Practice makes Perfect" can well be applied in this instance, and in that practice is entailed the activity of purification. My admonition today is 'to keep on, keeping on' in your desire to remove the tentacles of imperfection which have adhered so tenaciously through the centuries, so that you will soon be so in tune with the Holy Christ Self that the counsel through these many years of 'Practicing the Presence' will become a manifest fact. 

Blessed children of Light, you are much closer to that Perfection than you can realize at the moment, and I commend you for your constancy in the purification of your vehicles, as well as of all upon this Earth.

Love and Blessings,







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