Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 16, No. 11                                                                                         June 11, 1967


 Blessed Friends: 

The subject of our Release today is PEACE! It is not only apropos, but it is essential that the illumined chelas daily send forth powerful energy toward this accomplishment.

As stated in a Release of August 21, 1966"direct your attention to assisting this Planet Earth and her peoples to a state of harmonious living, which can only come about when the governments of this Planet cease striving for supremacy, one over the other". 

In a more recent Release it was stated that the cause and cores of hatred and fear must be removed through the Flames of Transmutation and Purification otherwise a cessation of hostilities would not be of a lasting nature. 

Peoples all over the Earth are calling within their hearts for Peace, but there are multitudes who are not illumined and all they require is some rabble rouser to incite their emotions and they blindly join the crowd in any cause not giving consideration to the outcome! 

Peace comes through understanding and tolerance and at this crucial hour it is the heads of the various governments who require God Illumination to stem the rising tide of a world conflagration where contempt breeds further hate and fear. 

As you are aware, our Beloved El Morya has always played a vital role in the Governmental Service of the East, and in other Nations as well, and your invocation of the Beloved El Morya and his Legions of Light, together with Lord Michael, Beloved Micah, Beloved Lady Astraea and the Angels of Transmutation under the direction of Lord Zadkiel will render tremendous assistance in clearing away the rampant hatred and fear, allowing the Will of God to express in a more expanded manner. I could go on and on stating the various negative forces which are presently expressing in the holocaust of war, but I know within my Heart that a word to my dear and faithful chelas will result in a further concerted action toward the cause of World Peace, through transmutation and purification, permitting inroads to be made of the God Virtues of Tolerance and Understanding. 

The Peace of the Holy Spirit be upon you, and all the peoples of this Earth!

Love and Blessings,










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