Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 18, No. 26                                                                   Sept. 28, 1969


Beloved of My Heart: 

By the time you receive this release, the Angelic Kingdom will have presented their Harvest at Shamballa (September 30, 1969). I bring this to your attention so that you will further contemplate the Harvest of your Light which you shall present on November 30th. 

The Angelic Kingdom is truly an expression of Joy in Service and is always eagerly anticipating any added Service which can be released through them. I lovingly counsel you to invoke the Members of that Kingdom - your assigned Seraphim in particular - to give you their Feeling of Happiness which comes from qualifying the Holy Energy which passes so freely through your beings in a constructive manner, so that you fulfill that part of the Divine Plan which The Father-Mother God has graciously placed in your Heart. 

The Angelic servers are not ephemeral Beings of Light. They have been pictured in that manner for their Light is of such intensity, those individuals on Earth who have been privileged to see them saw only Light, and not a density of form as evidenced by the peoples walking upon the Earth plane. 

Their service is given on all the Seven Rays - each Ray embodying multitudinous avenues. Have you ever thought to send your Love to the Angels who are in the presence of the mother and incoming child, of the lifestream who is waiting for the Angel of Transition to take them by the hand and assist them over the abyss into the Realms of Light? 

A little contemplation will show you that the Angelic Host render magnificent service to the Earth and her evolution and they will happily enrich your consciousness with their Love of carrying out the Divine Plan. 

I shall be hopefully watching over you as you desire to become co-servers with the Angelic Kingdom.

Love and Blessings,






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