Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 19, No. 11                                                                                                                 June 14, 1970


 Beloved Chelas: 

Let us turn our attention to the God Qualities and their expressions. You will realize that those Qualities and expressions of Virtue are relative. In other words, they are determined by the capacity within the lifestream to release constructively qualified energy from its own momentum of the Quality accrued through the ages to enrich the Universe. 

As an example, the Light released by the Sun is of tremendously greater volume than the Light of a Star. The Law governing creation, however, requires of man that his Virtue fill the Universe according to his capacity. The capacity to serve, to send forth Light, is the determining factor by which the Higher Self and the Spiritual Hierarchy measure the progress, or the retrogression, of the Individual God-Focus within man. 

Neither God nor highly developed man would expect more from any lifestream than his innate capabilities and capacities will allow. Thus the very timid Soul Light of one person might be the best that lifestream can offer, whereas a much larger outpouring of Light from another more evolved and responsible lifestream might fall far short of the minimum requirement of the universal benefit which that lifestream could offer to the Universe to return the balance for Good received. 

No man should try to serve beyond his capacity, for when the balance of the spiritual nature is disturbed, the individual should seek that balance before expending his energy on the altar of humanity. The chela, of course, realizes that it is his personal responsibility to hold that balance and poise through application, thus increasing his capacity to serve. 

The world of form does not require of an infant the balance to life in the form of some constructive service to enrich humanity's cause that is expected from an individual who as achieved his majority and certain benefits of education and mercy have enriched his consciousness. As the adult has expanded his consciousness, he has increased his capacity to serve. 

A moment's introspection will show you that any individual who has received the instruction, radiation and blessings of the Masters has, by accepting such instruction, increased his capacity to serve and such a one becomes responsible to Life for a greater minimum of service than mankind en masse.

Love and Blessings,










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