Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 20, No. 29                                                                                                       Oct. 17, 1971


Chelas of Light: 

0 fill your hearts with the Sacred Essence of Gratitude as you read the message of beloved David Lloyd given at the Transmission Ceremony last evening! 

Beloved David Lloyd speaks:  

Good evenings my friends, a transcendent activity is taking place tonight. May I thank you for your Love of the Light, for your attendance at this Transmission of the Flame Class, for this I am so very grateful. Will you kindly be seated? 

I am so humbly grateful that I am permitted to give you a brief resume of the Holy Activity this evening... Now, travel in consciousness with me to Mount Kosciusko and enter the Temple. This Temple is gigantic in size - about a thousand feet in diameter. As you know, there is an etheric counterpart which has been constructed for the chelas over this Focus. 

The walls are of white marble veined in gold and the four chambers within this Focus are divided for the various elements of Fire, Air, Water and Earth and the divisions have been removed so that we have one gigantic room. When I say that they have been removed, I mean they have receded into the floor and all that remains to show there is a very vapory substance rising about one foot from the floor - similar to the substance of a cloud one would see in the sky. It is extremely beautiful! I would add that the areaway or aisle between the chambers is paved with pure gold! 

In the various sections devoted to the Elements are the Sponsors of the Year. We are being honored by the Presence of our beloved Helios and Vesta, the Fire Element; Beloved Thor and Aries, the Air; Beloved Neptune and Lunara, the Water Element, and Beloved Pelleur and Virgo, the Earth Element. These glorious Beings were in the forefront of each chamber and during the actual ceremony, they were seated upon magnificent white throne chairs - the backs of which were inlaid with precious Jewels representing the Seven Rays. 

The Focus of the Flame is within the central circle, to which the four aisles lead. There are three steps comprising the platform. On the first step during the ceremony was a Deva-rajah representing each of the Elements; on the second tier stood the magnificent Lord Lemuel - what a tremendous Being he is. The Flame itself rushes up from the center of the Earth like a fountain of scintillating Light, through the aperture on the third tier. 

When Lord Lemuel breathed upon that Flame he was scarcely visible because his Light so blended with it, and when he breathed out that Balancing Power to the assembled guests, can you imagine the spectacle of Light - with all the Sponsors of the Year, the Deva-rajahs and a Host of mighty Cosmic Beings! As the Flame rushed forth into the amphitheater it rose to great heights as the glorious music of the Retreat's keynote resounded throughout, and the four glorious Devas carried that Flame all around the Earth, When they completed the first cycle, they were joined by hundreds of devas, all carrying the Essence of the Balancing Activity of the Elements around the Planet.

They are engaged in that service this very instant and will saturate and saturate the Earth and all upon and within it. When you come to the amphitheater this evening, you will see these activities on a cosmic screen which will remain for the entire month. Please remember, beloved ones, that you have all of these elements - tiny elementals - within your own vehicles. Accept, 0 accept this service, and I counsel you to ask for Peace - ask the beloved Elohim of Peace, invoke beloved Surya, to enfold you in the Cosmic Flame of Peace this month especially for there is going to be a tremendous step-up in the vibratory action of your beings. 

Feel the rush - the rush of Power - as these mighty Devas come into this sanctuary - you can scarce accept this thought into your consciousness before they are back again, and remember they will continue this activity all through the month. Dear ones of Light, Harmony is of the essence for all must enter deeply into this Balancing activity of the Elements. It is essential! 

I must tell you that our Lord and King Saint Germain is so grateful this evening, for this is the first time that the chelas have actually entered into a specific service of the Angelic Kingdom, consciously. You know all our Hearts are so thankful, for there is not one son or daughter in Heaven but bows to the Light of beloved Saint Germain! Learn to revere that Holy One as we do. How he loves this sweet Earth; how he loves you; how he loves each tiny elemental - he favors none - all share and share alike, according to your capacity to receive; and your capacity to receive expands according to your Love of the Light. 

Seen with the inner sight, the Light around Holy Mount Kosciusko is magnificent this evening. The mighty Devas are so very grateful that there are those children on Earth who have expressed a desire, a willingness, to cooperate with them. 

Because of the specific activity of this thirty-day period, your sponsors will be your own Seraphim dwelling within your auras. They will escort you nightly to this glorious Retreat and pay you each truly feel their Love. They are Beings of Pure Divine Love - they love to serve your Light, for in serving your Light, they do homage to the Great Cosmic "I AM" Presence, the Source of ALL LIGHT! 

My beloved ones thank you for your attention; thank you for listening to this simple resume. 

Your humble Friend, David Lloyd


My blessed chelas: To serve consciously with the Angelic Kingdom is a great privilege. Show those glorious Devas that you are grateful to maintain a state of Harmony in your beings at all times!

Love and Blessings,







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